Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 351 Professional Uniform

The second branch of the uniform series is the professional uniform branch. This branch is the true origin of the uniform beast.

The founder of Xiao Ming's school of uniform beasts is not Xiao Ming himself, but his good friend Zhang Wen.

Before the start of the Magic Planet game, Xiao Ming had a weak source of energy, and Zhang Wen also had a very primitive mind ability at that time.

His mind ability is the uniform beast. Xiao Ming's mind ability is actually imitated from Zhang Wen.

Xiao Ming has been sitting on the source energy for nearly 40 years, but has made no achievements. He just uses the source energy as an emergency measure.

Zhang Wen can create his own beast when the supernatural energy is extremely meager and he has not received any teaching.

This fat man is a real talent. In terms of creativity, Zhang Wen is several levels higher than Xiao Ming.

Of course, only Xiao Ming, who is a 13, can really carry forward this ability. Alas, where can I go to reason.

The essential difference between the two brothers is the amount of energy. The difference between a roadside stall and a multinational corporation.

Zhang Wen's total amount of telekinesis simply cannot support him to develop too many types of uniform telekinesis beasts. Not to mention giving them powerful abilities.

Zhang Xiaoming is different. His energy is almost inexhaustible. Don't develop it too easily.

[Professional uniform branch]: The image and ability of this series of uniforms imitate various professions in modern society. They are often matched with stockings.

It highlights the youthful beauty of women in the new era and also reflects their ability to hold up half the sky. Of course, it also satisfies men's aesthetic preferences.

Most professional uniforms have special abilities and props, but do not have combat power bonuses.

Now let's take a closer look:

① [Teacher] (dark blue uniform, hip skirt, black stockings): Ability is teaching and scientific research.

Matching props: A textbook, scientific research props. Teachers can put the items that need to be analyzed into the textbook.

After the analysis is completed, some information about the item will be obtained. After the analysis, the item disappears.

Matching props: B pointer, teaching props. People wearing teacher uniforms and holding pointers have improved their ability to teach others.

②[Student] (white shirt, black skirt, white stockings): Matches with teacher uniforms, and has the ability to learn.

Matching props: notebooks, learning props. People wearing student uniforms and holding notebooks have improved their ability to learn anything.

①② can be used to activate a combination skill: [Private Tutor].

The premise of the combination skill: both parties must be willing and understand the rules of this ability. Otherwise, the ability cannot be activated.

The process of activating the combination skill: one person wears a teacher uniform and the other wears a student uniform. The teacher will teach the student a designated skill or knowledge.

The condition for the end of the combination skill: when the student learns the skill or knowledge, the skill ends naturally.

The standard for learning is that the student can barely use the skill, or master 30% of the teacher's knowledge. In fact, the requirements are not very high.

The characteristics of the combination skill are that both parties wear uniforms and hold props. With the combination, the teaching efficiency will be increased to 3-5 times the usual. The effect on uniform control is stronger.

The biggest limitation of the combination skills is: you must learn it!

Before the designated skills or knowledge are taught, the private tutor cannot be stopped. Xiao Ming himself cannot cancel it.

You must know that it takes a certain amount of time to teach skills. The teacher's teaching ability, the proficiency of skills, the qualifications of students, etc. will affect the teaching time.

If the teacher still cannot teach the student before Xiao Ming's ability to give the uniform is exhausted. Both the teacher and the student will suffer serious backlash.

Fortunately, although Xiao Ming cannot be stopped, he can continue to charge the uniforms of both parties.

Given Xiao Ming's strong energy and the source energy as a backing. Xiao Ming himself should not encounter this situation. But other users are hard to say.

Therefore, the skills or knowledge designated by the private tutor should be more reliable. Otherwise, it is also very dangerous.

As a new generation of Chinese people who have been deeply influenced by the Chinese education system and have participated in the middle school entrance examination and college entrance examination. Xiao Ming's desire for abilities such as teaching is simply deep in his bones.

In the past, Xiao Ming envied those students who studied well and were very smart. At the same time, I also hope that my teacher is a good teacher with outstanding teaching ability.

The development of the two uniforms of teachers and students, as well as the combination of private tutors, is also to make up for the regrets of the past.

③[Nurse] (white uniform, white stockings): ability to restore life; massage to relieve fatigue.

Xiao Ming did not do much development on this beast imitating Zhang Wen. Instead, it basically maintained the original state, only improving the treatment effect.

Speaking of which, nurses and doctors can definitely become a powerful uniform combination. But Xiao Ming's accumulation in medicine is not enough.

Besides, he has also seen MO surgery. He feels more about the poverty of his own knowledge.

So Xiao Ming does not plan to rashly develop this uniform beast for the time being. Lest he draw a tiger but draw a dog.

④[Maid] (black and white uniform, black stockings): ability to take care of and serve at home.

Including cleaning, washing clothes, cooking, serving tea and water, etc. The development of this ability is purely because Xiao Ming himself is too lazy.

Xiao Ming devoted all his energy to improving the operating capabilities of this mind beast, and also spared no expense in equipping it with a large number of household tools for use.

It seems that Xiao Ming is planning to be a young master who has everything he wants. In addition, there is a little intention of using it to show off.

Speaking of showing off, the next uniform is more useful in this regard.

No matter who it is, as long as there is a butler standing next to him and a few maids surrounding him to serve him, he should be quite prominent, right?

⑤[Butler] (black uniform, black stockings): The butler's ability is the most frequently used by Xiao Ming. They are responsible for opening Xiao Ming's personal space - Guangmingding.

By the way, with the stability of Xiao Ming's energy network, Guangmingding has now expanded to more than 400 cubic meters.

However, its expansion this time has basically come to an end. Of course, Guangmingding will continue to expand a little bit every day.

Because Xiao Ming continues to practice every day, the energy network is still growing slowly. The butler space must naturally keep up with the pace.

When Xiao Ming developed the butler uniform, his purpose was to develop a space ability. In addition, the butler has no other special abilities.

It will not really help Xiao Ming manage household affairs. But when it stood beside Xiao Ming, it really had the demeanor of a housekeeper.

In the future, we can consider training it into a management-type mind beast. Xiao Ming's large number of mind beasts do need a manager.

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