Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 249 Newcomer to the team

With Xiao Ming's frequent use of the two source energies, and the analysis carried out by the Nine-tailed Fox.

Xiao Ming feels that Yuan Neng seems to have the ability to create the world.

The reason is also very simple, it can create matter and energy. Then it should be possible to create a world.

But at Xiao Ming's current level, he is still far away from creating the world... Only the devil knows how far it is!

Although Xiao Ming encounters many strange encounters. He doesn't think he can achieve even one ten thousandth of it in this life. And he has no interest in creating the world.

Simply knowing that he has awesome abilities is enough for Xiao Ming, an otaku.

It's enough to make him stink when he's fine. As for wanting to stand out and be admired by thousands of people, Xiao Ming doesn't have that spare time.

***At this time, Xiao Ming and Nine-Tailed Fox didn’t know that the Magic Planet game actually had a deep relationship with source energy. It's just that the two of them are not at the same level, so they are still kept in the dark for the time being. ***

With full joy, Xiao Ming exited the Matrix world.

Once again, we came to the white room where all reincarnations will arrive after the mission is over. Just call it the mission settlement space.

The time spent by reincarnators in the world of reincarnation is equal to 0 relative to normal time and space.

Therefore, a total of 6 temporary reincarnations, including Xiao Ming and Kraken, actually appeared in the mission settlement space almost at the same time.

After arriving at the settlement space, Xiao Ming immediately received the reward from the reincarnation space.

Not to mention the score, Xiao Ming’s score has been locked at 100 points.

No matter how many benefits Xiao Ming gets in the world of The Matrix, or how high a rating he gets, they will all be converted into source energy.

So all the useful rewards were put into Guangmingding by Xiao Ming, ready to be secretly transported to Pangu Planet.

Including Wisteria Armor, Hyakki Box, test mecha, hacker ore, a large number of machine wreckage, and machines that use hacker ore to create energy blocks.

In addition to the 4 major categories of skills Xiao Ming downloaded, the spiritual power improved by the prophet. Xiao Ming didn’t have many rewards left this time.

Therefore, in Xiao Ming's consciousness, the green energy saplings only grew about 7 or 8 centimeters taller.

On the contrary, the silver source has grown by about 12 to 13 centimeters. It’s a bit surprising, can even the silver source energy in the reincarnation space help?

Could it be said that after receiving Xiao Ming's source energy seeds in the reincarnation space, it was cultivated very well so quickly.

You can even give some of it to Xiao Ming as a gift. It is indeed a reincarnation space.

Xiao Ming's gains are not only that, but perhaps because of the growth of Yuan Neng, Xiao Ming feels that his various abilities have improved a little bit.

Maybe some of it is just Xiao Ming's illusion. However, Guangmingding has grown from more than 40 cubic meters to about 50 cubic meters. This is very intuitive progress.

Next it was time for the reincarnations to interact. First, the Wolf King was the first to disappear from the settlement space.

The remaining five people exchanged "business cards" with each other and exchanged a few business words. Two more people left.

Kraken and Yijian Guanghanzhao Jiuzhou are left. Their appearance and characteristics are similar to Xiao Ming's.

They are all the kind that can't be found in a crowd, and can't remember their faces after seeing them several times.

This was nothing. There are too many ordinary-looking people.

However, Xiao Ming has made great progress in mental strength since the last time we met.

This meeting finally gave him some clues.

Both men thoroughly disguised their appearance. This disguise is still endorsed by the reincarnation space.

In other words, what Xiao Ming saw was not what they really looked like at all. Appearance, appearance, gender, and even race cannot be determined.

How could the reincarnation space, which requires interstellar teleportation across such a long distance, contain only humans from Pangu Planet?

There must be many aliens among reincarnators. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a hodgepodge of various races in the universe.

But in the early days, it was not easy for reincarnators to encounter aliens. Basically they are all local races.

What will happen to these two people? monster? Underground people? Martians? …

Xiao Ming received two applications to join the team at the same time, one from the two in front of him. They all took the initiative to apply to join Xiao Ming's Mingjing team.

When the reincarnator takes the initiative to apply to join the team, Zhang Xiaoming does not need to pay for the team contract.

Both applicants have prepared the team contracts they need to pay.

If these two people didn't have ulterior motives, Xiao Ming would dare to eat Mao Mao'er.

Has anyone seen temporary reincarnations being able to pay 4 and 8 team contracts? Those are 80 and 160 ratings.

Do you want your drama to be so fake? Being able to see through you, Xiao Ming doesn't feel any sense of accomplishment.

But after thinking about it, Xiao Ming finally agreed to their application. There are two reasons.

First, the other party is quite generous this time and is probably determined to win. If you don't agree, I don't know what trouble will come from it in the future.

Xiao Ming simply agreed. It would be better to keep these two people close for observation.

Second, the life energy of these two people is very beautiful. The character should be quite good. Xiao Ming asked himself that he should be inferior to them in terms of character.

There is nothing wrong with putting such people into the team. Although the two of them had other agendas, they had no ill intentions towards themselves.

Of course, Xiao Ming would never admit that accepting them was a gift for the two of them.

Both of their applications for joining the team come with gifts, and Xiao Ming will get the gift as long as he agrees. And this gift will not be swallowed by the reincarnation space.

Among them, Kraken's gift is in two forms. One is a normal gift package, and the other is a special gift package for accepting Kraken to join the Mingjing team.

Even if Xiao Ming does not agree to his joining the team, he will still get a normal gift package. That is the reward for inviting Xiao Ming to help with the task.

Xiao Ming opened the two gift packages with great interest. Wow! These two are so generous!

Kraken gave Xiao Ming a laser sword. It is the kind of laser sword commonly seen in movies.

Is this still human technology? It should be an item obtained from the reincarnation space, right?

The gift given by Zhao Jiuzhou is an egg. Zhao Jiuzhou did not clearly say what animal's egg it is.

But judging from its vigorous life energy, it should not be an ordinary rare bird or animal.

Xiao Ming is very puzzled: Do you really have too much money at home and have nowhere to spend it? In order to join my team, this is too hard. Is it worth it?

Could it be that they knew that I had source energy? Like Qianxinglou, they came to show their courtesy? This is indeed possible.

Just look at these two gifts to know. Although the other party did not say it clearly, they did not deliberately deceive Xiao Ming.

Such a generous gift already shows that the two people have extraordinary origins. It’s just that the specific origins are not easy to say.

In this way, I am afraid that this random invitation task is also a bit deliberately designed.

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