Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 304 Language and Spiritual Communication

Human communication is mainly based on language and supplemented by body movements. Zerg basically communicates with each other through spirits.

Xiao Ming's Zerg humans have two ways of communication. They can communicate with each other through language and through spirit.

Language communication is limited by distance, and sound cannot be transmitted too far. Unless Zerg humans call each other.

The distance of spiritual communication is quite far. It is mainly through the spiritual power strong among them, that is, Green Xiao Ming, as the base station of the signal.

The temporary situation is that Xiao Ming can issue orders to any Zerg and receive reports from any Zerg.

But if Zerg humans want to contact each other, either the distance between the two parties is very close, close enough to talk. Or they can open a group chat with spirit through Green Xiao Ming.

This is also the result of not receiving the nourishment of the Zerg spirit sea.

The spiritual communication between Zerg humans is very unique. This is inherited from the Zerg.

Zerg humans with low spiritual power cannot refuse the spiritual communication of high-level Zerg humans. And low-level Zerg humans are also unable to deceive high-level Zerg humans in spiritual communication.

High-level Zergs can not tell the whole truth to low-level Zergs in mental communication, but they cannot lie. And low-level Zergs can also feel this.

In the Zerg, lying through mental communication is an absolute taboo. Ordinary Zerg individuals cannot do it.

Because this skill needs to be developed by the Zerg itself. But in this process, it is difficult to keep it secret.

The mental communication between Zergs will expose his intention to learn to lie. Then the life of this Zerg will be in danger immediately.

Only Zergs with high mental power can independently develop the skill of lying before other Zergs find out.

He may succeed once or twice. But the problem is that there is a whole Zerg spiritual sea watching, once this high-level Zerg is found to be lying.

These human skills of flattery and perfunctory are useless in front of the Zerg spiritual sea. He will also become the collective enemy of the Zerg.

This has resulted in a result that among the Zerg, except for the highest-level Zerg above the Overlord, other Zerg have no concept and ability to lie.

This is also one of the main reasons why the Zerg can be powerful.

There is no need to pay a huge communication cost. There is no need to invent various things to prevent lying, keep secrets and prove.

From early currency, contracts, and documents; to various bills, certification materials, identity certificates in the commercial period; and various encryption methods and algorithms, etc.

Without these, the Zerg saves a lot of resources that can be used for development; and reduces a lot of conflicts and disputes.

Humans need laws to restrict people's behavior. They need to sue, find evidence, find lawyers, defend, etc. There are also ubiquitous surveillance cameras.

Even so, there is no guarantee that the truth can be obtained and fairness can be achieved. Hypocrisy, fraud, deception, arguing, and double-talk are still the mainstream of human society.

But the Zerg does not need these. With the Spiritual Sea, the Zerg almost always knows the truth and is almost always fair.

Even if the Overlords fight for territory, they don't need the high-sounding reasons of humans. Just challenge directly, everything is so simple and direct.

In fact, Zerg below the Overlord level rarely have their own private property. Everything is distributed according to needs.

It is clear at a glance what you can eat and use. There is no plundering, exploitation and oppression among humans.

And the private property owned by the Overlords is actually his power, territory, resources he controls, and the army he can mobilize...

Zerg do not have so-called currency and money. Treasures, calligraphy and paintings, which cannot be eaten or used, have no value in the eyes of Zerg.

There is no relationship between the sexes in Zerg, and there is no concept of handsome men and beautiful women. There are no troubles caused by this, and of course, all kinds of fun are lost

We can imagine. There is probably little art in Zerg. There is a lack of mystery and beauty inside the Zerg.

Indirect evidence is that Xiao Ming once searched for a long time in the spiritual sea of ​​Zerg, and did not find anything related to art.

Humans have nine arts: 1. Painting; 2. Sculpture; 3. Architecture; 4. Music; 5. Literature; 6. Dance; 7. Drama; 8. Movie; 9. Games.

These things basically have nothing to do with the Zerg. The Zerg only pursues practical effects. The Zerg does not care about the unrealistic concept of beauty.

At least the low-level Zerg do not care. Some high-level Zerg occasionally pursue sensory stimulation. This will be discovered when Xiao Ming returns to the sheltered area.

There is no concept of patent rights within the Zerg, because there is no need for it. Any invention of the Zerg belongs to the entire race.

The contribution he made can be used by the entire race, and the entire race will collectively decide what kind of treatment the inventor should receive.

It is basically impossible to treat him unfairly. Occasionally, there will be things that are said after the fact, but they are rare.

In summary, the Zerg, which basically prohibits lies, is a fairly fair race with great development potential.

However, from the perspective of humans, the Zerg is also a very boring race. Without sex, art, and entertainment, what's the point of living like this?

Even decadent otakus like Xiao Ming and Zhang Wen have a pursuit of beauty. Otherwise, where would the uniform beasts come from? This is also the reason why Xiao Ming's heart is more inclined towards humans.

The situation of insect humans is more special. If they use language to communicate, insect humans can lie, cover up, and even cheat.

But once they use spiritual communication, the situation is the same as that of the Zerg. Don't even think about lying, especially in front of Xiao Ming's powerful spiritual power.

The coexistence of the two communication methods allows insect humans to play some artistic things like humans.

At the same time, they also have a court that can basically guarantee fairness and truth, or an arbitration agency. Important things are decided through spiritual communication.

On the surface, this seems to make insect humans have the advantages of both humans and Zerg. Of course, this may also turn insect humans into a four-legged beast.

What will the future of insect humans look like? It's too early to say now, and everything will be determined by time.

Green Xiao Ming's insect tribe has begun, growing slowly and steadily, and gradually has a little bit of a tribe.

In fact, this goes against the biggest feature of the Zerg - the swarm tactics. Unfortunately, this is determined by Xiao Ming's personality.

Xiao Ming himself has always been conservative, so the development he leads is naturally slow.

Lazy House just casually said a few words about spiritual communication, which is also the setting in this article. In fact, this problem not only exceeds the scope of Lazy House's research. It has also exceeded the scope of human research. We don't have the corresponding samples to study. Many science fiction writers have mentioned similar concepts before. It is a topic that can be thought about more.

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