Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1692 The difficult journey to higher education

Xiao Ming doesn’t really take life and death seriously. Although everyone is afraid of death, there are not many people who pursue immortality.

Everyone tries to live as long as possible, and when the day comes, that’s it. No one thinks they should be immortal.

Xiao Ming gets various energy sources and improves his own strength, more for fun. In his opinion, reincarnation space, magic planet, martial arts planet, these are all very interesting games. It is more important to have fun.

And the premise of having fun is to have strong strength. Without strong strength, Xiao Ming can’t open the hidden tasks related to Saint Seiya in the game recently.

Fortunately, his mentality is okay. Otherwise, with the sudden increase in strength, Xiao Ming will easily embark on the path of pursuing becoming a pseudo-god. That would be really troublesome.

On the road of energy, Xiao Ming has just sprouted the seeds of energy and is still a "primary school student who has not graduated". It is also the easiest time to go the wrong way and do the wrong thing.

Once he goes too far on the wrong path, his source energy seeds will also disappear.

In fact, there are countless elementary school students on this road. Because of the great temptation from the outside world, they failed to keep their original intentions and their source energy seeds dissipated. The "graduation rate" of source energy primary schools can be said to be extremely low.

Take Xiao Ming for example. We know that the source energy he had at the beginning was not much at all. It was good enough to play a role once every few days, and the power would not be too great.

It was because of his contact with the magic planet game that he could do a lot of things with a small amount of source energy. With more training, his source energy increased.

It didn't matter at this point, because the magic planet game would not feed back to Xiao Ming's source energy. The nine-tailed fox and others were lacking energy.

Until he entered the reincarnation space and established a relationship with the Thousand Stars Tower, the two sides exchanged source energy seeds. Only then did he start his extraordinary path.

Since then, Xiao Ming's growth has almost come from receiving a large number of rewards from the reincarnation space, which made his source energy stronger and stronger. By chance, it became more and more.

Every time Xiao Ming gets a reward from the reincarnation space, his greed grows. He wants to get more rewards and improve his strength. From here on, his path has gone astray.

This is the case with the "primary school student" true spirit. It is not stable enough, and it is normal to be led astray by desire.

The source energy at the primary school level is not enough to maintain its own consumption. The true spirit with the source energy seed still has to ask for energy from the outside world.

This kind of demand will naturally affect the concept of the true spirit. If you are not careful, you will "degenerate" and completely lose the source energy seed.

As long as you pass this level, you can enter junior high school and reach the level of Xiao Zhu. At this time, the source energy seed of the true spirit is basically stable and can maintain its own consumption. No need to eat.

In fact, the source energy junior high school students are also quite pitiful. They have given up the demand for the outside world, but the energy they generate is very little, which causes him to minimize activities and reduce consumption.

However, many times, junior high school students still cannot avoid death. Being able to maintain their own consumption does not mean that they will not die of old age. I will have to continue to live like this in the next life...

This stage is also an extremely long process. Although it is much shorter than the primary school stage, it is more difficult to endure.

Primary school students can eat, drink water and breathe air. The concept of "not asking for anything" is not so firm, and they can still enjoy life.

But the true souls of junior high school students no longer ask for anything from the outside world. They can't enjoy any life and will endure it very hard. Only those with great perseverance can't persist.

After surviving junior high school, you will naturally go to high school. High school students have much more source energy and can really take the initiative to do something.

Xiao Zhu suspects that the Heaven, the Underworld, and the Dragon Palace are actually projects done by the true souls of high school students.

The intentions of the projects are all very good. Needless to say, the Heaven and the Underworld, the reincarnation space managed by the Dragon Palace also has a great regulatory effect on the world.

Because what the reincarnation space does is actually to put shackles on power.

Before there was a reincarnation space, people with power were often those who took the path of false gods. Their desires caused them to cause considerable damage to the world.

Powerful pseudo-gods can even eat planes one by one as snacks.

Therefore, the reincarnation space gathers all supernatural energy into its own system. If a person wants to gain power, the fastest way is to become a reincarnator and earn rewards from the reincarnation space.

But the rewards given by the space are sugar-coated bullets. It is true that the reincarnator has gained power, but he is also deeply bound by the reincarnation space.

His strength, personality, combat quality, and various habits, big and small, are all clearly understood by the reincarnation space.

If it is found that this reincarnation is not right, the reincarnation space can completely pit him to death in the reincarnation world.

Or send the civil servants of the reincarnation space-the dragon warriors, to deal with him.

Of course, the real task of the dragon warriors is to recycle the energy released by the reincarnation space. It is mainly to recycle those private worlds that have been exchanged by the reincarnations and then no one manages.

A perfect circulation system with release and recovery has been formed. Through the replacement of generations of reincarnations, the operation mode of the world is regulated.

Just like Pangu Star, the top powerhouses here are basically reincarnations, and they are all the kind of powerhouses whose values ​​are not too distorted and can be recognized by the reincarnation space.

These strong men are the highest fighting force of Pangu Star. They will subtly influence their families and friends, and indirectly constrain the social atmosphere of Pangu Star World.

Xiao Ming is a VIP, and the reincarnation space does not assign him tasks, so he does not feel the regulatory effect of the reincarnation space.

Imagine that the reincarnator is wandering in countless reincarnation worlds. When he does tasks that tend to be just, he often wins and gets rewards.

If he does tasks in the direction of evil, the probability of failure will be very high, resulting in all the investment being wasted.

Such things happen over and over again. Do you think it will have a subtle influence on his style of doing things? Most people will.

However, this kind of restraint is limited. Pangu Star is not a paradise on earth, and all kinds of sins still exist widely. It's just that compared with the earth, the social order of Pangu Star is much better.

As for the works of high school students, it's good to be able to do this. What else do you want?

Of course, the three "high school students" who created the heaven, the underworld, and the Dragon Palace are probably true spirits from intelligent creatures. Only then will they work hard in this aspect.

If it is the kind of high school student true spirit whose origin is stone, sand, magma, sea, meteorite, shooting star, etc., their project is likely to be something else. It has basically nothing to do with Xiao Ming, and Xiao Ming may not understand their project at all.

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