Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 300: Demon Locking Tower

The father and daughter of the Lin family are both martial artists. As the saying goes, they never stop practicing martial arts and never stop singing songs. The two practiced martial arts diligently every day, so Xiao Ming quickly learned a lot of them.

The Lin family swordsmanship contains a lot of spiritual power, so its power is naturally far beyond ordinary martial arts. Crescent Moon Slash, Sword Qi Slash, Dragon Slashing Art, etc. are all extremely powerful moves.

According to this principle, mixing spiritual power into ordinary boxing should also be able to greatly increase its power.

Imagine what the combat effectiveness of special forces using spiritual power Bagua Palm and spiritual power Xingyi Boxing would be? I drool just thinking about it.

The idea is very good, but Xiao Ming is a martial arts idiot. He tried his best, but he could only mix a little spiritual power into his close combat.

It can increase by about 30%. Although it seems to be a lot, this effect is not as good as Xiao Ming's strengthening system of telekinesis.

And the waste of spiritual power is also very serious. It seems that I am really not cut out for this. It's ok to recite by heart, but it's a disaster to come up with your own ideas.

(lll¬ω¬) It's embarrassing. If you have a chance, you should steal someone else's ready-made spiritual martial arts.

Look at Lin Yueru's whip method, it's as agile as a swimming dragon, as graceful as a startled wild goose; pointing east and hitting west, pointing south and hitting north; it's ever-changing and hard to defend against.

Silver Xiaoming is even worse at this kind of technical stuff. But Green Xiaoming just happens to be able to use it. The insect king is only 1.8 meters tall, but his tail is 2.4 meters long.

It's also a part of his body, easy to control. Using the Lin family whip method on the insect king's tail, it actually achieved a super high degree of fit.

Xiaoming was overjoyed, the Lin family father and daughter are really his lucky stars!

Although Xiaoming is very disgusted with evil deeds such as murder and arson. He has no psychological pressure on things like stealing martial arts. In fact, intellectual property rights should still be respected.

But it's impossible for Xiaoming not to steal. I can only do what I can to compensate and show my feelings.

In the Lin Family Castle, there is an inexplicable existence that has been lingering around the father and daughter. Because its presence is too weak, the father and daughter cannot feel it.

After living nearby for a few days, Yin Xiaoming slowly felt this existence.

How to say it? It is something between spiritual power and ghost. Or it is a mixture of the two.

What Xiaoming actually felt was the deep feelings of this existence for the Lin family father and daughter.

If I am not mistaken, this should be related to Lin Yueru's deceased mother. Many times, this existence has been silently sending a little comfort and a little warmth to the father and daughter.

Unfortunately, after so many years, its power has been almost consumed. It is estimated that it will disappear completely soon.

It is a bit like one of the three souls and seven spirits in the Chinese legend. It may be that Li Yueru's mother was reluctant to part with her daughter and husband. She forced one soul or one spirit to protect them. But in Xiaoming's opinion, it is more like the remnant of Lin's mother's spiritual power. (Is there a difference between the two?)

There is such a saying in telekinesis. When a person with the ability to read dies, if the emotions are particularly strong, the power of reading is likely to continue to exist, or even become stronger.

This is most likely the case with Lin's mother. Since he has received so many benefits from the Lin family, Xiao Ming decided to return the favor in terms of Lin's mother.

However, this matter must be handled very carefully. Although the magic of the dead is appropriate, it is best not to use it.

If Lin's mother is turned into a ghost or something like that, she may be killed by the ascetics of this world, which would be a good deed.

The same is true if Lin's mother is turned into a mind beast. What if a Taoist priest thinks this is a heresy and wants to eliminate it without any reason?

Or if she is spotted by some Taoist masters or peerless demons and captured for slices and research, wouldn't that be even worse?

In terms of mental power, Xiao Ming has just started to learn about it. He can only scan the map and has no corresponding skills to help.

In the end, it still depends on the source of energy.

So on a dark and windy night, Yin Xiaoming sneaked into the Lin Family Castle with the help of the uniformed butler.

Lin Tiannan and Lin Yueru did not feel the presence of the mind beast, but Lin's mother did. But she had no strength to speak, and could not affect anything in reality.

All she could do was to silently block the mind beast and use up her last bit of strength.

This was exactly what Xiao Ming wanted. Silver Xiao Ming was still in the Bright Summit, and he only stretched out a finger to touch Lin's mother, and silently passed the silver source energy to her.

After contacting the source energy, Lin's mother immediately felt Xiao Ming's kindness and accepted it with pleasure. Of course, she did not want to disappear, and wanted to spend more time with her husband and daughter.

Even if she might be just a trace of Lin's mother's soul, or even just a residual mental power, her love for the father and daughter was the deepest and purest.

The source energy output by Xiao Ming was slowly transforming Lin's mother's condition. If Xiao Ming did not control it himself, then this transformation would follow Lin's mother's own wishes.

That would be too much, she would definitely disregard her own safety. She did not care about her own life, but Xiao Ming had to care.

Therefore, Xiao Ming slightly controlled the direction of the strengthening. First, we need to increase the time of Lin's mother's existence, that is, to replenish her energy. Without energy, everything is empty talk.

Second, we need to weaken Lin's mother's presence. It is best that only Lin's father and daughter can sense her, and no one else can.

In order to achieve this, Xiao Ming had to resort to constraints and oaths.

At the cost of not affecting anything other than her husband and daughter, Lin's mother gained the opportunity to communicate more with the father and daughter. Probably, she would use methods such as entering dreams.

Even so, Xiao Ming couldn't be completely relieved. Mother's love can make people do all kinds of crazy things. I hope you don't do bad things with good intentions this time.

After being strengthened by Xiao Ming, Lin's mother has shown her normal form in front of Xiao Ming, a gentle and beautiful mother.

Seeing her, Xiao Ming's eyes were a little wet, but fortunately no one saw it.

Lin's mother bowed deeply to Xiao Ming's finger, and then floated to her daughter's room.

Mourn for Lin Tiannan for three seconds. In the heart of a good mother, children are always the first. Husband can only be ranked second, or even lower.

Then it's your turn to mourn for yourself. People, really can't gloat over other people's misfortunes. Otherwise, there will be retribution. Xiao Ming's retribution came very fiercely.

Green Xiao Ming woke up from his coma and opened his eyes, and found that he and Xiao Hong and Xiao Lu were in a strange place, seemingly in a building.

There are walls, floors, and ceilings, all carved from white stone. Obviously, formations and talismans were added. It was extremely solid and dust-free.

Why did he suddenly lose consciousness and how did he come to this place? Lu Xiaoming was full of questions.

At this time, he didn't know that this place was the famous Shushan Demon Locking Tower in this world.

He didn't know that he would stay in the Demon Locking Tower for ten years.

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