Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 261 Hero's Tomb

It seems that Li Huamei is really going to deceive herself. But this is good news for the researcher.

No wonder Li Huamei gave the researcher a light kiss when she left. That was a precaution. Now the temptation is in front of him.

If the researcher agrees to this, he may be able to get both money and women.

He can finally end his decades of virginity. If Zhang Xiaoming says that he is not tempted, it is a lie that no one would believe.

But the land of gentleness is the tomb of heroes. Countless heroes from ancient times to the present have fallen for beauty. Although I am not a hero, I can learn from the lesson, right?

If I really "take advantage of the opportunity" at this time. Xiaoming really doesn't know how to face himself. This is a bad thing.

Even if I succeed now, I feel that I will suffer a great loss in the future. I must not do this.

What's more, Xiaoming himself has a way to solve Richard's problem.

Is it to help others and be a good person; or to take advantage of the opportunity and get both money and beauty?

It seemed that an angel and a demon were arguing in Yin Xiaoming's heart...

In fact, it didn't take long for Xiaoming to decide to make it happen. The otaku attribute easily prevailed.

Not to mention the current situation. Even if Xiaoming couldn't help Richard, it would be difficult for him to take over at this time. He really couldn't do it.

Besides, this is a game. If you want, you might as well use Zhang Xiaoliang's body to find Cecilia.

That was an obvious honey trap, waiting for Xiaoliang to take the bait. Even the two sides had a tacit understanding on this issue. Xiaoming was not in a hurry.

Ignoring the demon in his heart who was vomiting blood, Xiaoming squeezed out a sincere expression and said in a seemingly very sincere tone:

"Admiral, you should have told me about this earlier. I have a way to revive Mr. Richard."

"Really? Then tell me." The beautiful admiral was not overjoyed, but said this very calmly.

Listening to Xiaoming's ears, he couldn't help but feel a little heartache. How many times of disappointment after shattered hopes would lead to such a desperate reaction.

If it weren't for the dream of reviving the nation, this woman would have been disheartened.

No, Xiao Ming made up his mind at this time, for Li Huamei, he must save Richard.

"Admiral, please rest assured, I have a friend who can summon a 4th-level angel, who should be able to revive Mr. Richard." Xiao Ming must first tell the means of resurrection.

Because he was also worried that this method might not be useful here. According to the setting of the adventure map, generally high-level NPCs can be resurrected through the temple. There is also a Temple of Light on the strategic map.

Li Huamei couldn't have thought of this. There must be some special reason that Richard couldn't be resurrected through the temple.

Xiao Ming couldn't guess what the specific reason was. He needed to ask clearly first.

Sure enough, Li Huamei smiled bitterly and told the reason. Richard's situation was very special.

Because of his heresy, the Ming Dynasty's Temple of Light marked him with a prohibition of resurrection. Therefore, the Temple of Light of the Ming Dynasty cannot revive Richard.

Otherwise, there would be no need to look for Taoist priests everywhere.

Xiao Ming was happy when he heard this: "Admiral, it's such a coincidence. My friend is not from the Ming Dynasty. Maybe he can revive Mr. Li."

Li Huamei was still unmoved after hearing this. "I have also been to the Temple of Light in Xinluo. This is not something that can be done by changing countries."

"What if it changes to another dynasty or another plane?" Xiao Ming only thought about this in his mind and did not say it out loud.

Instead, he persuaded from another angle: "It doesn't take a long time, about ten minutes. There is no harm in trying!"

Li Huamei thought about it and it made sense. So she agreed to let the researcher try.

According to the researcher's request, she transferred the ownership of the ice coffin to the researcher.

Xiao Ming planned to put it in his backpack, store it in the warehouse, and then let the explorer take it out, and then use the Angel Gate to summon the angel to revive Richard. Perfect!

But I didn't expect that this ice coffin was a special item. Except for Li Huamei herself, no one else can carry the ice coffin with them.

There is no way to put it in a backpack, nor can it be stored in a warehouse, let alone stuffed into Guangmingding.

In fact, there is also a question of how to return to Xinluo after resurrecting at the Explorer's side.

What the hell is this! Xiao Ming felt that he had finally been smart, but it was all in vain.

If you want the Explorer to come to Xinluo, there is almost no possibility in the short term. Is it really only possible to take advantage of others by using the transformation technique?

Seeing this, Li Huamei did not say much, but stared at the researcher's eyes with her deep eyes.

The pleading in her eyes was very obvious. The meaning in her eyes was clearly: 'I really can't stand it, please fulfill my wish. '

Xiao Ming almost blurted out "OK". Suddenly, he had a sudden inspiration. This time he didn't ask any more questions. Just do it directly.

If you can accept that you have changed your essence, then you can probably accept becoming a ghost, right? At least it's still the original person.

The researcher released [Death Harvest] on the ice coffin. Xiao Ming was forced into a corner.

Facing a special NPC, Death Harvest is almost certain to harvest the undead army. But it is hard to say how much of Richard's past memories can be retained.

In order to increase the success rate, Xiao Ming even recalled Green Xiao Ming at this moment.

And instead of using magic power to drive the Death Harvest, it directly used dual source energy to drive the Death Harvest.

I kept hoping that Richard's appearance must be preserved, it must be preserved!

After a flash of silver and green interweaving light, the ice coffin disappeared. There was no breath of death, no bones. It was indeed an undead army.

Richard seemed to have been resurrected. He sat up like that, glanced at the researcher, and then stared at Li Huamei.

Li Huamei didn't even dare to breathe, her eyes were filled with tears, her hands were clenched, and her whole body was trembling.

As if waiting for the verdict, she stared at Richard, waiting for his first words. To see if he still remembered herself.

At this moment, the air in the whole room seemed to solidify, heavy and depressing. Xiao Ming also felt as if he couldn't breathe.

"Meihuaer, where is this place? Why are we here? You seem..." Richard finally spoke.

As soon as this sentence came out, it was clear that the memory was well preserved, and the feelings of the past in the heart of the beautiful admiral came back again.

Without saying a word, she rushed forward like a hungry tiger, hugged her beloved in her arms, and cried... She couldn't even say a complete sentence.

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