Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 366 Meeting old classmates

Most Zergs are not interested in the skill [Spirit Shield], and the reason is quite reasonable.

We know that the Spirit Ocean is a plug-in that the Zerg ancestors opened for their own race.

Almost all Zergs are in a state where they have a lot of spiritual power, but their skills in using it are very rough.

Only Zergs at the level of Overlords have the ability to use spiritual power more finely. But having the ability is one thing, and it does not mean that the Overlords will really do that.

Most Zergs are used to using spiritual power lavishly. As long as they are in a sheltered area, the Spirit Ocean will continue to replenish the spiritual power for the Zerg.

So the Zerg Overlords do not need to be careful about their spiritual power. This is the first reason why the Overlords do not like to learn [Spirit Shield].

The second reason is more real. Zerg Overlords are all local lords, with tens of thousands of Zerg under their command.

It is very difficult for the enemy to break through the heavy defenses and kill the Overlord.

And if you want to prevent this, the Spirit Shield is not the best choice.

Wouldn't it be better to learn some strategic-level spiritual power skills?

There is no need to wait until the enemy kills you before defending. You can improve your strategic ability early and eliminate the enemy halfway.

The ideas of the Zerg Overlords are more reasonable, but there are some limitations. They are not familiar with a tactic called "decapitation".

In a large army battle, no enemy may be able to break through to the Overlord. If the enemy does, it means that the subordinates of this Overlord are also dead.

However, if it is an extremely elite small force, that is, a special force, there is still a chance to rush to the Overlord.

The reason why the Zerg Overlords have not yet had this cognition is that the Zerg in the Chiyou galaxy has never encountered an opponent. They have never seen the decapitation tactic.

The spiritual power ocean gave the Zerg powerful skills and strength, but it did not leave behind history and wisdom. This is undoubtedly a kind of sadness.

The ancient ancestors of the Zerg were a super powerful race, one of the overlords in the universe.

What kind of strategies and tactics have they not seen? Of course, the Zerg Overlords at that time would not learn [Spirit Shield], but they would equip themselves with powerful guards.

These Zerg guards are not learning strategic skills, but combat skills. They will provide the necessary protection for the Overlord.

And Overlords will generally learn a single skill. The defensive mental shield is not suitable, and the most common skills are space jump skills.

For some reason, the wisdom of these ancient Zerg has not been passed down. The Zerg in the Chiyou galaxy is not only ignorant, but also retains animal habits in many aspects.

Having powerful strength, but unwilling to take a step out of the sheltered area is really regrettable and puzzling.

However, this situation is beneficial to humans. Xiao Ming is also happy to maintain the status quo.

After ten years of not seeing each other, Xiao Ming missed his sister very much. After returning home, he didn't play the game for 3 consecutive days.

In addition to handling business, he just played with Xiao Xiaoer in Guangmingding with his sister. They were happy. He didn't log in to either the game or the secret realm.

On Monday, Xiao Ming went to the Hive to handle the business of League of Legends. On Tuesday, Xiao Ming went to see his parents.

To be exact, I went to the company where my parents were in cryopreservation and took a look at the surveillance footage of my parents' hibernation chamber.

Xiao Ming once doubted the authenticity of this footage and could not be sure. However, after seeing outer space, Xiao Ming was relieved.

Because the New Han Kingdom definitely needs a large number of manpower now, those conspiracies such as eliminating population will definitely not appear in the New Han Kingdom.

As for human experiments, haha, the New Han Kingdom has a large number of clones. Why use natural people for experiments? Even if they are done, they will not be very intense experiments.

In the past, I was not capable enough, so Xiao Ming could only think positively. This kind of thing itself is something that ordinary people cannot do.

But Xiao Ming is now "the king's return". This time he plans to find out.

"Welcome to Sanwu Technology. Is this your first time here? Excuse me... Zhang Xiaoming! Are you Brother Ming? I don't recognize you. I'm..."

"Qiao-Xiao-Nan! Aren't you Xiao Qiao? When did you start working at Sanwu Technology? -- Hey, I haven't seen you for more than ten years, and you're still so young and beautiful."

"Brother Ming, you're insulting me. Look in the mirror. You look exactly like you did in high school, okay? How do you maintain your looks? What's your secret?"

"What secret is there? Does drinking more hot water count?"

"Go to hell. You didn't deserve a beating before. I was sent here by Brother Tan to scout ahead. Oh, It's Guangwen. "

"Guangwen?! Is he also in Sanwu Technology now?"

"In Sanwu Technology? Delete the word "ma". Not only is he in, his father bought a lot of shares in Sanwu, and Guangwen is now a senior executive."

"Damn, so awesome. What did his family do before? Now they can buy shares in Sanwu?"

"We used to make building materials. Later, I couldn't find you. After we graduated, several acquaintances were pulled into Guangwen's company. At that time..."


This is an old classmate from high school. Counting the ten years in the Locking Demon Tower, it has been almost 30 years now.

Back then, Qiao Xiaonan and her sister Qiao Xiaobei were just two pretty girls in the class. They were more noticeable because they were twins.

Now that they are adults, they have also learned one of the four evil arts of Pangu Star: the makeup art of the New Han Kingdom. Now they are as beautiful as movie stars.

To be honest, if Xiao Ming hadn't had much contact with Qiao Xiaonan's clones in Team 33, he would definitely not recognize her now.

Xiao Qiao was very happy to see his old classmate, and immediately took Xiao Ming to the VIP room for entertainment, and the two chatted about everything.

If Xiao Jing'er was with Xiao Ming, they might not be able to chat so cordially.

But now Xiao Jing'er would never leave Xiao Xiao'er, and she was still playing with Xiao Xiao'er in Guangmingding.

This chat lasted for several hours, although both sides had some concealment in their words. But there was also a lot of information exchanged.

Xiao Ming himself had a lot of things that he couldn't tell others, so if others kept some information from him, he thought it was a very normal phenomenon. Who doesn't have some privacy?

After graduating from college, Tan Guangwen extended an olive branch to many high school classmates. Everyone had a good relationship, so many people were willing to follow him. Er Qiao was among them.

Don't look at Xiao Qiao taking the initiative to greet Xiao Ming at the door, as if he was an ordinary employee. In fact, Qiao Xiaonan has a high status in the company, and this time he came to visit incognito.

She has been working here for several days and has figured out the situation pretty well. If Xiao Ming has any questions, he can really ask her.

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