Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 280 Scanning the Map

The city we are in right now is called Night City. It is the battlefield of vampires and werewolves.

On the top of the tallest building in Night City, the King of Zerg is standing here pretending to be cool.

Fortunately, the mission started at night. The King of Zerg, who gave up his disguise, still looked mysterious and majestic.

If it was in broad daylight, he would be so stupid that it would be unbearable to look at. The King of Zerg came to the highest point to test his skills.

Before, in the Chiyou galaxy. On the physical level, the King of Zerg rode a flying dragon to find a new home, but failed for the time being.

On the spiritual level, in addition to cooperating with Yin Xiaoming to integrate the energy network, he always maintained a spiritual force to search for excellent skills in the spiritual power ocean of the Zerg.

After giving up two small skills, the third one finally encountered a useful skill. It is also a necessary skill for the Zerg master - scanning the map.

How to fight without a map! No matter what race it is, they know the importance of intelligence. Even humans had maps and sand tables in the cold weapon era.

Then the advanced races that can conduct space wars must have their own way of opening maps.

Needless to say, the races on the technological side have various radars, telescopes, and reconnaissance aircraft. The New Han Kingdom is still a toddler in this regard.

Supernatural races like the Zerg rely on their powerful mental power and the skills derived from mental power.

Zerg mental power skill [Scan Map]: Consumes mental power. The scanning range is determined by the skill issuer, that is, Green Xiaoming.

Within the scanned area, any details will be clearly presented in Xiaoming's mind. The mental power scan of the 6th-level Overlord also has the ability to resist invisibility.

And it will continue to observe the scanning range for a period of time, and the duration is also determined by Xiaoming himself.

The larger the scanning range, the longer the duration, and the more things in the range, the greater the consumption of mental power. And the consumption is doubled.

Of course, for the Zerg, a race with "networked" mental power, scanning the map is more advantageous.

If there are Zergs dominated by Xiaoming or Zergs willing to help within the scanning range, then the scanning range will be greatly expanded and the consumption will be reduced.

But at this time, you have to be more careful. Sometimes the Zerg who helps you will deceive you, and the low-level Zerg may not be able to counter-stealth. These are all things to pay attention to.

Consuming the same amount of mental power, scanning in space, the scanning range will be very large, because there is really too much space;

Scanning on the surface of the planet, there will be dense objects here, most planets have an atmosphere, and the scanning range will be much smaller;

And the part of the mental power that scans deep into the ground will not be able to continue after a short distance, and the consumption is really too great.

This is why the Zerg King ran to the highest point of the city, not just to show off.

Compared with the circle of telekinesis, the Zerg's scanning map is less accurate, but the range is far greater, and the consumption is also far greater.

This difference also stems from the different fundamental purposes of the two skills.

Scanning the map is a skill specially developed by the Zerg ancestors for large-scale army battles. The circle of telekinesis is for small-scale fights.

There is no war in the Hunter Secret Realm, only quarrels. At most, it involves a hundred or eighty people.

We can't force a comparison between the two skills, we can only say that they both achieve their respective purposes perfectly.

Xiao Ming has of course considered using the two skills together, but his own mental power is not stable yet, so the matter of integrating skills can only be discussed later.

After scanning the entire city, Xiao Ming believes that the reincarnation world, at least the current Underworld 1 world, is simply created by the reincarnation space itself.

Because it was the first time Xiao Ming used the mental power skill, he used more mental power. He probed several kilometers underground, but it was not over yet.

But the sky was over, and the mental power was blocked before it reached the satellite orbit.

There was still room for maneuver, but he couldn't scan higher. Depressed, Xiao Ming also wanted to scan the moon.

Therefore, Xiao Ming felt that this world should not be big, and those suns, stars, etc. were background boards. So this world can only be created by the reincarnation space.

(′3`) sigh~ Oh, I have to say, Xiao Ming is being too smart again.

But this is not surprising. In fact, most of human cognition and judgment are self-righteous. Xiao Ming is just one of the common people.

In fact, this world was indeed created by the reincarnation space. But it is definitely not just this little bit.

It's just that the reincarnation space wrapped this little bit with a barrier and used it as the mission world of this group of temporary reincarnations.

Other places are naturally used as mission worlds for other reincarnations. It's not surprising that there are hundreds of similar cities on this planet.

As for why the moon was isolated. Because a group of reincarnations need to go to the moon to do a mission. That is the mission world when the moon is dark.

Let's not talk about the moon for now. Xiao Ming feels that this world of Underworld is quite interesting.

To say that these two groups of supernatural creatures are also brain holes. They are all powerful races. The world is so big, they should go out and see it.

First, find a place to establish a base. If you really want to fight, it's not too late to fight each other after you have a stable base.

Why bother. The leaders and headquarters of the two groups are in the same city. Fighting for no reason not only has a high mortality rate, but it is also easy to get implicated if you are not careful.

What's more, due to the frequent fighting between each other, it naturally attracted the attention of humans.

Humans are the real rulers. There are two forces that often fight in their own territory. If they don't know this, these human leaders are all pig-brains.

It is easy for a few individual supernatural creatures to conceal their identities. But if they form a force, it is basically impossible to conceal.

Xiao Ming didn't know that there was no human force in the original work, but the reincarnation space specially added the human force for the convenience of the reincarnationists.

Killing a vampire or a werewolf. It is the first task of all reincarnationists. There is also the meaning of choosing a camp.

After choosing a camp, there is a chance to get the bloodline of this camp. Vampires and werewolves are also common bloodlines of reincarnationists.

In the early stage, the combat effectiveness can be quickly improved, and the scope of application is quite wide.

It is a bit weak in the middle and late stages, but it may not be without room for improvement. Although the difficulty of improvement in the later stage is higher.

But the reincarnationists must survive the early stage first, right? Even if they cannot be improved in the later stage, they are still middle and high-level reincarnationists. It's better than being eliminated in the early stage.

For the reincarnators who are not interested in bloodline, they can choose the human camp. Fight both vampires and werewolves, and then get benefits from the human high-level.

On the human side, there is definitely no reward for bloodline, but the things on the technology side are still good.

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