Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 325 Little Child

Lu Xiaoming sent Li Xiaoyao's family of five out of the Demon Locking Tower. A few days later, three things flew in from the entrance of the Demon Locking Tower. They flew straight into the insect nest and landed in front of the Insect King.

Among them were the Hundred Ghosts Box and Wisteria Armor that were previously taken away by the Sword Saint. It seems that the Sword Saint has been paying attention to the situation in the Demon Locking Tower. He also knows what the Insect King has done.

Stopping Li Xiaoyao's family from destroying the Demon Locking Tower is a great achievement. But the Sword Saint did not reward the Insect King at that time.

Maybe he felt that if Xiao Li's family did not leave, the possibility of them destroying the Demon Locking Tower would always exist.

It was not until the Insect King sent Xiao Li's family out of the Demon Locking Tower in a way that the Sword Saint could not see through that the Sword Saint felt relieved.

Logically, he should have released the Insect King. But seeing the current development status and potential of the insect human race, how could the Sword Saint dare to let the tiger go back to the mountain.

Such a terrible race, if it ran out of the Demon Locking Tower, would there be any way for humans to survive? After all, the Sword Saint is the guardian of the human race. So he had to continue to imprison the Insect King.

In the Sword Saint's cognition, the ability of the Insect King to send Li Xiaoyao away probably cannot be used on himself. Otherwise, the Insect King would have run away long ago.

He didn't know that the reason why the Insect King didn't leave the Demon Locking Tower now was because he couldn't bear to part with the rich "food" in the Demon Locking Tower.

Therefore, the Sword Saint felt a little guilty about the Insect King. So he sent a Golden Silkworm King as an apology. This was the spoils of the destruction of the Moon Worship Sect that year. After taking it, it will increase the cultivation level.

This thing is the treasure of Miaojiang, and there are only a few in total. The Shushan Sect only got one. It is estimated that the Sword Saint must be very distressed to take out such a treasure as a reward.

However, if the Sword Saint is asked to take out the Shushan Sect treasure of the same level, the Sword Saint will be even more reluctant.

The authentic magic weapon of Shushan was given to a monster. That's called a pearl in the dark!

In the final analysis, only this Golden Silkworm King is the most suitable. As a trophy, his value is discounted in the Sword Saint's heart. But he seems very generous when he gives it.

The Golden Silkworm King can improve the cultivation level. The lower the cultivation level of the person taking it, the more obvious the effect of the improvement after taking it.

However, people without any cultivation cannot avoid taking the Golden Silkworm King. Ordinary people with weak constitutions will probably reach Nirvana directly after taking it.

For people like Yin Xiaoming and Lu Xiaoming who are in the late stage of foundation building, the effect of taking the Golden Silkworm King is not great. What's more, Xiaoming's accumulated spiritual energy has long exceeded the standard.

The problem he faces is that he doesn't know how to go in the future. After the foundation building, it is said that it is the golden elixir stage. But all the humans and non-humans in Xiaoming's group don't know how to make a pill.

If you have not received orthodox cultivation education and have no formal master, you will encounter such a painful problem.

Xiaoming held the Golden Silkworm King and didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Should I leave it for Xiaojing'er? Or let Xiaohong and Xiaolu eat it? They are in the middle stage of foundation building, and their attributes have also been upgraded to the primary level of level 4. It's a bit of a waste to give it to them.

Now Xiaohong and Xiaolu are quite strong. In the past three years, they have learned a lot of authentic Taoist techniques from Xiaoming.

Xiaohong has already learned the basic sword-controlling skills and has also dabbled in the five-element Taoist arts. Xiaolu is not good at sword-controlling, but has some talent in the five-element Taoist arts.

If they continue to develop like this, their future is limitless. Originally, with the qualifications of the two girls, the foundation-building stage is almost their peak.

Being able to follow Zhang Xiaoming is definitely their greatest luck. They can cheat with Xiaoming. The cultivation resources they enjoy are not even comparable to those of many disciples of famous sects.

This is what is called, "Standing on the wind, even pigs can fly." What's more, the two of them are only mediocre in qualifications, not as stupid as pigs.

"Awoo." A little head stretched out and ate the Golden Silkworm King in one bite. Just as he turned around and wanted to run away, he was grabbed by Xiaoming.

It was a little man who was only ten centimeters tall, and looked exactly like Xiaoming when he was a child. Don't get me wrong, he is not Maomaoer. Maomaoer only has a human head, which is close to the size of a normal child's head. Who is this little man?

Do you still remember the gift that Yijian Guanghanzhao Jiuzhou gave to Xiaoming? That's right, it was that egg.

A year ago, the egg finally hatched. Xiaoming thought he would know what it was after it hatched. Unexpectedly, it was still unclear.

Because what hatched was a little man a few centimeters tall. His face was very similar to Xiaoming's when he was a child, but he had two small horns on his head.

Xiaoming suspected that he might be a kind of dragon, but he couldn't confirm it. There are actually many creatures with horns. Xiaoming's knowledge is limited, and he really can't recognize it.

This little guy brought Xiaoming endless fun. He was also loved by everyone, insects, ghosts, and monsters. The one who liked him the most was Maomaoer.

Because this little guy looks exactly like Maomaoer. Maomaoer has just become a human and likes this little brother very much. The two of them almost always stick together to play.

When playing, Maomaoer used liquid metal to shape his body and supported his head. He dragged his brother around to go crazy.

In order to facilitate his activities, he also practiced how to pull the hot-blooded Nezha into a thin line, so that he could run farther.

After a year, the little guy finally learned to speak a few human words, but for some reason, he just wouldn't call Xiao Ming "Dad" or "Mom".

He called him "Da Da". And he refused to change his name. Later, even Maomao followed him and called Xiao Ming "Da Da".

The title of Dada is too vague. In various dialects, Dada can be translated as: grandfather, grandmother, father, uncle, uncle, aunt, brother, sister...

Besides, this is the Demon Locking Tower, and the little guy can't learn dialects. No one knows what Dada means in his mouth. Xiao Ming can't do anything about him.

╮(╯▽╰)╭Alas, Xiao Ming had no choice but to let him do what he wanted. But since he called himself Dada, Xiao Ming simply called him "Xiao Xiaoer".

When Xiao Xiaoer was born, he was only a few centimeters tall, but he already had the attributes of the first level. When he was 10 centimeters tall, his attributes had already touched the edge of the second level.

After taking the Golden Silkworm King, his height suddenly jumped to more than 20 centimeters tall, and his attributes were also upgraded to the intermediate level of the third level.

It's just that the energy system in his body is not any of the ones that Xiao Ming has mastered.

It's probably a bit like demonic energy, but it's a level higher. It may be some kind of more powerful demon beast.

For the time being, Xiao Ming will definitely not let such a cute Xiao Xiao Er learn how to fight. In Xiao Ming's heart, Xiao Xiao Er is still a child, and he just needs to have fun.

It's not too late to learn how to fight when he grows up. Even if he never learns, Xiao Ming doesn't mind.

(^ω^) But stealing food must be punished. Xiao Ming caught Xiao Xiao Er and pretended to spank him; Xiao Xiao Er also pretended to cry;

Maomao rushed over and wrapped Xiao Xiao Er tightly with liquid metal...

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