Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 192 Total Annihilation

When Zhao Yun rushed out again, the green grass by the river had just fallen to the ground. Three aliens, one big and two small, were sweeping the rear team.

"Yan Shang Luo Bai" spurted blood and was knocked into the air; "Mei Xin Wei Liang" had broken bones and was stepped on;

"Zeng Ran Hong Chen" was slashing at an alien with a sword, but judging from the speed, it should have been knocked away before the slash.

The battle on the front team was over, and the four-member Wang Ba group fell to the ground and were being killed by two aliens.

According to the four-member group, they cooperated well and with the strength of four people, they resisted the siege of up to 6 monsters.

After a fierce battle of half an hour, they were outnumbered and defeated, and they also killed 2 monsters during the period.

This is completely nonsense! Zhao Yun saw with his own eyes that they could only hold on for a few seconds at most, and there were only 2 aliens attacking them. This statement is completely unbelievable.

But these four guys insisted that this was the case, and insisted that Zhao Yun was dazzled and saw it wrong...

Zhao Dashuai was helpless and had to skip this part. But he would definitely not report the nonsense of the four-man group to Long Wu.

The survival time of the players on both sides does not depend on the number of their numbers or the level of their strength; it only depends on the distance and how long the alien needs to run.

As long as they catch up, there will be no one to fight. The gap in strength is too big.

At this moment, it is not Zhao Yun's turn to consider which side he should save. Because the alien Lao Wu who got in last is charging at him.

The blue and excellent iron spear that Zhao Yun has been using has just been broken by Lao Shi.

At this moment, Zhao Yun took out a green and excellent iron spear from his backpack and took the initiative.

He turned a small half circle in the air and swept Lao Wu's upper body to the left with a sweep;

He jumped back and opened up the distance to avoid being besieged.

He took three steps back, stepped back with his right foot, kicked the rock wall hard, and rushed forward to meet the alien No. 5 who had just rushed in.

He stretched out his arms, and aimed his spear at the alien's head, trying to break through with force.

The instinct of wild animals is to avoid sharp objects. No. 5 jumped to the side, but lost the initiative.

Zhao Yun stepped up and followed, and pointed his spear continuously, forcing the alien to retreat three steps.

No. 5's tail swung over; Zhao Yun was quick-eyed and quick-handed, and blocked it with his spear, and retreated seven or eight steps.

Suddenly, a strong wind hit his head, and Zhao Yun leaned back with his upper body, and did an iron bridge.

It was the alien No. 4 who had just come over, and seeing the meat was at his mouth, he stretched his head to bite it, but Zhao Yun dodged it.

But Zhao Yun could no longer avoid the tail swung by No. 2 who arrived with his feet.

Brother Yun risked his injury, took the power of this tail, and rolled out 7 or 8 feet away with blood, pulling away from the aliens.

Looking at the three aliens rushing at him, Zhao Yun knew that he would not be spared today. A resolute look appeared on his bloodstained face.

Closing your eyes and waiting for death is not the style of a warrior. Even if we are defeated, we must bravely move forward.

Zhao Yun pulled out another iron spear from his backpack, shook it, and rushed forward...

After this long storytelling, the room was silent, and everyone was infected by the scene at that time.

Except for Datang Zhao Yun, the others died too quickly, and only a flash of memory.

At this time, listening to Zhao Yun's summary, everyone felt a different taste.

Miss Jiu also lamented that she was offline too early. ——In fact, the difference between the two was no more than 3 minutes.

Unlike the storytelling-style post-war summary of the Datang Guild, Xiao Ming also made a post-war summary in his mind.

However, his method was to replay the short movie. Editing what the alien children saw and heard together is also a good short story.

When I saw Qingqinghebiancao and Youyoutianbulao, I felt a little familiar, as if I had seen them somewhere.

But the alien didn't look at his face carefully, so the other party's face in the image was blurry, and since he couldn't see his name, Xiao Ming couldn't figure out who he was.

I was very impressed with Zhao Yun. He was able to fight against an almost level 3 alien for a long time with a 2nd level 0 player character, which was amazing!

At a glance, it can be seen that he should be using the spear technique, one of the Chinese martial arts.

As for which school of spear technique, haha, how can Xiao Ming know that?

This martial art is really amazing. Zhao Yun was able to deal with it for so long despite such a huge difference in strength.

If there was only one alien, I'm afraid he couldn't take him down at all, and he might even be killed.

But I'm a cultivator, and I'm no worse than you. Xiao Ming launched the otaku's ultimate move - Ah Q spirit in time.

Some combat skills in the game, such as sword techniques and staff techniques, look very similar to Chinese martial arts.

But Xiao Ming can feel that there is an essential difference between them.

The skills in the game, even physical skills such as swordsmanship and staff skills, consume magic power to truly exert their power.

So even if ordinary players learn in the game, they cannot use it in reality. They don't have Zhang Xiaoming's source energy.

If you want to use it, you can go to the Yanhuang Three Star System, where the magic power is relatively strong.

After soaking for a period of time, let the magic power penetrate into your body, then you will have the opportunity to use the skills in the game.

Chinese martial arts have nothing to do with magic power. Ordinary people can also use it.

But in the dark, Xiao Ming feels that Chinese martial arts are not that simple, and there should be some kind of power to cooperate with Chinese martial arts.

As for which kind it is, Xiao Ming suspected that it was spiritual energy, but unfortunately he couldn't test it. Xiao Ming has no shortage of spiritual energy, but he doesn't know martial arts!

And he doesn't know where to learn it. Shaolin Temple? Wudang Mountain? These are all fictions, and it's hard to tell the truth from the false!

Besides, with spiritual energy almost cut off today, how many real martial arts can be passed down, Xiao Ming doesn't know! It's better not to get entangled in this matter.

And Xiao Ming really has no confidence in himself, he doesn't think he can bear that hardship.

At this time, the explorer's body has recovered more than half, so Xiao Ming canceled the uniform nurse.

Sitting up, looking at Lan Yurou who fell in a pool of blood not far away.

The ascetic suit on her body has been soaked in blood and turned black and red.

Generally speaking, the system will automatically clean the game equipment regularly.

This is to give players a better gaming experience. Imagine:

If the armor worn by the player is spotless no matter how hard he tries.

That would be unrealistic. Players don't like it.

But if you pursue realism, players have to wipe the armor with their own hands to make it clean. This will also make players unhappy.

So the game is set up so that when not in combat, the equipment will be automatically cleaned regularly. (About 1-2 hours.)

But the blood on Lan Yurou's body has never been cleaned. Xiao Ming is shocked to see it.

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