Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 307 The Death of Two Demons

Swish, the sword flashed, a snake tail was blocked, blood splattered where the blade passed, the wound was almost exposed to the bone.

The snake demon howled, and used his body skills to swim to the side. Just after swimming a few feet away, his body was entangled by Lin Yueru's long whip again, and he couldn't break free in a hurry.

Li Xiaoyao's sword was at him again. Seeing that the snake demon man couldn't resist. The fox demon woman jumped over and blocked the sword with her claws. Li Xiaoyao's sword was heavy, and the fox demon also staggered.

The snake demon man took the opportunity to break free and rushed towards Lin Yueru with his weapon. Lin Yueru swung the whip directly to the snake demon's face, and the snake demon was prepared to dodge sideways.

The fox demon woman took the opportunity to fill in the position and grabbed Lin Yueru. Lin Yueru dodged, and the fox demon woman had not yet retracted her move, and Li Xiaoyao's sword had already left her hand and flew over, which was the Shushan sword control technique.

The fox demon didn't know that Li Xiaoyao had this move, so she couldn't dodge in time, and her left arm was cut. The sword energy entering her body further disrupted her demonic energy.

Fortunately, the snake demon's tail came over and wrapped around her body, and then pulled her back. The fox demon pinched the magic formula with her right hand and cast a hypnotic spell on Li Xiaoyao.

Li Xiaoyao's magic resistance seemed to be a little low, and his head was dizzy. He was about to fall to the ground. Lin Yueru jumped forward and stepped on Li Xiaoyao's foot. The young man woke up instantly.

This decisive battle between the two bosses has been going on for a while.

The snake demon's body was not strong enough, and it was scarred by Li Xiaoyao's sword. He couldn't use his body skills, and was always restrained by Lin Yueru's ever-changing whip skills.

If it weren't for the fox demon girl who had been helping him, the snake demon man would have died at this moment. The fox demon girl's physical combat power was still a little weak, and the harassment effect was not great.

It was only thanks to the hypnotic technique that was hard to defend that it was able to drag on until now. Li Xiaoyao happens to know a kind of Bingxin Jue, which is specially used to break auxiliary spells such as hypnosis and paralysis.

He can always wake up Lin Yueru in time. It can be said that Li Xiaoyao's side has a comprehensive restraint on the snake demon side.

The fox demon can only rely on hypnotizing Li Xiaoyao to delay time, but he didn't expect to be broken by Lin Yueru's stepping on the foot.

The situation is already very unfavorable for the snake demon side. The only hope is the reincarnation. If the werewolf can defeat the ninja and come back three to two. There may be some chances.

Before, the reincarnations on the snake demon side each used a resurrection, and gathered with the two bosses of the snake demon man and the fox demon woman to prepare for a team fight.

At the beginning of the team fight, the snake demon unexpectedly rushed into the team of reincarnations on Li Xiaoyao's side and directly killed our three first-level reincarnations. Only the ninja dodged it.

Lin Yueru was not to be outdone, and swung the long whip to hit the reincarnations on the snake demon side. The three first-level ones also had no power to fight back against the spiritual whip method. also died.

This experience tells us that even when starting a group, we must be timid, and the boss's side may not be a safe place.

So the werewolf and the ninja looked at each other, the main characters of the two sides were too strong. They dared not confront each other.

Let's fight the two reincarnations, at least stay on the stage for a while longer. At this moment, the two of them had a tacit understanding, so the werewolf and the ninja fought together.

The enemy werewolf's physical fitness and recovery ability are very good. Our ninjas do not have enough offensive ability, and finally they were worn down by the thick-skinned werewolves bit by bit.

The second-level ninja is still a ninja, with insufficient chakra and no powerful ninjutsu. It is indeed a disadvantage to fight against the bloodline of the werewolf that was so glorious in the early stage.

Just when the snake demon and the fox demon were ecstatic, Li Xiaoyao and Lin Yueru frowned secretly. Yin Xiaoming finally appeared.

"Hey, how dare you, evil creature!" A silver light flashed, and the werewolf was shot in the head by Xiaoming from a distance.

That silver light was the light when Xiao Ming's energy bullet exploded. The light and shadow effect was not much different from magic. The four people from both sides looked in the direction of the sound.

In the distance, Zhang Xiaoming was wearing a scholar's robe and walking gracefully. In a trance, Lin Yueru thought she had seen her cousin, the nerd.

Xiao Ming could only give himself 60 points for pretending to be cool this time. It doesn't matter, there is still a chance.

The snake demon man and the fox demon woman felt that something was wrong. They were no match for the couple in front of them. Here came another scholar who seemed to be more powerful.

When Li Xiaoyao and Lin Yueru turned around, the two demons immediately turned around and fled in two directions. Lin and Li hurriedly chased separately.

It's just that the other party started earlier, and with their speed, they might not be able to catch up. And don't chase the desperate enemy, how can you know if there are other traps in the cave.

But Li Xiaoyao thought they had captured Zhao Linger, and he was eager to save her, so he didn't care so much.

If the two monsters escape, Xiao Ming will probably lose favorability with the two protagonists. ——That's unacceptable! I still need them to rescue me!

Xiao Ming clasped his hands together, knelt on one knee, and pressed his hands on the ground. He activated alchemy.

Alchemy, a skill that only depends on the strength of mental power and has no level difference, is the most suitable skill for Xiao Ming to exert his strength.

A 3*2 stone wall suddenly rose on the flat ground, blocking the escape route of the two monsters. In the past few days, Green Xiao Ming has built up to several hundred meters of walls, and he has become quite skilled.

The fox demon girl was weak and hit the first wall unexpectedly, spitting blood from her mouth and collapsed on the ground. Li Xiaoyao happened to stab her with his sword, and the fox demon died immediately.

Logically, Xiao Ming should be lenient with the beastman girl. However, this time the situation was special, and Xiao Ming did not dare to let her go. But he did not expect Li Xiaoyao to kill her.

Li Xiaoyao actually had no choice. The hypnosis of this fox demon was too powerful. If they get into trouble, both he and Lin Yueru will die, and Ling'er might also die. How could he dare to hold back!

The snake demon man was stronger than his wife. After knocking down the first stone wall, he was stopped by the second stone wall. He also suffered serious internal injuries. Many bones were broken.

He wanted to fight back and fight hard to take down Lin Yueru, maybe he could give his wife a chance to live.

But seeing that the fox demon woman was dead, the snake demon instantly lost all hope. Although theoretically, he could still kill Lin Yueru for revenge.

But it was not easy to kill Lin Yueru. Among the two Lin and Li, Lin Yueru's martial arts were actually better, and she became more powerful after thousands of tempers. Li Xiaoyao was just stronger in strength and sword control.

In terms of countering moves, he was far inferior to Lin Yueru. After all, Lin Yueru had practiced martial arts since she was a child, and her family had a long history of learning. Li Xiaoyao had just learned sword control not long ago.

If he could muster up the last courage and strength to fight once to save his wife, but now that his wife was dead, it would be useless even if he killed Lin Yueru for revenge.

Besides, is Lin Yueru so easy to kill? Not to mention that she can't be taken down in a hurry.

Even the scholar who has been watching the show from behind, he can dispel all his efforts by just putting up a stone wall.

The snake demon was sad and angry, and didn't want to see the face of humans after the victory, so he screamed and exploded.

Snake demons and fox demons are actually very difficult to fight in the game, because the protagonists are still at a low level when they get here, and they often can't hold on. Of course, the plot world is different from the game.

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