Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 259 Linmu Family

"We are willing to join the command of the Lord of the Dead, and swear to follow you until death. Please take us in."

As soon as Green Xiaoming switched to the Lord of the Dead, three vampires knelt down in front of him. They swore to be loyal to him.

Xiaoming looked around, but he didn't recognize where he was. He still found out after looking through the system records.

This is the fourth-level arms nest of Pingnan City, the [Ghost House] that specializes in producing vampires. Why did I run here?

The reason is that the follower Lin Mu Chongyi, the vampire who was responsible for artillery.

He took the initiative to ask the Lord of the Dead, hoping to recruit a few vampires and train them as gunners.

So the Lord of the Dead, controlled by the intelligent program, followed Lin Mu Chongyi to the arms nest to recruit new soldiers. It was at this time that Green Xiaoming switched over.

Remember the Eight-foot Mirror? The treasures obtained by the explorer in the mysterious cave were handed over to the Lord of the Dead for use.

This treasure will increase the surrender rate of certain NPCs (JP), but it will only work best when the player is present.

After all, there are many things that intelligent programs have no right to decide. So this kind of plot will only start when the player arrives.

The vampire Lin Mu Shigeyoshi has been following the dead for a while, and Xiao Ming is not sure what he is thinking.

After logging into the dead today, under the effect of the Eight-foot Mirror, he actually took the initiative to pledge allegiance to Xiao Ming.

Buy one get two free, the two behind are his subordinates and generals, and also his children Lin Mu Shigeshio and Lin Zhong Shigehide.

Can vampires still have children? Legendary vampires should not be able to reproduce, right? Could it be that these two so-called children are actually the objects of his first embrace.

Or they were transformed together when he was transformed into a vampire.

If you look closely at their appearance, these three really seem to be a family. The most important thing about a family is to be together.

At this moment, Xiao Ming was actually very pressed for time. The divers there had a limited time to stay in the shipwreck. He couldn't waste time.

He chose to agree casually. There was no reason to disagree, right? Unexpectedly, the three vampires in front of him suddenly disappeared.

What? What is this for? Don't think that you can do whatever you want just because you are called vampires.

Xiao Ming carefully checked and found out that there was another affiliated force under the command of the deceased - the Linmu family. The head of the family was the 2nd level purple hero Lin Mu Chongyi.

When he was a follower under the command of the deceased, Xiao Ming had no idea that he was actually a hero.

At that time, he could only see his adventure level, which was a 4th level adventure vampire.

Unexpectedly, this guy was actually a purple hero, and the leader of a force.

His two children, Lin Mu Chongchao and Lin Mu Chongxiu, were two 1st level senior generals.

The three of them asked to be loyal to the deceased, and Xiao Ming thought they were going to become the deceased's subordinates, but they turned out to be the forces under the deceased.

In fact, this information is all in the system prompts. It was just that Xiao Ming was in too much of a hurry and didn't look carefully.

After opening the strategic panel to check, Xiao Ming found that there was an army of the Undeads stationed on the edge of Pingnan City, led by Lin Mu Zhongyi and his sons.

And the strength of this army was exactly the output of soldiers in Pingnan City this week. Skeleton soldiers, zombies, ghosts, and vampires were all recruited.

Xiao Ming then realized that when Lin Mu Zhongyi applied for loyalty, it was actually conditional.

The condition was that the accuser had to help the three people restore their family.

Not only that, they also took 50,000 gold coins, 50 units of wood and stone, and 20 units of other rare resources from the accuser.

This is completely a free-for-all. They took my money and hired soldiers from my city. It's like starting from scratch.

Xiao Ming was so angry that he was almost angry... Eh? It's okay, it's okay, that little money? It's nothing.

The treasures offered by the Lin Mu family made Xiao Ming feel that this business was not a loss at all. It's great. The more such things, the better.

[Lin Mu Family Artillery Secret]: A 3rd-level special strategic treasure. Heroes/generals who hold this treasure can make their trebuchets work in ordinary battlefields.

In the setting of the magic planet strategic map. Trebuchets are siege machines and cannot be used in ordinary battlefields. They can only be used in special plots.

This treasure removes this restriction, and Xiao Ming can use trebuchets on ordinary battlefields.

Of course, it is not like in special battlefields, where Xiao Ming can set up N trebuchets and smash them at will.

A hero has a limited number of war machine slots, a total of 10 slots. If a hero wants to carry the same war machine.

Then starting from the second one, its cost will double. Normal heroes can only equip two or three of the same war machines at most, which is the most cost-effective.

Although the deceased has obtained the racial talent of [Intermediate Skeleton Construction], if he wants to equip himself with more war machines through this talent, he will also have to pay extra.

After all, it is still a way of playing within the "system". It must also comply with the rules of the game.

So Xiao Ming only bought three more bone trebuchets for the dead, spending about 10,000 gold coins. Even Xiao Ming was reluctant to buy a fifth one.

All these things were done while Xiao Ming was on the road. In order to save time, Xiao Ming did not even strengthen the new treasures.

In this way, the wreckage of large warships was lined up around Pingnan City. The terrain here is open enough, and there is no need to pile them on the hillside like in Guibei Mountain City.

Xiao Ming arranged these warships into a second ring wall surrounding Pingnan City. Of course, this wall is crooked and incomplete.

About 3 hours is enough for Xiao Ming to move out the wreckage of nearly 30 large warships.

The main reason is that rushing and cleaning the marine life inside the warships consumed a lot of time.

When the deadline arrived, the diver and Emily Bobby were driven away from the shipwreck site.

The wreckage of the large warship in Guangmingding. It was taken out again by the octopus boss. In return, the octopus boss gave the diver a glass bottle with a sealed warship.

This also made Xiao Ming a little suspicious, afraid that the octopus boss could not enter the shipwreck site. Otherwise, there are millions of sunken ships in it. There is no need to rob his own.

And what he used to exchange with me was also a warship, so it seemed that he was the one who lost.

Could it be that he was responsible for processing? He was the one who put the warship into the magic bottle. That shouldn't be a one-for-one exchange.

I can only guess, maybe he can get other benefits.

Xiao Ming asked himself that he couldn't guess the mind of such a big boss. The diver needed Green Xiao Ming to personally protect Emily and Bobby back to Graystone Town.

As for the deceased, Green Xiao Ming had to let it go for the time being.

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