Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 217 Special Game Assistant

"Please let me answer your question." A voice suddenly appeared in the personal space.

Xiao Ming and Maomaoer followed the voice and looked over. They saw a beautiful woman in ancient green clothes standing there.

"Who are you?" Xiao Ming frowned into the shape of the word "chuan", a little confused.

How could there be an extra person in the personal space of the game? And a beautiful woman.

Could it be that his ability to read has inexplicably developed a new project?

"I am your special game assistant-Longnu, a lady under the seat of Guanyin Bodhisattva."

"Oh, a 'special' game assistant." Xiao Ming emphasized the word special, "So you are matched with the special game warehouse? Right?"

"Yes, sir."

"Then why didn't you show up last time?" Maomaoer interrupted.

...Longnu didn't respond at all. She didn't even look at Maomaoer. So embarrassing.

Xiao Ming was about to say something, but Maomaoer suddenly understood. "I know, brother, she can't see me."

"Huh?" Xiao Ming didn't understand.

"I am attached to your consciousness and soul, so I can see her. But she is just an intelligent program, she can't recognize my existence."

"Really? No, you can appear in reality and communicate with others..."

"In reality, it's because I consumed energy and produced images and sounds. But the personal space is actually a game computer system that creates an electronic space.

Your spirit entered this space through brain waves and other signals, and I followed in.

If it is the electronic space controlled by my mother, she can recognize me and recognize me. But this electronic space does not belong to my mother, it can't recognize me."

"Stop," Xiao Ming interrupted Maomaoer's words. Although he barely understood what he meant, he was confused again if he thought about it carefully.

"OK, she can't see you, I know. Then I'll ask her." Xiao Ming didn't want to continue listening to Maomaoer's theoretical class.

After that, the communication between Xiao Ming and Longnv was relatively smooth.

The last time Longnv didn't appear, it was because Xiao Ming didn't ask any questions. Longnv will only appear when the customer takes the initiative to ask questions.

This time, Xiao Ming asked about the progress.

In fact, Xiao Ming was asking Maomaoer. But the dragon girl couldn't see Maomaoer, so she thought she was asking herself, so she showed up.

So what is the progress? This is related to the setting of the secret realm. It is similar to the archive of RPG games.

Like the secret realm of Captain America 1, it belongs to a single-player secret realm or a team secret realm.

The system divides the secret realm plot into different progress according to different plot nodes.

For each plot progress, the player must achieve a certain achievement before entering the next progress. Otherwise, the player will have to enter this plot repeatedly.

Of course, it can't be like this all the time. If the player is stuck in a certain progress and can't get through. The game experience is too bad.

So the system has a supplementary setting. When a certain number of players pass a progress, this progress will be open to the public.

Players who have not passed can also skip this progress. Of course, if you skip it, you won't get the reward for this progress.

It's still a more humane setting. But this time Xiao Ming doesn't plan to skip progress 1.

Like most players, Xiao Ming still doesn't know what happened in Progress 1.

In fact, at this time, he didn't know that this secret realm was something he had experienced before.

It wasn't until Xiao Ming really entered the secret realm that he realized that it looked familiar.

In 1943, during the Second World War in the United States. Back then, Xiao Ming entered this secret realm for the first time.

Confused by these unfamiliar terms, Xiao Ming only understood what was going on after he came into contact with "Far Island Strange Man".

This time, he chose to be a special forces soldier, and the character's quality was much better than that of ordinary people. He hadn't seen this option last time.

Maybe it was because it was a special game cabin; maybe it was because Xiao Ming's own strength had improved; in short, this time there was an additional option.

"Private First Class Brady, you are responsible for guarding this position." A man who looked like an officer gave orders to Xiao Ming's character.

"Yes, sir." Xiao Ming replied habitually. Then he stood still, holding a semi-automatic firearm in his hand, staring at the bottom with a sharp gaze.

This is a laboratory. The area in the middle is the experimental area. A dozen researchers are fiddling with various instruments.

The soldiers around, armed with live ammunition, stand on the second floor to guard the experimental area.

In a special observation room on the second floor, there are many people in suits and leather shoes, and several officers are talking.

Through the circle, Xiao Ming also found that this laboratory is actually built inside a store. It seems to be a secret laboratory.

There are many plainclothes dressed as ordinary people outside, all carrying weapons. Protecting this area.

But soon, Xiao Ming found something wrong. One of the people in suits has a very problematic aura. It can be said that he is full of malice.

And among the plainclothes outside, there are also several people who are obviously malicious. They should not be in their group.

If they are not in the same group, they must be here to make trouble.

What kind of experiment is this? What is worth making trouble for? When Xiao Ming was thinking, he suddenly found an acquaintance in the crowd.

A small guy. Xiao Ming had seen this small guy on the training ground when he came to this secret realm last time.

This time, Xiao Ming discovered that among all the people present, it was this thinnest guy who possessed the purest life energy.

And from what everyone said, it seemed that they wanted to use some method to make this small guy stronger.

Combined with the name of this secret realm - Captain America 1, Xiao Ming guessed that after this small guy was strengthened, he would probably be the so-called Captain America, right?

Xiao Ming decided to help a person with such pure life energy.

But Xiao Ming was just a private first class, and his words were not taken seriously. Even if he said it, I'm afraid no one would believe it.

So Xiao Ming decided to take action himself. Everyone's eyes were focused on the experimental area, and no one paid attention to Xiao Ming, a private first class.

Xiao Ming silently used the telepathic ability "Jue" to eliminate his own sense of existence. Let these people pay even less attention to him.

Then he quietly left his original position step by step.

Agent Carter was more sensitive, and actually had the opportunity to discover his abnormality.

Unfortunately, Carter was so focused on the experiment and Steve Rogers' situation that he didn't pay attention to the right place.

Not to mention the character operated by Xiao Ming - Private First Class Brady Dane; even that malicious spy, Carter didn't notice anything. Dereliction of duty.

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