Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 171 The Cat-torturing High Priest

Lan Yurou's white feet came into close contact with a furry orange face.

If time could stop at this moment, it would be an elegant picture of a beauty playing with a cat.

The thick orange fur of the big cat and the crystal-like skin of the beauty complement each other and are very pleasing to the eye.

But the next second, the large cat, which was more than ten feet long, let out a shrill howl and suddenly changed its direction, from rushing forward to flying sideways.

It broke four big trees along the way, and finally hit a big rock with a bang, and the rock shattered.

The big cat's body fell softly on the grass and twitched, blood splattered, and it was unknown whether it was dead or alive.

Xiao Ming couldn't help shaking his head and sighing again. He had seen too many such scenes along the way and had become accustomed to it.

When he saw it for the first time, Xiao Ming touched his butt and was afraid. If she had just used a little more force when kicking herself, she would have fallen apart long ago.

Isn't it said that the instincts of wild animals are very accurate? Why do they keep coming up to die?

Is this fat on my body so attractive? Or are the beasts here all gourmets who can't resist seeing the fresh "ingredients"?

In fact, it can only be said that Lan Yurou controls her breath very well, so that the beasts cannot detect her strength.

In Xiao Ming's opinion, the way she restrains her breath is similar to the application of "absolute" in the ability of mind.

"Absolute" tends to eliminate the sense of one's existence; she tends to conceal her true combat power.

Of course, the strength of the 5th level is also limited, and she can only send the explorer to the middle of the mountain. There are 3 or 5 caves for Xiao Ming to choose to enter.

High Priest Lan himself has to go higher, and only her battlefield is the main battlefield for the races to fight. Others are just here to play soy sauce.

Of course, if the game continues according to the program, the NPC will not create surprises. The real variable is still the players.

Time is running out, and the beauty continues to move up the mountain. Before leaving, she left her breath here.

Don't think wrongly, it's not the body fragrance of a girl, but the deterrence of a 5th-level strongman. Suppress the weak monsters around.

Xiao Ming was given 10 minutes to choose. After 10 minutes, the human breath of level 5 is likely to attract monsters of similar size.

Xiao Ming wandered back and forth in front of several cave entrances. First, he used telekinesis to observe the life energy.

Then he used the air-watching technique learned from the informant to check the death breath for a while.

But in Xiao Ming's eyes, there was still no obvious difference between the several cave entrances. The depths of the cave are really invisible.

And Xiao Ming is not completely ignorant of divination and other abilities. It's not easy to deal with. I can only rely on luck.

Without hesitation, Xiao Ming chose a cave entrance that looked relatively large and crouched down to get in.

After only a dozen steps forward, the cave was already very dark. Relying on the help of telekinesis "condensation", Xiao Ming did not light a torch.

Driving "Jue" and "Yuan", groping in the dark, he advanced about a hundred meters, and the passage gradually opened up. The march was not as strenuous as at the beginning.

If you light a torch, you will inevitably attract a lot of attacks. The creatures in the dark cave are very sensitive to light and heat.

Many of them are ambush-type creatures, they hide themselves. Ambush those prey that accidentally walk to them.

Even if Xiao Ming activates "Circle" to detect, there will be a few creatures that slip through the net. (The kind that is particularly good at hiding its own breath.)

Fortunately, the explorer who activated "Absolute" almost completely eliminated his sense of existence.

As inconspicuous as a stone. With this characteristic, Xiao Ming avoided possible ambushes again and again.

And those predators discovered by Xiao Ming's circle have long lost the possibility of sneak attacking the explorer.

It's just that sometimes the narrow terrain of the passage restricts the explorer's movement, forming some natural and dangerous terrain suitable for ambushes.

Such places are almost certainly dangerous. And even if Xiao Ming knew it in advance, it would be difficult to make a suitable response.

Fortunately, due to the surge in mental power, his Absolute has been used to the fullest. Even the insects that have crawled on him will not bite him. So he passed without any danger.

In the past, Xiao Ming's ability to read must not have been so powerful, and the journey to the reincarnation space did benefit him a lot.

After drilling in the cave for about half an hour, he suddenly saw a bright light in front of him and came to a very spacious space.

How spacious is it? It is much larger than the office of Long Aotian Studio in reality. It is like a small park.

Xiao Ming jumped down and landed on the ground silently. (It was less than 2 meters above the ground and could not make much sound.)

Looking around the cave, there were dozens of passages of different sizes on the surrounding rock walls, like dozens of doors and windows, and I didn't know where they led.

Looking back at the passage I drilled through, it was no different from the other "doors and windows". I quickly made a mark so that I wouldn't find it when I came back.

There were several trickles flowing down from several of the passages, converging together, making a large stream in the cave. It provided an important source of water for this place.

The rock walls on all four sides of the cave glowed with light. Those were some magical plants that could emit light, making the light in the cave as bright as the outside world.

Just like the situation on the seabed, this was a favor given to the players by the game system.

The dark test in front is just for fun, and players must not always be kept in the dark. Otherwise, it is easy to discourage players.

With light and water, the cave naturally forms its own ecosystem, and it really forms a small park.

There are sparse vegetation growing on the surface and surrounding walls, mostly small shrubs and fungi. Among them are those luminous plants.

With plants, a food chain can be supported, and the park is naturally indispensable for various insects and small animals.

Many of the people who ambushed in the passage before were relatives and friends of these guys. Some of them are actually very cute.

Xiao Ming is very happy. He finally found a place where he can make some serious plans and arrangements.

As soon as he entered the game today, he was taken out by the high priest who stayed at home.

(I wanted to pull the dead and the divers to do the task together.)

So he didn't have time to sort out the changes in his combat power. Now he finally found the right time and place.

First, Xiao Ming summoned the hot-blooded Nezha, and then Maomaoer followed him in. The computing power of this little fox is exactly what Xiao Ming needs.

Maomaoer returned to Pangu Star and reconnected to the original hardware. The powerful computing power was immediately restored.

At this time, the computing power that possessed Hot-blooded Nezha was only a part of Maomaoer's computing power, which was equivalent to a "clone".

Xiao Ming spent a lot of effort to make a clone, but Maomaoer did it easily.

It has to be said that artificial intelligence is better than humans in this regard.

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