Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 347 Business at the Wine Table

Xiao Ming didn't drink alcohol originally. He had no tolerance for alcohol before and was the type who would get drunk after one glass.

And he didn't like the taste of alcohol, and didn't like the feeling of drinking until his mind was not clear.

But now he is not afraid. Now Silver Xiao Ming has a physical fitness of the 3rd level intermediate. Ordinary alcohol can't harm his body and mind at all.

Since these two are in high spirits, let's drink with them. When they are drunk, maybe they can give me a discount.

Sure enough, after these two got drunk, they patted Xiao Ming on the shoulder and called him brother. Then they wanted to give him something for free.

How could Xiao Ming accept this! Giving a discount is friendship, but giving something for free is taking advantage of others.

Giving something for free when drunk is taking advantage of others after drinking. They are not beautiful women, and taking advantage of them after drinking is not good or bad.

Let's not talk about whether they are good or bad. Xiao Ming is not short of "money", so why should he be greedy for such a small advantage.

Through life energy, Xiao Ming also noticed it. That Uchiha Sago was really drunk, and he was sincere when he said he wanted to give away things for free.

That Hyuga Ninggo was not so drunk. He really cared about his companions, and it would be terrible if both of them were drunk.

So he remained somewhat sober, and at the same time observed Xiao Ming. To see if Xiao Ming was a person who was greedy for small gains.

After several transactions, Xiao Ming also had some understanding of the trading rules between formal reincarnations.

In the reincarnation space, the transactions of general reincarnations should be conducted through the auction platform provided by the space.

The auction platform is relatively fair, and there are strict restrictions on the reserve price and the maximum price of an item for auction. It is between 30% and 4 times the price of the item in the space.

At the same time, the value and number of auction items that can be sold and bought by reincarnations of different levels after each mission are also limited.

So how are transactions in the reincarnation world realized? This involves another set of rules in the reincarnation space - gifts.

So the transaction between reincarnations is essentially that you give me something, and I give you something.

Similarly, for different levels of reincarnations, in different worlds, there are also limits on the number of gifts and the total value of the items sent.

Most importantly, when sending things, reincarnations have to pay extra to the space. This fee can be a shopping voucher, a score, or an advance payment for the evaluation of this task.

Therefore, transactions between reincarnations must be very cautious. Of course, these conditions are not restricted to Xiao Ming, the VIP.

Some people may wonder that many of the reincarnations that Xiao Ming helped before gave Xiao Ming a thank-you gift. Isn't this a loss?

Of course not. Most of what they gave to Xiao Ming were consumables and supplies. These things are very cheap, and there are not many restrictions on giving them. Sprinkle some water.

What really cost a lot of money was the A-level ninjutsu scroll that Xin Shui gave to Xiao Ming. But as a B-level reincarnation, Xin Shui is not short of money.

"Good brother, hiccup, brother tells you, this is a good thing... hiccup..." Uchiha Zuowu took out a box made of ice, and inside it was an eye.

"Do you know what this is? It's called...hiccup...Sharingan, or a Sharingan with three magatama. Do you know what level it is? C-level. You just need to put this eye on yourself,"

As he said this, he slapped Xiao Ming's shoulder twice and shouted loudly:

"You will immediately become a C-level ninjutsu master, you are so stupid. Come, accept it, my gift, if you don't accept it, it means you look down on me..."

In the world of Naruto, Xiao Ming has only experienced the secret realm in the Magic Planet game, and the progress has not yet advanced to the appearance of the protagonist.

So he really doesn't know much about the world of Naruto. He has only heard of a few terms, and he doesn't know most of the common sense.

Xiao Ming has heard of Sharingan, and he thought it was a very strange red eye disease at first. But I have never heard of the term three magatama.

Observe this eye carefully, and then look at Uchiha Sago's eyes. Xiao Ming also guessed that this refers to the pattern around the pupil of the eye.

But this statement is also quite strange, and this eye with special beauty contact lenses is even stranger.

However, now does not seem to be a suitable occasion for the other party to explain properly.

Besides, he is so drunk that he can't explain clearly, right? Xiao Ming still feels good about this eye. It is hard to refuse such a kind offer, so let's accept it.

But we can't accept it for nothing, we have to exchange it with something similar.

Xiao Ming actually has a lot of things stored in Guangmingding, but he is willing to take them out for exchange, and they are suitable for exchange. They are still hacker energy weapons and energy blocks.

This time Xiao Ming gave a hacker energy sniper rifle, looked at the changes in Hyuga Ningwu's life energy, and gave him an energy block.

Uchiha Sawu was not polite. After accepting it, he continued to burp and talk nonsense with Xiao Ming, and Hyuga Ningwu also interrupted from time to time.

They kept talking until the ninja duo fell asleep in a daze, and then they stopped.

In fact, at this time, there was a basic situation that Xiao Ming didn't understand.

That is, the items he gave out were actually not certified by the space. It is equivalent to things in the reincarnation world.

Whether it is Xinshui or the ninja duo, after the mission is over, if they want to take the energy gun and energy block out, they will need to pay extra to the space.

Of course, compared with the value of energy weapons, it is worth paying a little extra.

Besides, because of this, they can also get an important message. The energy guns and energy blocks were produced by the leader himself and were not obtained during missions.

Then Xiao Ming's market must be bullish in their minds. Anyone who can make energy blocks will definitely not be an ordinary reincarnation person.

Although Xiao Ming's energy weapons have pitfalls, the ninjas' Sharingan also has pitfalls. Everyone is half-hearted.

This Sharingan didn't come from the right way, it was brought out of the Naruto world using special props. It means that this Sharingan has not been certified by space.

Things like the Sharingan can only be used directly by reincarnators if they have been certified by space, turning one of their eyes into the corresponding Sharingan.

Although the physique of the reincarnation is still not that of the Uchiha clan, using the Sharingan will be burdensome, but it can also be repaired with the corresponding props.

But the "smuggled" Sharingan is not so easy to use.

First, the reincarnated person must find someone who can perform this kind of surgery to help him install his eyes.

Secondly, the damage caused by Sharingan to the body. It is difficult for reincarnators to obtain suitable props to repair.

More importantly, this eye is not recognized by the space, so it cannot be used as a basis for further upgrades. Future development will all depend on the efforts of the reincarnators themselves.

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