Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 283 Invisible Wings

"WTF? Peter, how did you get here? Why is there no display of you here? Is the monitor out of order?"

As a vampire, he actually encountered something incredible. Who is the supernatural creature?

This is an important place, what if the monitor is broken? ! The vampire quickly became a keyboard warrior and started typing codes...

Peter's voice was in his ears: "No way? It was just inspected not long ago." Since it is a security facility in an important place, it will of course be inspected frequently.

The keyboard warrior did not doubt him and stared at the screen to find the problem. Suddenly, he felt a sharp pain in the back of his neck...

Before he fainted, he seemed to see that it was Peter who hit him. This kid is too bold. When he wakes up, he will definitely not let you go.

He didn't even know such a simple truth as "Flag cannot be set up". He was soon sucked into a living mummy and stuffed into a special space.

It is obvious that this vampire called Peter is the otaku loser and the mudslide in the reincarnation space - the king of insects, Lu Xiaoming.

After controlling the computer system in the vampire mansion, he sneaked in without anyone noticing.

In a remote place, he defeated a lone vampire, Peter. By the way, he used the straw on the tail of the insect king to suck him into a mummy and stored it in Guangmingding.

Then Xiao Ming used the ninjutsu transformation technique to transform into Peter's appearance and ran towards the place where the coffins were placed in the mansion.

Along the way, he still tried to avoid other vampires as carefully as possible. Because the more sensitive vampires, if they are serious, can tell whether the guy next to them is a vampire or a werewolf.

If it is found that he is not a vampire, won't he be forced to kill? If he alarmed the vampires in the whole mansion, it would be difficult for him to achieve his goal.

There are only more than a hundred level 2 vampires in the mansion, and there are not many level 3 primary ones.

Let the undead army out and fight hard, Xiao Ming feels that he can still deal with these enemies.

But if they can't hold on any longer, they will definitely wake up the two scary guys in the coffin. Then all the efforts will be wasted.

So they quietly entered the village, without shooting. Xiao Ming walked and stopped along the way, and even often hid with the help of Guangmingding.

Vampires with keen senses are only more sensitive to flesh and blood creatures. They are more sensitive to their own kind and enemy werewolves.

But they are completely unfamiliar with things like mind beasts, and can't sense Xiao Ming's uniforms at all.

Even though Xiao Ming was so careful, 7 or 8 vampire mummies were put into Guangmingding one after another.

One of them was a pretty vampire. As for the beauty, the otaku Xiao Ming was a little gentle.

It wouldn't look good if she was sucked into a mummified corpse, half-dry would be enough. Lock her up with an iron chain, and there's no need to worry about her waking up.

Listening to their conversation, this beauty is called Erica. She is prettier than Xiaohong and Xiaolu, it would be great if she could be subdued.

After dealing with the last guard, the important place of the vampire clan fell into the clutches of Green Xiaoming quietly.

By the way, Xiaoming's Bright Summit is now quite large, and has increased to more than 300 cubic meters. And it is still growing.

According to Xiaoming's own feeling, because of the establishment of the two energy networks of Silver Net and Green Net, the various supernatural energy systems in Xiaoming's body have gradually stabilized.

It began to be reflected on Xiaoming. The increase in telekinesis also reflected on each telekinesis beast. The Bright Summit attached to the uniform butler is not the biggest change.

The biggest change is Xiaohei. In the past, Xiaohei had to be controlled by Xiaoming's soul, but now it has been transformed into an automatic and remote-controlled telekinesis beast clone. It has lost its previous unique status.

Now any Xiaoming can summon Xiaohei at any time. However, Xiaohei does not belong to the uniform series, and there is only one.

Green Xiaoming has now summoned him and the three aliens, the eldest and the second, and Silver Xiaoming cannot summon them.

The three chimera aliens stood beside him with hideous faces; the appearance of the insect king was not much better. At this time, Xiao Ming had a strong sense of déjà vu that he was the villain.

Illegal trespassing on private land, violent attacks, "animal abuse", kidnapping, and bondage play... enough to be sentenced to life imprisonment.

Of course, even if these things did not happen, if the police saw the insect king and the alien, they would probably shoot them directly.

Looking at their appearance, they really don't look like good things, and human aesthetics are a bit unacceptable. Humans are still a race that values ​​appearance.

However, the Iron Blood Warriors who had been seen in the secret realm had a very similar appearance level to the insect king Xiao Hei and his group. I guess in their eyes, Xiao Ming and his group should be very beautiful.

Until these two fourth-level vampire mummies were sucked into ashes by Green Xiao Ming, he did not encounter any resistance or accidents. The heart that had been hanging was finally put down.

These two mummies must be the leaders of the vampire clan. Considering the timing of the appearance of this reincarnation world, there shouldn't be any stronger guys in this world, right?

Hiss~~ Xiao Ming made a wrong estimate again. This world really has a stronger hidden BOSS - Alexander Corvinus.

And Xiao Ming just killed someone's own son. How could the other party let it go? I guess now... he hasn't received the news yet.

When he receives the news, Xiao Ming will probably have to face his anger. As for another fierce guy, the first generation werewolf William, he should not be a problem.

Xiao Ming, who knew nothing about this, was silently feeling the changes in the insect king's body.

Although he had absorbed the essence of several vampires before, they were too low-level after all, and that little essence was not very helpful to the Insect King.

Marcus and Victor were not the same. After absorbing all their essences, he brought the Insect King very excellent genetic information.

Especially Marcus, he was a first-generation vampire, and the gene quality he carried was extremely excellent. Victor was on par with Marcus, and the gene quality was only slightly inferior.

Although Xiao Ming didn't even know their names and identities, he absorbed powerful essences.

The Insect King could absorb foreign genes and pass them on to his offspring. Of course, he could also directly integrate beneficial genes into his body.

After integrating the vampire genetic information, the Insect King's physical fitness improved a little bit, and the effect was good.

What's even more amazing is that Xiao Ming has a pair of huge bat-like wings, allowing the Insect King to fly freely. When not flying, it can be retracted into the body to be invisible, which is very convenient.

At this point, Xiao Ming finally has a way to fly comfortably in the atmosphere.

Flying in space by jetting air from the tail seems silly in the atmosphere. It's better to just jump.

However, Xiao Ming thinks: It would be best to learn how the Devourer flies in space. When he has time, he must search carefully in the Zerg Spirit Sea.

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