Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 265 Face Issues

The port of Xinluo City is full of sails and nearly a hundred ships come and go. It is worthy of being the largest port on the Korean Peninsula.

On the dock, countless people are surging. Most of them are coolies busy loading and unloading ships.

The sun is scorching, and sweat is pouring down. The era of backward productivity is hard. A few cranes in modern society are more useful than hundreds of workers.

A remote corner of the dock is also where the Li family Chunshen is moored. There are more than a dozen four-puppet canoes patrolling around.

The researcher, Richard, Li Huamei, Yang Xiyou, Lin Shen, and dozens of sailors gathered on the shore.

This time, Li Huamei came to do business in name, but in fact she came to revive Richard.

So this time she only brought Yang Xiyou, the old housekeeper who knew everything about him. After seeing Richard, Yang Xiyou's favorability towards the researcher also soared by 20 points.

None of the other generals were brought. It's easy to talk to others, but Song Xiaofeng will definitely be unhappy. Xiao Ming can imagine her childish temper.

Everyone gathered at the beach not to see Li Huamei off. Business has not been done yet.

This time, the researcher brought everyone here to witness the moment of miracle.

Under the gaze of everyone, the researcher took out a glass bottle with a battleship sealed in it from Guangmingding.

Yes, Xiao Ming planned to release a battleship. In case there were people on it, Li Huamei and the others could help to subdue it.

The researcher pulled the stopper of the glass bottle very pretentiously... but it didn't come out. Pulled again... but it still didn't come out.

"I really don't believe it." The researcher used all his strength, but still couldn't pull it out.

The onlookers looked at the researcher's weird expression and funny movements. They didn't give him any face at all, and all laughed out loud. Yang Xiyou, who was old but still strong, laughed the most heartily.

The researcher saw the system prompt: This item can only be used by the diver, and no one else can use it.

Damn, there is such a restriction. The researcher and the diver are different roles of the same player, but it doesn't work. The system is really strict.

But what should I do now? It's too embarrassing. I can't lose face.

Xiao Ming gritted his teeth and transported the wreckage of a large warship from the deceased to Guangmingding.

He took the broken ship out of Guangmingding from the researcher. Put it next to Chunshen.

When they saw the wreckage of the large ship, everyone was stunned. Old man Yang was laughing happily, and he choked and almost couldn't breathe.

After all, this large ship was a wreckage, and it started to take on water when it was placed on the dock. Xiao Ming didn't have time to think about it, and he got into the ship.

Take out various resources, mainly wood. Hot-blooded Nezha and Iron-blooded Nezha came out together to cooperate with the source energy to repair the warship.

After working for nearly half an hour, the large warship finally looked brand new. It consumed a lot of resources and energy.

This is a large Arab warship. The researcher pretended to be generous and gave the ship to Admiral Li Huamei. She accepted it without hesitation.

A small ship costs about 1,000 to 3,000 gold coins; a medium-sized ship costs 10,000 to 30,000 gold coins; and so on.

The factory price of this large Arab warship is about 200,000 gold coins.

However, the larger the ship, the more modifications, or customization, it needs before leaving the factory. The shipyard must make special modifications according to the customer's requirements.

In addition, various parts such as cannons, sails, rams, armor, etc. must be installed. A large warship cannot leave the factory without about 500,000 gold coins.

This large Arab warship is already equipped with a complete warship. After loading supplies, you can go out and start the war directly.

When Xiao Ming used energy to repair, he not only repaired the hull. Even the sails, cannons, rams, etc. were all repaired.

The people on the shore who were already stunned were almost dumbfounded at this moment. Is this something that humans can do?

It is not particularly scary to conjure a large ship out of thin air. This is a magical world. Li Huamei and Richard have heard of several methods of putting Xumi into a mustard seed.

But such a large ship wreckage, even if it is pulled into the shipyard, it will take several days to repair.

And it is only the hull that is repaired. Cannons and other things have to be purchased separately.

In front of everyone, the researcher actually took only half an hour to repair the entire ship. It looks like new.

This can only be described as a miracle. The researcher must be a human being favored by the gods, and it is very likely to be the god of craftsmen or the god of alchemy.

This skill of the researcher is simply too important for people who make a living on the sea.

Seeing such a miracle, several heroes and generals collectively increased their favorability by 10 points. Those NPC sailors have increased their favorability by 20-40 points.

And when Li Huamei returns to Diaoyucheng with a large Arab warship.

The deeds of the driller will spread among the Li family pirate generals, and all Li family generals will increase their favorability by 10 points.

However, Li Huamei issued a gag order to the ordinary crew members of the Li family pirates. The miracle created by the driller has not been spread.

The gag order is naturally not to let the driller be exposed too early to avoid unnecessary danger.

Everyone present today, including the sailors, are Li Huamei's iron confidants. But there must be spies from other forces among the Li family pirates in Diaoyucheng.

Let them know that the trump card of the Li family is the driller, then Xiao Ming will have a hard time in the future. It is civilized to spend a lot of money to poach talents.

Kidnapping, assassination, etc. will definitely be indispensable. Although players can still be resurrected after death, the NPC also knows this and must have measures in place.

Therefore, Li Huamei's consideration was very thorough. Xiao Ming's behavior was a bit impulsive.

Some people may ask, a large warship only costs several hundred thousand, and it's not like Li Huamei can't afford the money, why does she still use medium-sized warships?

This involves the issue of the development level of East Asia's shipbuilding industry. In the entire Asia, there is only one city qualified to build large ships, and that is Hangzhou in the Ming Dynasty.

In other port cities only medium-sized ships can be built, and some do not even have shipyards.

Hangzhou is the only shipyard in Asia that is qualified to build large ships. Isn't this great? Why didn't the Li family buy it?

This involves another issue. Ming Dynasty's national policy prohibits going to sea. Therefore, although the shipyard in Hangzhou was powerful, its martial arts was abolished by the Ming Dynasty.

Now there is not even a single drawing of a large ship in the shipyard; there is not a single craftsman who can build large ships.

This shipyard can still exist today because ships on the river still need to be built. Many aristocratic families in the south are doing business on the canal and the Yangtze River.

Therefore, the demand for small and medium-sized ships is very large. Only then did the Hangzhou Shipyard be saved.

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