Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 354 Armed Bulletproof Vehicle

It took Xiao Ming half a month to materialize this armored bulletproof vehicle with his mind ability.

In order to ensure the combat effectiveness of the armored bulletproof vehicle, Xiao Ming first thoroughly modified the original one.

The bulletproof armor was strengthened. The armor material is made of the material of the aircraft used by humans in the alien world of Mars. Xiao Ming got the sample from the irreparable wreckage.

This alloy material used in the space field is relatively light and very tough.

You should know that there are drifting pebbles, ice cubes and other objects everywhere in space.

They are very small and not easy to be found, so it is difficult for spacecraft to avoid them in advance. This also makes them very dangerous.

Because the relative speed is too high, their impact will cause far more destructive power than bullets or even artillery shells.

Therefore, the materials used to build spacecraft, especially the materials of the armor part, must be very tough. Generally, they are specially made alloy materials, which are quite expensive.

However, Xiao Ming has alchemy. As long as he understands the composition of this alloy material, Xiao Ming can make it directly.

Therefore, the defense of the modified armored bulletproof vehicle is greatly improved and the weight is greatly reduced.

Originally, the armored bulletproof car was not heavy, just a few tons, but now it is 30% lighter. The transformable range of the fire source fragments is 100 tons. It seems a bit wasteful.

It seems that Xiao Ming can add as many accessories as possible to the bulletproof car. It is more cost-effective to activate it once.

However, if it is too complicated, it will be difficult to imitate it with telekinesis. So Xiao Ming stopped modifying the bulletproof car.

The new [armed bulletproof car]: about 6 meters long, 2 meters wide, 2 meters high, and a total weight of 5 tons. It is driven by hacker energy blocks. The power is strong and lasting.

It is equipped with 2 energy sniper rifles, 8 energy submachine guns, 20 energy pistols, and 8 energy shields. The embodiment of such a car can arm one or two combat teams.

The rebel mecha "Xiao Jia", because it is difficult to find a suitable machine for transformation on Mars, is bored and uses the modified armored bulletproof car as the object of transformation.

During Xiao Ming's retreat, the last project was this car. Now he can successfully manifest an armed bulletproof car.

After materializing, it is still a car, and it still needs people to drive it. The weapons inside also need people to use them. Before it became a Transformer, it was just a machine.

It took another two months to activate it as a Transformer. As Qu Dapao said, it automatically became Xiao Ming's subordinate.

The bulletproof car King Kong is also a fifth-level existence like Xiao Jia. It is not much inferior to the C-level reincarnation. And it is more threatening.

The main reason is that their energy weapons and energy shields are too strong. This is the result of Xiao Ming not developing energy cannons.

Among the two of them, Xiao Jia is a little stronger. His energy weapon is equivalent to a more powerful heavy machine gun.

This is attached when Zion leaves the factory, and Xiao Ming will not manufacture it for the time being.

However, the development of the Transformers series has temporarily stagnated. There is no suitable machine for materialization.

Xiao Ming will definitely not make several similar telekinetic Transformers. There is not so much telekinetic potential to waste.

After this, Xiao Ming's work focus will return to the development of insect humans.

The Demon Locking Tower and the cockroaches on Mars have created a great opportunity for the development of the insect human race. It will be difficult to encounter such an opportunity again in the future.

Xiao Ming also wanted to see what the insect human race would look like when it developed to the extreme. So he strengthened his conquest in the Demon Locking Tower and Mars.

With Xiao Ming's loser character, the so-called strengthening is just a little bit of effort. He will never go all out.

Green Xiao Ming and Silver Xiao Ming spend 48 hours together every day, and more than half of them are spent playing with Xiao Xiaoer. Xiao Xiaoer also likes the two big guys very much.

With Xiao Xiaoer as the center, Xiao Ming, Zhang Zhong, Xiao Jia, Xiao Hong, Xiao Lu, bulletproof car King Kong, some insect people, some monsters and other various "idle people" gathered.

Xiao Ming handed over the work of foreign wars, his own cultivation, and internal scientific research and production to the uniform shadow clones.

Time passed day by day in these leisurely and busy days...

After another 3 months, the fire source fragments were recharged again.

At this time, Maomao'er's body - Hot-blooded Nezha, has been accelerated by Xiao Ming to expand into a sealed armor covering the whole body.

Its image can refer to Marvel's Iron Man. Although Xiao Ming has not heard of this name. But this does not prevent him from developing something similar.

It's just that Xiao Ming's full body armor has two head armors, and the other one is for Maomao's own head. (Human-Human Fruit)

Xiao Ming used the fire source fragments to transform [Hot-blooded Nezha]. But it seems to have no effect.

In terms of soul, Maomao already has it. There is no need to give it a new soul.

In terms of transformation, the material of Hot-blooded Nezha is liquid metal. You can change into anything you want, and you really don't need this ability.

However, the energy emitted by the fire source fragments is still absorbed by Maomao. And Maomao's life energy has also increased a lot.

The total amount of Hot-blooded Nezha's telekinesis has also increased a lot. It is equivalent to being strengthened once.

Xiao Ming saw the bargain, and after another three months, when he wanted to use the fire source to strengthen Maomao again, it was obviously impossible.

The rules of action of this fire source fragment are similar to his own source energy. Xiao Ming suddenly had an idea and stuffed the fire source into the textbook in the teacher's uniform for analysis.

Analysis of the genetic information of flesh and blood life has always been done by the Insect King relying on the instinct of the Zerg.

As for non-flesh and blood, Xiao Ming usually puts them in the textbook of mind ability for research.

More than a year later, Xiao Ming has been on Mars for 2 years; he has been locked in the Demon Locking Tower for 7 years since he entered the Xianjian world.

In the plot of Mars Alien, there is a plot character named "Red" in the Chinese team. Her MO ability is a bacterial virus ability.

The Insect King got some of her blood samples that year, absorbed them, and only then successfully integrated this ability.

Xiao Ming has the ability to release a large number of bacterial viruses that can be transmitted through the air and can be infected by skin contact.

The released virus can kill most creatures below level 4.

Because the T virus is integrated into it, the creatures killed by the virus will become zombies and attack all living things.

And because Xiao Ming has also integrated the antidote for the T virus, Xiao Ming can also release the antidote to kill the virus. The zombies will die.

This virus is temporarily named [Mars Virus]. It is a real weapon of mass destruction. It is better not to use it casually.

People with special abilities or wearing protective clothing and masks can avoid this kind of damage.

Of course, this virus is still ineffective against Zerg and Undead.

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