Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 332 Eighteen Hells

Xiao Ming left the Ghost General and No. 200 in the barracks to manage the daily operations of the barracks. He also left a housekeeper clone.

He and Xiao Hong flew on the sword in the low sky of Mars. He only dared to fly 3 meters above the ground. The first bird to stick out gets shot, and he couldn't go any higher.

Xiao Ming kept the circle open, and occasionally released a scan map to look around. He not only paid attention to the movements of the cockroach people, but also observed the situation of the reincarnations.

If he encountered a small group of cockroaches, he would eat them; if he encountered enough, he would consider summoning a large army to destroy them; of course, under the right conditions.

Xiao Ming's focus was to see what other reincarnations had. C-level reincarnations were actually not weak. They were enough to pose a threat to Yin Xiao Ming.

Because his main body was still a little weak, Xiao Ming only observed the reincarnations from a certain distance and never came into close contact.

After a few days of reconnaissance and fighting, Xiao Ming saw many magical abilities and many special bloodlines.

Xiao Ming could recognize the roots of some of them. For example, the ninjutsu in Naruto. There is a reincarnation with a Sharingan, and his combat power is very outstanding.

He uses chakra, so it is not difficult to recognize that he is a ninja. Of course, Xiao Ming did not know that the eye is called Sharingan.

If his companion did not happen to have the Byakugan of the Hyuga family, Xiao Ming might not even notice the eyes of this reincarnation.

Devil fruit ability users are also relatively easy to identify. Half of a reincarnation's body can be stretched at will like rubber.

Not only does it mean that he is a rubber fruit ability user, but it also clearly shows that there are fruits with higher levels than defective fruits.

Telekinesis is also relatively common. In fact, many reincarnations have a little bit of telekinesis, a little bit of the shadow of the microcosm, and even some power systems that Xiao Ming does not recognize.

Most of them are just a taste, just borrowing these energies to add to attack and defense.

There is a telekinesis ability user who used telekinesis to create an armored vehicle with artillery. In small-scale conflicts, it is invincible. It can even turn into a robot.

Unfortunately, the amount of telekinesis is insufficient and the duration of persistence is limited. Under the beating of the cockroaches, he finally had to self-destruct.

The various abilities and bloodlines opened Xiao Ming's eyes and benefited him a lot.

In the past few days, Xiao Ming himself has also experimented and developed some strange and effective strategies and tactics.

For example, the [Eighteen Hells], which is mainly based on alchemy and supplemented by other energies.

In the appropriate terrain, the cockroaches are completely enclosed with solid walls to form a space that cannot be temporarily escaped. Call it hell.

Xiao Ming first set a fierce fire in hell and had a BBQ, perhaps with the sword energy of the Ten Thousand Swords Technique in the middle, cutting back and forth. If necessary, add some oil.

After roasting for an hour or so, quickly fill the hell with ice water to create a double world of ice and fire. After this set, those who are not dead will have few breaths left.

And this trick still has a lot of room for improvement. There are many tortures in the Eighteen Hells, which can be added in for fun.

The advantage of this trick is that it uses Xiao Ming's longest version-mental power. Cockroaches cannot crack the alchemy driven by the 6th level of mental power.

The disadvantage is that the Eighteen Hells have high requirements for terrain, preferably valleys or caves.

Xiao Ming once tried it on the plains. He found that the consumption of mental power was too great and it was not cost-effective at all.

What kind of tactics are most suitable for the plains? —— [Minefield].

In a huge area, there are all kinds of telekinetic mines. But only when the mines in a few specific areas are triggered, other mines will be activated.

Minefields are most suitable for the plains to carry out preliminary strikes on the enemy's army. It is difficult to wipe out all the enemies by itself; besides, the vitality of cockroaches is relatively strong, and most of them are only injured but not killed; therefore, troops need to be dispatched to finish off the end.

This large minefield can actually be used in many places. But it is best not to use it in places with very complex terrain. After the explosion, the terrain will become more complex. It will become very difficult to finish it off.

[One Hundred Demons Night Parade]: Xiao Ming was very happy to find that the Martian cockroaches are very insensitive to supernatural energy. They are even more ignorant of ghosts and mind beasts.

So if ghosts and Xiao Hei and other alien mind beasts deal with a small group of cockroaches, it is like pinching a snail with three fingers - a sure thing.

Xiao Ming's other mind beast clones, due to the clone effect mixed in the ninjutsu, generally have 30% to 70% of the physical properties of Yin Xiao Ming.

The physical properties of Yin Xiao Ming's body have reached the intermediate level of level 3, so almost all of Xiao Ming's clones have the combat power of level 2.

The combat power of combat clones, such as special forces, is already level 3. So there are also uniform clones in the ranks of the Hundred Demons Night Parade.

In order to avoid being bored, Xiao Ming specially developed a set of [Invisible Uniform].

Speaking of invisibility, it is also one of the ultimate wishes of otakus. There is no need to take the excuse of fighting as a scapegoat. It is just what the heart desires.

Since it is invisible, this uniform has no real form. Strictly speaking, it should be a set of tights. The function is that the person wearing the uniform will be invisible.

It is mainly optical invisibility, and it also has a certain isolation effect on sound, smell, body temperature, etc. ... It needs to be improved.

Xiao Ming wanted to develop the invisible uniform project a long time ago. But he never got started.

Later, the Insect King ate some chameleon monsters and cultivated some insect people with certain stealth abilities. The telekinesis they trained also tended to be stealth-oriented.

So Xiao Ming found the direction of the stealth uniform, which was to use telekinesis to imitate chameleons. In this regard, the stealth effect of the Insect King is two levels higher than that of Yin Xiao Ming.

There are also tactics that can be used in certain special terrains-[Tunnel Warfare]:

Due to early geological activities, tunnels and caves of various sizes have also been produced underground or inside mountains on Mars.

In this terrain, all the tactics mentioned above can be used, and it makes sense to fight in any way.

Only the power of the mine array needs to be controlled. If the tunnel is completely collapsed, it will be troublesome. It doesn't matter if only a part is destroyed, it can be repaired with alchemy in minutes.

And the most indispensable of all tactics is [Decapitation]:

In the battle, Xiao Ming learned to shoot the horse first before shooting the man, and to capture the thief first. The difference between cockroach people with leaders and those without leaders is really too big.

When cockroaches with leaders encounter danger, they will not act recklessly. The leaders will usually come out to command and organize resistance or breakout.

So usually at the beginning of the war, Xiao Ming will use his trump card to kill several powerful leaders first.

It turns out that this method is really wise. The command system of the beheaded cockroach troops is in a mess, and it is effortless to eliminate them.

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