Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1683 Xiao Ming's suicide plan

"I have a plan," Xiao Ming explained his plan. "Killing is not the purpose, it is just a means. Halving the population of all races and civilizations is the ultimate goal."

"Nonsense!" General Deathblade waved the strange-shaped war blade in his hand and said, "How can we reduce the population without killing? Do you have to convince them to commit suicide? Stop laughing."

"Yes, yes."*2, Proxima Centauri and Black Dwarf nodded in agreement.

Only Ebony Throat narrowed his eyes and said nothing. His deep eyes showed that he was thinking about the deep meaning of Xiao Ming's words.

The limp Thor, Heimdall, Hulk, and Loki, who had been playing soy sauce, were also paying attention to Xiao Ming's words.

They all realized that the new group was very powerful and could confront Thanos' forces head-on. If you can be on your side, you'd be lucky.

However, this man is now actually discussing the reduction of the population with the big devil Thanos. It seems that he and Thanos are sympathetic to each other. I'm afraid things are about to get worse.

Thor did not dare to speak rashly and attract everyone's attention, so he could only wink at Heimdall secretly.

Heimdall understood it, and when no one was paying attention, he released a rainbow-like magic in his hand, which slid through the Hulk's body and teleported him far away.

His magic actually has a similar function to the Rainbow Bridge, directly transmitting. There is no need to ask about the destination of the teleportation, everyone knows it is the earth.

Of course, when Heimdall used this kind of magic, he had to pay a huge price. Otherwise, there would be no need for Asgard to build the artifact [Rainbow Bridge].

It is likely that Heimdall has been responsible for guarding the Bifrost and has absorbed the energy leaked from the Bifrost over many years, which led to him mastering this magical magic.

This incident happened in a hurry. Except for Xiao Ming, no one expected Heimdall to do such a trick.

In fact, Xiao Ming would have been caught off guard if he hadn't been paying full attention to this area.

All I can say is that it’s good to know the plot. My master Ah Cha has already told Xiao Ming the synopsis of the plot of Avengers 3 and 4. There are many things, so Xiao Ming will pay attention to them in advance.

But he had no intention of stopping it. His negotiations with Thanos may not be successful, and just in case, the superheroes on Earth really need to be notified in advance.

General Deathblade was furious when he saw this. Just as he was about to kill Heimdall, he suddenly felt a strong pressure coming on him. The source is none other than Yin Xiaoming.

This guy suddenly lost his temper. Now was not the time for him to kill at will. Everything had to be decided by the bosses on both sides.

Thanos doesn't care. The people of Earth have lost the protection of the Ancient One Master and the God King Odin. He is confident that he can put down the resistance of all the superheroes + super villains on the earth.

The person who really needed to worry was right in front of him. Thanos signaled to Yin Xiaoming that he could continue, and he was all ears.

"I want to use the Infinity Stones to set a universe-level rule for all intelligent races in the universe. There is an upper limit on the population of a race or civilization.

This upper limit is about 1/2 of the current population. Beyond this limit, the species will not be able to reproduce. The old, weak, sick and disabled of the race will gradually die over time.

When the actual population of the race falls below the upper limit, their reproductive ability will be restored. This will ensure that the population of the universe will not exceed the limit of the universe. "

This is a novel idea. Obsidian Fourth General, you look at me, I look at you, and realize why I have never thought about this before?

Thor, Loki and Heimdall were also shocked by Xiao Ming's idea. Only Xiao Ming's followers were indifferent, because Xiao Ming had an affair with them before coming here.

No wonder everyone at Marvel is shocked. Who would have thought of formulating a universe rule? ! Too courageous.

However, it makes sense if you think about it carefully. The 6 Infinity Stones have existed since the beginning of the universe and possess unlimited power. It does not seem to be a fantasy to say that their combined efforts can formulate a cosmic rule.

Only Thanos smiled bitterly: "Haha, I thought you would have some great ideas. I have thought of similar methods before.

But after I studied the Infinity Stones, I realized that formulating such rules would consume too much on the wish-maker and require huge sacrifices.

If you cannot pay enough price, your wish will not succeed. It's better not to have wishful thinking. With my strength, I simply cannot snap my fingers like this. Not even one-tenth is enough! Although your plan is good, it's a pity that I can't do it..."

"I know you can't do it, so I'll snap the fingers." Yin Xiaoming said calmly, which shocked everyone. Of course, except for my own people.

In just a few minutes, Yin Xiaoming's evaluation in the hearts of the plot characters has been continuously rising. But no one would have thought that this man actually thought he was more than 10 times more powerful than Thanos.

This is too shameless. The four obsidian generals all had expressions of disdain on their faces. Several people in Asgard also found it unbelievable.

Thanos remained calm and composed, and said in his deep and rich voice: "Two questions, one, how do you make me believe that you can really do it. Two, how do you make me believe that after you get the Infinity Gauntlet, you will keep your promise promise."

Thanos' words are very realistic. If you can't make him believe it, even if Xiao Ming tells the truth, he can't change Thanos' mind.

"This is easy. I have a magic spell called [Unbreakable Vow]. You will understand it once you experience it yourself."


"Unbreakable Vow" is a magic spell from the world of "Harry Potter". It is used to make a vow between wizards.

If the vow is broken, the person who breaks it will die. (Xiao Ming thought that if the Infinity Stones could not kill him, maybe this spell could.)

Thanos is really a scholar. He is not unfamiliar with magic, but he does not use it often. Now it is not difficult to learn one more magic.

As Thanos and Silver Xiao Ming held their right hands and made vows one after another, the relationship between the two became closer and the trust between them rose sharply.

It was not only Xiao Ming who needed to swear, but Thanos also had to swear. Xiao Ming also had requirements for him.

First, he had to share the Infinity Gauntlet, Infinity Stones, and all the clues he knew about the Infinity Stones with Xiao Ming honestly.

The second and most important point. After Xiao Ming snapped his fingers and formulated the universe rule of population limit, he could not sit back and relax. There is still a lot of follow-up work to be done.

The situations of different races in the universe are different. The rule set by Xiao Ming may not be suitable for some races.

For these races, they need to be fine-tuned one by one, and this work can be done with Thanos' strength.

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