Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1685 New York Temple

Judging from common sense, [Resurrection] should be a basic ability of a Hades or Hades. This is the conclusion drawn from various folk legends and works of art.

Although the underworld based on the Soul Gem is actually not very different from these legends. However, for Hades-level civil servants, "resurrection" is indeed a very common ability.

Unfortunately, Xiao Ming, the Kuafu Hades (whose level is equivalent to Hades), is a little different. He has been in office for too short a time and has not had time to master "resurrection".

Even to protect his own people, he has to create a unique ability [Death of a Friend, Not Death of a Poor Daoist] to achieve the purpose of resurrection. It can be seen that novices still have many shortcomings.

This time when he came to "Avengers 3" to seek death, my master A Cha fully considered many things for him. He was specially given the ability to resurrect the dead.

All the dead people Xiao Ming met in "Avengers 3", as long as the soul can be recovered and the original body can be repaired, Xiao Ming can bring anyone back to life.

Why give him this ability? Because of this battle, Xiao Ming might have to stand on the opposite side of the justice camp. Maybe he will have to kill good people at some point.

This is not allowed by the identity of Hades. Therefore, he can only prepare in advance to bring the other party back to life. Killing and resurrecting is equivalent to knocking someone out, so it is not really killing.

Being able to play like this is also a special treatment in the civil service system of the underworld. As long as you are fully prepared, you can avoid killing and not lose merit.

When Xiao Ming came to "Avengers 3", it was when Thanos led his men to kill the Asgardians. Even the souls that were killed before had no time to be put into the underworld of this world.

So the souls of these dead people were automatically collected by Xiao Ming into his own soul world-Kunlun, and were not sent to the underworld of Kuafu to judge reincarnation. It is normal for Xiao Ming to resurrect them at this time.

With this change, Asgard owed Xiao Ming a great favor, and there was no reason to stand on the opposite side of him anyway.

For this reason, even Loki, who has always been in an unclear camp and unpredictable mind, willingly presented the Cosmic Cube to the leader Yin Xiaoming.

"Bang!" Loki was hit hard by his brother Thor. If it weren't for the deep brotherly love, Thor would have wanted to electrocute him to death.

The Cosmic Cube containing the Space Gem was moved to many places and finally kept by Asgard.

At the time of Ragnarok, Loki went to the Asgard treasury to do business and took it out. He hasn't told his brother yet.

Loki can be said to be the culprit of the attack on the Asgard refugee group. If he didn't take the Space Gem, Thanos would find the gem in the ruins of Asgard.

There would be no pursuit of the refugee group, let alone killing so many Asgard subjects. No wonder Thor would be angry with his brother.

Thanos didn't care about the fight between the two brothers, and Xiaoming smiled. They still have business to do.

Xiao Ming and Thanos have signed an [Unbreakable Vow] and trust each other very much.

He crushed the Cosmic Cube and threw the Space Stone inside to Thanos. Thanos then embedded it in the Infinity Gauntlet.

At this stage, Xiao Ming himself has no use for the Infinity Stones, but it is more effective when placed in Thanos' hands.

In the original book, Ebony Maw should have a wonderful flattering segment at this time. However, in this life, in front of Xiao Ming and his party, as well as everyone in Asgard, he really couldn't bring himself to do it.

Thanos discussed with Xiao Ming, and the two legions took joint action and divided their troops into several routes. Heading to different locations...

Marvel Universe-Earth-American Traitor-New York Temple, Doctor Strange and Master Wang were walking down the stairs and chatting.

Doctor Strange asked, "Honestly, you don't have any money at all?"

Wang replied proudly, "Attachment to material things is a disconnect from the spirit."

"I'll tell the people in the delicatessen this sentence, maybe they can make you a metaphysical black bread ham sandwich."

"Wait, I think I have two hundred." Wang seemed to have thought of something, and took out some money from his pocket.

"Doctor Strange?"


"How much is that?"

"One dollar and a half."

Doctor Strange was completely speechless. It seemed that he had to pay for the meal himself: "What do you want to eat?"

Wang rubbed his hands happily and replied, "I won't say no to a tuna sandwich."

At this moment, a colorful light crossed countless light years and directly penetrated the ceiling of the New York Temple, smashing the stairs behind the two wizards. The two wizards were so scared that they crouched down to defend themselves.

When they looked back quickly, they saw that the stairs had been hit by a big hole in the light. Dr. Bruce Banner at the bottom of the hole was only wearing shorts and looked quite embarrassed.

His first words were, "Thanos is coming. He has allies. ... They are coming."

Doctor Strange and Master Wang looked at each other, and asked Dr. Banner in confusion, "Who?"

...After a while, another master appeared in the New York Temple. It was Doctor Strange who brought Iron Man Tony Stark. The four of them worked together to study the problem of resisting Thanos.

Master Wang first gave Tony a brief introduction to the Infinity Stones. The Infinity Stones in the Marvel Universe appeared with the birth of the Big Bang. They were refined from the essence of six singularities that contained infinite energy before the Big Bang. They have unparalleled power.

Collecting all six gems can even have a huge impact or change on the universe. Thanos also saw this point and had the idea of ​​collecting them. On the contrary, people who are not so ambitious will not do this.

Asgard once had more than one Infinity Gem, but Odin felt that it was too dangerous to put multiple gems together. He only dared to keep one and gave the others to other strong men for safekeeping.

Dr. Banner was sent back to Earth by Heimdall early, so he didn't know what the position of Xiao Ming and his group was.

Because when he was beaten, this group of people just watched the fun and didn't help. Banner instinctively guarded against them.

When he told Doctor Strange, Iron Man and others, the meaning of his words was that Xiao Ming and his group of newly emerged strong men were likely to stand on the side of Thanos.

Banner clearly remembered that he had heard that the other party was discussing with Thanos the feasibility of reducing the population of the universe by half.

If you are on the side of the justice camp, you shouldn't discuss such a crazy plan with Thanos at all.

Thanos alone is enough to make the superheroes on Earth feel like they are facing a formidable enemy. Now there is another group of opponents who are as strong as Thanos.

Both Doctor Strange and Iron Man feel that they are in great danger.

Let me clarify that Doctor Strange knows something about Thanos. There are relevant records in Kamar-Taj. The confusion when he saw Dr. Banner was just because he didn't remember it for a while.

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