Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 316: Small Universe (Labor Day update)

How did Xiao Ming run from the world of Xianjian 1 to the world of Saint Seiya?

The principle is very simple, because he is a VIP. The barriers between the mission worlds can block his detection and scanning, but will not block his people.

It just so happens that the world of Xianjian 1 is a neighbor of the Five Elders Peak of Mount Lushan in Saint Seiya. So Xiao Ming strolled and strolled to another world.

In fact, only a small part of the scope of Xianjian 1 and Saint Seiya is a neighbor. Most of the plots of Saint Seiya take place in Japan, Europe, the seabed and the underworld.

Only the part of the plot of Five Elders Peak takes place in China, so it can naturally coexist with the world of Xianjian 1.

In fact, Five Elders Peak is not big, and the actual territory used by Xianjian 1 is only a part of China.

So there can be many Saint Seiya worlds coexisting with Xianjian 1, and there are more other worlds. It’s just that almost all reincarnations don’t know about this.

All kinds of supernatural powers of reincarnations come from the reincarnation space, so they are also subject to the reincarnation space.

If the reincarnation space does not want the reincarnation to know something, then even if the reincarnation sees it with his own eyes, it will automatically block it.

As a VIP, the reincarnation space will certainly not do anything to Xiao Ming.

Why would you provoke a being who may be equal to you in the future just for such a small thing that is not worth keeping secret? Haha, how can the reincarnation space be so indifferent to the importance of things?

So Xiao Ming himself can cross the barriers between the worlds and will not be blocked by the space.

But his reconnaissance skills, such as scanning maps or circles, cannot pass through the barriers. This is because the difference in strength is too great.

Although the space does not block Xiao Ming, it will not open the barriers for him just because Xiao Ming's reconnaissance skills cannot pass. The space is not a dog licker.

This raises a new question: Even the reincarnation space does not block Xiao Ming, why can the Locking Demon Tower?

The answer is simple, the space knows Xiao Ming, but the Locking Demon Tower does not.

Since Xiao Ming has come to play in the reincarnation world, it depends on Xiao Ming himself whether it is a blessing or a curse. The space doesn't care about such a small matter, and the VIP shouldn't care about it either.

In the world of Saint Seiya, the microcosm refers to the potential cosmic energy inside the human body, which is the source of human power.

Saint Seiya detonates the microcosm in the body, which can emit extraordinary power. Xiao Ming definitely doesn't mind learning this kind of power.

Learning the microcosm is a natural thing for Silver Xiao Ming. Source energy, which Xiao Ming doesn't know what it is, is it not the potential cosmic energy?

To be fair, source energy is probably much more advanced than the so-called cosmic energy. Therefore, it is as easy for Xiao Ming to learn the microcosm as to learn to eat and drink water.

In addition, the microcosm is greatly affected by the spiritual power of each person. Xiao Ming does not have these excellent qualities such as firm will and fighting spirit.

But Xiao Ming has a super strong mental power blessed by the Zerg spiritual sea, which makes Xiao Ming's microcosm very powerful from the beginning.

After learning the method, Green Xiao Ming also opened the microcosm without any effort. At this time, the power of the silver network and the green network was revealed.

The microcosm system was integrated into these two energy networks, affected by the combined effects of energy flow, strong mental power, and Xiao Ming's own qualities.

Both of Xiao Ming's microcosms broke through to the stage of Silver Saints in one fell swoop. In terms of quantity alone, their microcosm energy is more than that of Gold Saints.

It's just that in terms of quality, Xiao Ming has not yet reached the level of the seventh sense. So he is a, no, a Silver Saint with super strong microcosm energy.

Xiao Ming's outstanding talent was valued by his teacher Tonghu, and there was still a little doubt. People with Xiao Ming's personality should not have such a strong microcosm.

Under Tonghu's careful teaching, Xiao Ming learned a lot of Saint Seiya fighting skills. He also learned a trick [Lushan Shenglongba].

However, Tonghu also worried about this disciple. Zhang Xiaoming, classmate, obviously has a very strong microcosm, and his close combat skills are also okay.

When practicing, he can always be varied. But when it comes to actual combat, the performance is always unsatisfactory. It makes people love and hate him.

However, his powerful microcosm smoothed out these shortcomings. Even if he didn't perform well, Tonghu felt that only the gold saints could deal with him.

At the same time, Xiao Ming also discovered a major feature of the Saint Seiya world - God's suppression and bonus.

In the Saint Seiya world, Xiao Ming's other energy systems were severely suppressed. And the Saint Seiya's strength is also due to a great bonus.

The source of these suppressions and bonuses is not the world, but the gods who really exist in this world. Is this a war of faith?

The faith of the Saint Seiya is Athena, the goddess of wisdom and war. And the holy clothes are the artifacts given to the Saint Seiya by Athena.

Tonghu originally planned to train Shiryu to become the bronze saint of the Celestial Dragon. Now there is another candidate, Zhang Xiaoming.

Xiao Ming is also very interested in the holy clothes. Xiao Ming can make ordinary armor himself through source energy or alchemy. The defensive effect must be not low.

But the holy clothes are artifacts with the will of God. Xiao Ming has no ability to copy them. So Xiao Ming still wanted to get the bronze armor of the Celestial Dragon.

Mainly, he wanted to study what the armor was all about.

During the period when Silver Xiao Ming was training as a Saint Seiya, Green Xiao Ming was a little bored staying in the insect nest of the Demon Locking Tower.

Under Zhang Zhong's control, the development of the insect race is quite stable. It is much better than when Xiao Ming was in charge. Now it has infiltrated several levels of the Locking Demon Tower.

Green Xiao Ming has nothing to do except charging Kunlun in the Earth Spirit Pearl. He was so bored that he started to educate. Teach all the insects to learn telekinesis and microcosm.

There is no problem with telekinesis. Even a disabled insect man of level 1 can learn it. The insect race is really talented in this area.

As for the profound things like microcosm, Xiao Ming originally thought that it would be difficult for the insect race. Unexpectedly, they all learned it within a few days. You know that this is very discouraging?

Although the microcosm in other worlds cannot be blessed by God. But it is still a very strong power system.

After careful inquiry, it was found that if a person has faith, it is easy to learn the microcosm for his own faith. This is the case with the insect race.

Of course, the insects believe in their creator - the king of insects - Green Xiao Ming. Although their faith cannot provide them with any divine power bonus.

But they are all willing to fight for the Insect King, even at the cost of their lives.

They are perfect warriors who combine beauty and wisdom - Insect Fighters.

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