Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 364 Beehive and Gecko

League of Legends, the base of the New Han Kingdom's Northern Office, has a resounding name - Beehive.

The origin of the name is self-evident. It is estimated that the former senior executive was temporarily obsessed with it.

However, the reincarnationists are also a group of mavericks, and this name has not been complained about on a large scale.

Instead, it has received unanimous praise and has inexplicably stood.

I don't know how many newcomers are speechless about this, and Xiao Ming is one of them.

Resident Evil 1 is one of the common worlds for novice tasks. The name of the Beehive is well known among the reincarnationists.

It is a place full of zombies and has been destroyed countless times. Doesn't anyone think it's unlucky to use this name?

Xiao Ming only complained a few words in his heart, and then shook his hand and ignored it. If the newcomers are like him, it's no wonder that no one complained.

The League of Legends adopts the points and rating system commonly seen in online novels.

You can get points by completing tasks, and points can be used to buy things, which will also affect the rating of the reincarnation in the alliance.

The level of a reincarnationist in the reincarnation space is the upper limit of his level in the alliance. A C-level reincarnationist can only become a C-level hero in the alliance at most.

And he has to complete tasks and accumulate points to upgrade. If he is unwilling to do tasks, he may be an E-level hero for his whole life.

There are many kinds of tasks in the League of Legends. Most of them are related to violent organizations such as the military and the police.

If the task can be completed by intelligence, reincarnationists are not needed. The difference between reincarnationists and ordinary people is mainly in force.

There are also some tasks that are specifically for transferring items in the reincarnation space to reality.

This kind of thing is very difficult even for high-level reincarnationists. Because the reincarnation space has very strict restrictions on the flow of items.

However, for Xiao Ming, this kind of task is simply to give him points. The reincarnation space does not restrict Xiao Ming at all.

Even in terms of level, Xiao Ming only has the status of a VIP, not the level of an ordinary reincarnationist.

The reincarnation space also opens the door to convenience. Xiao Ming can show any level he wants on his ring.

Even if it is displayed as S-level, no one will believe it. Besides, Jiang Shizu also knows Xiao Ming's footsteps.

So Xiao Ming temporarily chooses to be a D-level reincarnation for a while. It should be suitable. So he also successfully obtained the E-level hero certificate.

Do more tasks and accumulate enough points, and you can upgrade to a D-level hero.

Correspondingly, the alliance will also have some preferential treatment for heroes. Many precious treasures and information that can only be exchanged for points look quite tempting.

Some high-level reincarnations will also use private guidance in exchange for certain points. The more famous teachers are also well-known.

For low-level reincarnations, as long as others teach a little more attentively, it is better than years of exploration.

Unfortunately, Xiao Ming estimated that no one should be able to guide him on how to use source energy.

In the reception hall, when going through the certification procedures. Xiao Ming also saw an acquaintance. It was the courier brother he had seen when he was in the game studio.

At first, I thought this guy had a strange bone structure (high life energy), but I didn't expect that he was also a formal reincarnation, although only at the E level.

The other party also saw Xiao Ming and felt that he seemed a little familiar. So he nodded to Xiao Ming and went on his way.

However, the reincarnation who handled the procedures for Xiao Ming saw this scene and took the initiative to introduce Xiao Ming.

The nickname of the courier boy is [Gecko Brother]. It is said that his supernatural ability is derived from the superpowers of the X-Men world. (This is the first time Xiao Ming has heard of this world.)

Let the courier boy have the ability to climb walls and regenerate like a gecko. He is a very promising young man.

This receptionist is really enthusiastic, not the kind of very rigid civil servant. Xiao Ming got a lot of useful and useless information from him.

After joining the League of Legends, all the spies around Xiao Ming's house were withdrawn. These people are no longer qualified to monitor Xiao Ming.

Of course, there are a few more powerful spies who came to the vicinity in a more covert way.

They are clearly visible under Xiao Ming's circle and scan. But Xiao Ming can't do anything to them.

After the Light Spirit incident, he entered the reincarnation space again. Now he has become popular in the call-up mission. It is unreasonable not to be monitored.

Besides, being monitored is not a bad thing. They can only monitor Yin Xiaoming and Xiaoming's copies in several galaxies.

They don't know about the existence of the insect king Green Xiaoming. This gives Xiaoming a lot of room for operation.

Being monitored is actually a good thing. This is an "alibi" delivered to the door.

In addition to these secret spies, there is also a big man who took the initiative to visit.

This person is Meng An, who belongs to the military. This is his second visit to Xiaoming's home.

The color he showed in the scan is red, and his strength is probably A-level, slightly weaker than Zhang Zhong.

The last time he came was the day when Xiaoming just entered the reincarnation space.

He and Jiang Shizu, Turtle Immortal and others actually played mahjong in his own home.

At that time, Meng An was completely suppressed by Jiang Shizu, and it was really hard to tell that he was actually an A-level reincarnationist.

The reason for coming this time is very obvious. Xiao Ming won the first place in the Bull King Recruitment Mission. After Xiang Mo returned, the Xiang family immediately began to investigate Zhang Xiaoming.

Naturally, Xiao Ming's background was quickly found. However, due to the actions of the Xiang family, the New Han Kingdom naturally knew about this matter.

Similarly, this matter could not be concealed from the other major powers. Xiao Ming really made a big splash this time.

A person who just became a temporary reincarnation 7 days ago was able to enter the mission world of the Bull King's summons, which was already shocking.

Unfortunately, this guy even won the first place. How embarrassing for everyone.

Other aspects are still difficult to judge, but Zhang Xiaoming is definitely a genius who is very suitable for the reincarnation space. So in a blink of an eye, Xiao Ming became a hot commodity.

Meng An also knew that since Xiao Ming was already an official hero of the League of Legends, it would be impossible to force him to join the military.

So this time, he just came to remind (deter) Xiao Ming not to treat the law as nothing just because of his strong strength.

Mainly, he wanted to see with his own eyes what kind of person this guy who has been involved in many things recently is.

Seeing Xiao Ming's face that looked ten years younger because of ten years of cultivation, Meng An saw at a glance that this was a side effect of his successful foundation building, and he suddenly realized it.

It turned out that he was a person with immortal affinity, so it was not surprising that some extraordinary things happened around him.

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