Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 267 Divers' Strategic Forces

After leaving Xinluo Wharf, Li Huamei and Richard went to enjoy their own world. Like a couple, they went shopping in Xinluo City.

The beautiful admiral threw all the matters such as receiving, supplying, and even purchasing large Arab warships to old man Yang.

Yang Xiyou was happy for her eldest daughter and went to work happily.

Yin Xiaoming sent Lin Shen to understand the market in Xinluo City, and he operated the researcher to the temple. He planned to return to the adventure map to take the task of upgrading the adventure level to level 2.

At this time, Lu Xiaoming had already brought Emily and Bobby back to Huiyan Town.

According to the convention, the two little guys would carefully select the things they picked up, keep the fun ones, and basically sell the rest to divers.

After confirming the situation, Lu Xiaoming switched to the explorer again, using the teleportation function of the Golden Statue of the God of Light, first went to the strategic map to meet Han Dong, and set up camp on the spot.

Then he took Han Dong and Qiu Santong and teleported to the Temple of Light in the underwater limestone town, picked up the diver, and teleported to Pingnan City again to meet the dead.

Finally, they arrived at the strategic map, and there was water around (a section of the river that the dead had just dug).

The Flying Dutchman, David Diaosi and three hundred undead pirate crew members appeared together on the river beside Pingnan City.

Xiao Ming's idea was that the diver would release the other four sealed warships and then entrust everyone to the dead.

Because the diver was not yet at level 2 and had not become a hero. He himself could not lead troops to march and fight on the strategic map.

But he also hoped that there would be a troop that could replace him to explore the strategic map. Lay a good foundation in advance.

Just like before, Han Dong entered the strategic map before the explorer.

Xiao Ming's idea was good, but when it came to doing it, things became much more complicated.

First of all, the control of David Diaosi could not be transferred.

In theory, David followed his heart. Whoever owns his heart has control over him.

But before, at the bottom of the sea, when the diver took out David's heart and subdued him.

Under the witness of the ancient giant octopus, David's heart was locked in the diver's backpack. The owner can no longer be changed. Even different characters of the same player cannot.

The diver cannot fight on the strategic map for the time being. He was able to appear on the strategic map entirely because of the teleportation function of the explorer's treasure.

Once the diver leaves this position, it will be difficult to return to the adventure map.

In this way, David Diaosi can only be left alone on the strategic map.

But looking at David's terrifying life energy, if the diver is not there, I don't know what evil things he will do. This is certainly unacceptable.

If he dared to let him play freely, he would have taken him in as a force under his command.

The reason why he became his direct hero is not because he is worried that he will do something wrong?

This matter is not easy to deal with.

In addition, the diver also opened several other glass bottles. Looking forward to getting a navy led by four heroes or generals, even pirates are fine.

As a result, these four bottles released four sealed medium-sized warships and a full ship of crew members, but unfortunately they were all corpses.

When they were sealed in the glass bottles, these people might still be alive. But they are not undead, and the food they carry on the ship is limited.

Xiao Ming doesn't know how long they have been sealed. Anyway, when they are released now, all the crew members have died for a long time, and their bodies have become mummies.

If it weren't for the special environment in the glass bottle, they should have been rotten now.

Moreover, these four sealed warships have the same nature as the Flying Dutchman. They all belong only to the person who unsealed them-the diver.

They cannot be sold or transferred. Only the diver can own them. The Flying Dutchman is even more special. To use it, David Diaosi must also be on the ship.

There are no living people on these four ships, and the diver doesn't even know the names of these four warships. However, it seems that it is not bad to harvest the corpses on these four ships.

Although the effect will be better if the source energy skill is used. But today, the source energy is a bit too much, and Xiao Ming's stinginess has come up again.

It happened that the dead teller was here, so the dead teller cast the magic death harvest on these four ships.

The first obvious effect is that the special life skill of the dead teller - death harvest has been upgraded. Now this skill is in the +1 state.

The general introduction of the skill has not changed much. In the detailed description of the system, the probability of harvesting items and undead soldiers has increased a little.

At the same time, the death breath and bones harvested each time will also increase a little. So the effect of skill +1 is a little bit improved overall.

The four ships harvested 84 level 1 skeleton sailors, 19 level 2 zombie sailors, and 2 level 3 skeleton gunners. There are also 4 sealed undead generals.

They are all green generals with strategic level 2 level 0, and the races are 2 skeletons, 1 ghost and 1 zombie.

Judging from their talents, these generals are all sea generals. They are also physical attack generals, the kind that are directly responsible for combat.

Unfortunately, they were probably sealed for too long. The four of them have no names and no memories. In fact, they have forgotten many skills and magic.

Xiao Ming had to name the four generals as Zombie Vanguard, Skeleton Left Guard, Skeleton Right Guard, and Ghost Guard.

The four warships were also named Vanguard, Left Guard, Right Guard and Rear Guard.

Seeing the dead, Xiao Ming suddenly remembered the function of the Death Coin. It can transform the generals of the Undead into heroes, and heroes into generals.

In this way, David Diaosi's situation is easy to deal with.

First, Xiao Ming selected an undead with the most "good-looking" life energy among David's subordinates-Old Shoelace. Promoted him to general, and then transferred to hero.

Then all David's subordinates were transferred to Old Shoelace to lead. At the same time, the 4 newly emerged undead generals were also assigned to Old Shoelace.

So under the command of the diver, a brand new undead navy was born:

Old Shoelace, a 2nd level 0 blue hero, led 4 green undead generals, and 405 1-4 level undead navy soldiers.

Driving 4 sealed medium-sized warships. Will expand the territory for the diver on the strategic map.

Why only 4 ships? Because the Flying Dutchman and David Diaosi are bound. Without David on board, the ship cannot be used.

David Diaosi was transferred to a 2nd level purple undead general. He was brought by the diver to the adventure map.

As long as his heart is in the diver's backpack, he dare not do anything naughty. He can also be a good helper and bodyguard for the diver.

Old Shoelace was promoted to a hero by the diver and entrusted with an important task. His favorability towards the diver is already 50. You can use it with confidence.

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