Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 199 Xiao Ming's clone technique

Transformation Technique: It can transform into another person's appearance, or even into an object. This ninjutsu is quite practical.

The disadvantage is that it is relatively low-end. Xiao Ming's Condensation and Circle can easily see through the transformation. Because the transformation technique cannot change life energy.

And Xiao Ming believes that even in the world of Naruto, the transformation technique will not be able to deceive people casually.

Even if there is no plug-in-like Nen ability like Xiao Ming, if you observe carefully, the transformation technique will be exposed due to some small details. Otherwise, there will be chaos in the world.

This ninjutsu can only be used in emergencies. It is unlikely to replace another person for a long time.

The clone technique is even more interesting. The ninja uses chakra to create one or more clones to assist the main body in fighting.

The clone has certain combat capabilities, but the existence time is limited. It is over when the chakra is exhausted.

In fact, most clones are used as cannon fodder and blown up by the enemy before the chakra is exhausted.

Xiao Ming feels that this ninjutsu has similarities with the puppet technique and the summoning of the dead in the magic planet. In fact, it is more like a beast of mind.

All these skills require the creation of a clone's body: in terms of duration, the body created by the clone technique with chakra cannot last long.

The bodies obtained by puppetry and undead summoning can exist for a long time.

But in terms of adaptability, it is slow to create puppets on site, and it takes time to summon undead soldiers on site; and materials need to be prepared.

The clone technique consumes less energy and takes less time. As long as there is chakra, it is enough. It is very similar to the mind beast, and no materials are required.

But the disadvantage of the mind beast is that it consumes more energy. The advantage is that different mind beasts have different abilities. The clone is mediocre.

In terms of operating difficulty, clones, puppets, and undead soldiers all have certain combat intelligence and can be commanded by the master.

But this intelligence is usually quite general, like a fixed computer program. The better ones can be close to artificial intelligence.

The average intelligence level of mind beasts is higher than that of clones and puppets. In comparison, it is more like human intelligence.

Because the foundation of mind beasts is actually the seeds of human secondary personality.

Each mind beast has a different level of intelligence, and it is not limited to combat. Therefore, the application of mind beasts is more extensive.

Comparing the advantages and disadvantages of various skills. Xiao Ming intends to combine the characteristics of magic and mind power to transform and upgrade the clone technique.

He intends to develop a new set of ninjutsu - uniform clone series. The plan is to design a ninjutsu clone for each uniform mind beast.

According to the different materials, it is divided into three categories: chakra clone, puppet clone, and undead clone.

After all, Xiao Ming must show his strength to fight in the Naruto Secret Realm.

But in the Naruto Secret Realm, it would be strange if he didn't cause trouble if he directly used mind beasts, puppets or undead, these non-ninjutsu skills.

So Xiao Ming racked his brains to find a way to "localize" his strength.

Mixing or converting magic and mind abilities into ninjutsu is a good way.

This path is in line with Xiao Ming's habits and appetite, and it is not difficult to develop.

Soon, the first type of [nurse clone] has been developed. ——At any time, saving life is the first priority. This is Xiao Ming's principle.

At this time, the test of grabbing the bell has ended. As expected, Tenten, Neji, and Xiao Li were recognized by Might Guy.

Tenming jumped over in time and sent a nurse chakra clone to heal the three little cockroaches.

This is a bit amazing. The clone technique can actually play such a trick. The four people praised Tenming's imagination in unison.

Teacher Kai even immediately summoned an Anbu and ordered him to quickly report this matter to the third generation.

Xiao Ming felt a little depressed. ——Don't you feel that this clone is very attractive? Look at this uniform, this white silk...

He is throwing a wink to the blind. Neji rolled his eyes. His aesthetic taste for girls is probably very different from the public aesthetic taste.

Xiao Li and Kai are both patients with advanced straight male cancer. They never care about women's clothes and dressing.

Tenten, on the other hand, is a little interested in stockings. But he also has a little contempt for his cousin's character.

The most important thing is that the three little cockroaches are only 12 years old now. They are not old enough yet.

Fortunately, Mr. Kai saw the broad prospects of this ninjutsu. Neji probably felt it too.

If every ninja in Konoha could learn this ninjutsu, it would be like having a medical ninja with them. Its strategic value is simply immeasurable.

No wonder Mr. Kai sent out the Anbu to contact the village's supreme ruler at the first time.

After listening to the report from the Anbu, the Sandaime hurriedly looked over with the telescope technique, and then two nosebleeds sprayed on the crystal ball...

The nosebleed delayed the Sandaime for a while, and when he arrived at the training ground.

The head of the Tian family, the head of the Hyuga family, and Danzo of the root had already arrived with a few followers.

This was only on the surface. How many high-level members of the family came secretly, probably only Sarutobi Hiruzen could tell clearly.

The arrival of the Sandaime interrupted the fight between the head of the Tian family and Danzo.

Danzo, the old sinister man, arrived first, and at that time he even wanted to force Tianming to the root directly. He was stopped by Mr. Kai.

Might Guy knew that Tenmei was the private army of the Ten family, and in principle, Danzo had no right to recruit Tenmei.

And Kai also hated Danzo very much, so of course he would not allow him to take Tenmei away.

Then the arrival of Hyuga Hiashi, the head of the Hyuga family, completely put an end to Danzo's idea.

The head of the Amagi family was the third to arrive. The strength of the Amagi family is in manufacturing and production, and their achievements in ninjutsu are relatively low.

The fighting power of the Amagi family head, Tenka, is only at the level of an ordinary jonin.

However, the hired followers are almost all at the level of elite jonin. There is no way, who can blame them for being rich.

While arguing with Danzo, Tenka secretly blamed Tenming in his heart. If you have this ability, don't use it outside.

If only the people of the Amagi saw it at the scene, the benefits that can be fought for would be huge. Now it's just a matter of seeing it.

But Tenming is a child who is "unworldly", and Tenka can't blame him.

This is also Xiaoming's purpose. He doesn't have time to wait for the Amagi to slowly operate this matter. The best way is to expose it directly to the sun.

In this way, Xiaoming's own interests and safety are most guaranteed.

After seeing the ability of the nurse's chakra clone, these top figures also tacitly understand what the value is.

The only thing we don't know is how difficult this ninjutsu is. To what extent can it be promoted. This also directly affects its price.

The Sandaime called the elders of Konoha, the clan leaders of each clan, and the top combat forces to the conference room.

Let's study together how to deal with this matter.

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