Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 288 The city is full of skeleton soldiers

Yin Xiaoming weighed the situation and decided that he should make a move. Not only were there several people watching him.

The look in the eyes of the little loli and her sister's eyes when they looked at him was full of anticipation. Of course, the little loli just wanted to eat something delicious to calm her nerves, but Xiaoming didn't understand.

Selina also wanted to see the true combat power of these ghosts. Zhao Yongmeng and Tianxia Weigong wanted to test what Xiaoming was capable of.

Now Zhang Xiaoming's physical fitness has reached the advanced level 2. There are many reasons for this.

Xiaoming's recent improvement in various supernatural energies will continue to be fed back to his body. The energy flows in Xiaoming's body and naturally nourishes his flesh and blood.

Xiaoming couldn't tell which one was the main one. I personally think that both cultivation and Zerg spiritual power are more important.

And the level is actually just a rough concept. Most of the level 2 ones are biased, some may be powerful, and some may be fast.

People like Xiaoming are of average development. There are no strengths, nor are there obvious weaknesses.

What Xiuxian improves seems to be something more essential. It will not be reflected in the attributes of strength, physique or agility for the time being.

But the improvement is real. Xiao Ming can feel it.

Level 2 advanced physical fitness is useless in this battlefield, and cannot withstand such strong firepower.

And it does not suit Xiao Ming's style. Even if he can withstand it, he will not rush forward. If he has undead magic but does not use it, isn't that stupid?

Xiao Ming's spiritual strength is far greater than his physical strength.

After [Death Harvest] was issued, the effect of the sudden increase in mental power was clearly seen. About half of the corpses in the subway station stood up.

Among the more than 30 skeleton soldiers, 6 actually had bone armor and swords. Among the more than a dozen zombies, 2 also had bone kitchen knives in their hands. But no ghosts were harvested.

It doesn't matter if you can't harvest them. Xiao Hong opened the Hundred Ghosts Box and released more than 30 ghosts at once. The total number of troops is several times that of the werewolves.

All the werewolves were lying down in less than a minute. They died so easily.

Theoretically, the difference in strength between the two sides was not that big. However, because the werewolves were standing right in the middle of the corpses, they were caught off guard and were besieged.

They didn't even have time to transform, and the werewolves' powerful melee ability was not fully utilized, and they were all knocked down.

The leader was a level 3 primary werewolf. He had transformed before, but he became the focus of the ghosts' attack.

Xiaohong personally took Matt and several ghosts to deal with him.

Although this werewolf can see ghosts. But as a physical monster, even if he can see ghosts, he probably can't hit them. It can be said that his death is quite aggrieved.

Compared to being tickled to death by ghosts, he probably wants to be killed by Selena. It's better to clamp him to death with his thighs, so that he can die without regrets and smile in his grave.

There are more than one werewolves who think like him, and there are even many vampires.

The samsara and vampires who were watching the fun were a little speechless about this victory. They were even beating their heads in their hearts. This was too exaggerated.

‘It doesn’t matter if we fight to the death here. If the leader is happy, he can directly summon the undead and kill us all. ’

Of course, they had some misunderstandings about the magic of the dead.

Without the corpses on this ground, it would be very troublesome for Xiao Ming to create so many undead soldiers.

Xiao Ming’s Bright Summit did store enough skeletons, but it would take a long time to summon them one by one.

And Xiao Ming was not very familiar with the magic of summoning skeletons. In addition, Xiao Ming did not know the magic of summoning zombies.

It was far inferior to the special magic of Death Harvest. But the prerequisite was that many people had to die first.

Even Xiao Ming himself did not expect the result of using Death Harvest. The explosion of mental power also made Xiao Ming’s control over magic stronger by several levels.

Normally, the conversion rate of undead soldiers would not reach the current level of nearly 50% after a Death Harvest. Even elite soldiers appeared among them.

With the help of more than 30 ghost soldiers, this kind of record is considered normal.

But it is definitely not normal when it happens to Xiao Ming. Everyone who saw this scene was surprised. (Except for the members of Mingjing team.)

And Xiao Ming deliberately pretended to be X. He summoned the uniform butler and opened the front door of Guangmingding. Let these skeleton soldiers and zombies line up and walk in with the spoils. Disappeared in front of everyone.

In the eyes of others, although they can't see it, they can feel it. That's probably the so-called gate of hell, right?

The vampires quickly accepted Xiao Ming's character as a necromancer. They are also supernatural creatures, and now there is one more playing with the undead, which is not too special.

The surprise of the reincarnationists has their own focus.

The two reincarnationists who didn't know Xiao Ming and were still alive were just shocked by Xiao Ming's strong magic power.

A little dissatisfied: Why did such a strong person enter the same world as himself? 'If he is a temporary reincarnation, I will take off his head and kick it like a ball. ’

But they couldn’t be too dissatisfied. Without Xiao Ming, the mission would have failed. So they were both quite conflicted.

Xiao Ming knew that these were not all the transformed undead. In fact, in the process of transformation, some dead vampires and werewolves were also harvested.

So Xiao Ming also got 1 vampire zombie and 1 werewolf zombie. There is such a thing. What will happen to the zombies harvested by vampires and werewolves?

After Xiao Ming felt it, he took them into Guangmingding. He planned to study them later when he had time.

Zhao Yongmeng and Tianxia Weigong were both shocked by Xiao Ming's strength. Of course, they also saw that Xiao Ming himself did not make a move. It was all supported by this special magic.

They both played Magic Planet, but they had never seen such magic in the game so far. So they suspected that it might be a special skill that Xiao Ming learned in a secret realm or a reincarnation world.

This is precious information. Faced with such a powerful skill, Tianxia Weigong felt that it was difficult for him to compete, and at most he could just run away.

It was just that Tianxia Weigong thought he could run away because he couldn't see the ghosts floating in the sky.

The characteristic of the Reincarnationist is that the foundation is poor. Tianxia Weigong and Selina before him are both at level 3. Selina can see ghosts.

Tianxia Weigong is already at the intermediate level of level 3, but he can't see ghosts. This is the difference caused by the foundation.

Selina is an old vampire who has been around for hundreds of years. The foundation is solid. Reincarnationists are mostly quick-learners, so it is inevitable that the foundation is a bit weak.

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