Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 370 The real situation of low-level reincarnationists

The Shennong Project had already set sail about three years ago, and Xiao Ming's parents had already left Pangu Star far away.

This barely explains why Xiao Ming felt this call from the starry sky. Perhaps it was really caused by the bond between family members.

Although Xiao Ming's questions were not fully answered. This is enough.

For more, it is estimated that either Tan Guangwen cannot say it, or even he does not know it.

Xiao Ming no longer dwells on this matter. Instead, he chatted with them about interesting stories in the reincarnation space.

Although these people are not strong, they are all seniors, so Xiao Ming naturally wants to ask for advice humbly.

They are all people who have experienced hundreds of missions, so don't underestimate their experience.

At the same time, Xiao Ming also deeply understands the difficulties that ordinary people face when facing the reincarnation space.

Except for (Old Tan) Pickled Cabbage Beef Noodles, everyone else is stuck at the stage of E-level reincarnationists. Most of them are even at the 1st level.

Only Xiao Qiao and Da Qiao are lucky, and Cabanelli's attributes can last to the 2nd level, which is considered high in the E-level.

It's just that the future of development is too narrow and not very popular.

And there is one thing that no one has said, that is, Kabanelli has lost his fertility. This blow to the two girls is imaginable.

But it is not hopeless. There is a rumor in the reincarnation space.

As long as you reach S-level, no matter what bloodline you have, you have the ability to give birth to offspring. Even some reproductive isolation can be overcome.

So they really want to get vampire blood. This is the most suitable way they can think of.

Vampire bloodline may be able to cover or be compatible with Kabanelli bloodline. As long as the reincarnation space is certified.

There are some other ways that are also feasible, such as zombie bloodline. But girls. Of course, they don’t like the look of zombies.

Vampires can’t give birth either. But at least the road ahead is bright and there is a goal. Becoming a true ancestor is S-level.

But I have never heard of an S-level Kabanelli.

Tan Guangwen does not have the financial resources to buy a team contract in the reincarnation space.

So this group of people are fighting alone in the mission world. Without teammates to take care of them, it is really hard to get along at a low level.

Everyone was just an ordinary student, without any family secrets, top bloodlines, or extra information support.

Their own strength is not very good. Entering a strange mission world, being able to survive and complete the main mission 1 is already very hard.

Only a few lucky ones can complete the main mission 2 and get a little reward.

As for the main mission 3, only Tan Guangwen can occasionally complete it a few times. Others dare not even think about it.

At a low level, you may also encounter some mission worlds that test intelligence. It seems to be more friendly to them.

Actually, it is not the case. Due to the unfamiliarity with the mission world, intelligence-based missions are sometimes more difficult to complete.

These people are not the kind of people with super high IQ or EQ. If they were, they would have been successful long ago and would not have followed Tan Guangwen.

Of course, from the perspective of ordinary people, they are now considered to be successful. Is there anything wrong with being a senior executive in a big company?

At least Xiao Ming thinks there is nothing wrong with living like this. If you really don’t want to play, you can still exit the reincarnation space.

If Er Qiao really wants to get married and have children, exiting the space will solve the problem directly.

The space will take back all the enhancements and erase the related memories. Let them become ordinary people again.

For so many years, they have never chosen to exit. It shows that they still like the reincarnation space.

In the reincarnation space, their horizons are broadened, as if they have never seen the world clearly before. No one wants to return to the blind state of the past.

Unless they are the kind of people who have completely lost confidence. Otherwise, even if they just muddle through in the reincarnation space, it is much better than quitting.

The life energy of these old classmates is still good, and they did not cause Xiao Ming's disgust. They can be regarded as "good people". To be honest, Xiao Ming wants to help them a little.

It's just that today is the first time they meet. If you ask for help so early, it's a bit of a show-off.

Forget it today, there is still a long time in the future. For now, it's better to listen to the stories told by these reincarnations.

They have too much experience in the reincarnation space, and Xiao Ming has indeed learned a lot.

Although they were not doing well, they were still very enthusiastic to impart their experience and knowledge to Xiao Ming. Xiao Ming remembered this friendship.

If they meet in the mission world in the future, Xiao Ming will quietly repay this favor several times.

Xiao Ming has never been stingy with "good people". He didn't take action now, just because he didn't want to expose his strength and didn't want to take credit.

Everyone chatted enthusiastically, and occasionally exchanged some ideas, and they went straight to after dinner.

Beef noodles tried hard to keep Xiao Ming, and it seemed that he wanted Xiao Ming to stay here for a few days.

But Xiao Ming had too many secrets, so he was not willing to stay here. Besides, he had to go to Xiang Mo's gambling appointment at 0 o'clock tonight.

So he politely declined and left in a special car. Tan Guangwen originally wanted to send Xiao Ming off in person, but Xiao Ming also declined.

It was too late. If he sent him off, Xiao Ming should have kept him at his home for the night. Let's forget it.

When he was about to return to his hometown, Xiao Ming suddenly pressed the stop button. I stopped the driverless car, got out of it and sent it back.

In the night, Xiao Ming felt that within a radius of 50 meters, there were 8 people surrounding him. Their physical fitness was about level 3.

Although they did intend to attack him, they did not intend to kill him. This should be a means of testing.

In Xiao Ming's perception, there were several ways of monitoring this place. Could it be that everyone had discussed it?

With the forces of all parties intertwined, no one should really attack Zhang Xiaoming. The people who came this time were just testing.

It is estimated that everyone also wants to see some real stuff and see if Xiao Ming has any strength. If he is a big liar, it would be too embarrassing for all the major forces.

Xiao Ming thought about it and it seemed that it would be unreasonable not to show some skills.

He threw a lot of skeletons from Guangmingding and summoned more than 20 level 2 skeleton soldiers with weapons, including four level 3 skeleton soldiers.

Let the skeleton soldiers defend on the spot and fight with the 8 people later. He put on the invisible suit and left slowly.

Leaving the skeleton soldiers behind shows his undead magic ability. Invisibility tells everyone what his golden finger is.

Once this trick was revealed, many people suddenly realized. It turns out that this kid has mastered the ability of invisibility. No wonder he is doing well.

This kind of BUG-level ability is really very advantageous in a world with low combat power.

And it seems that the authority of this invisibility is still very high. At least among the onlookers, almost no one can see through Xiao Ming's invisibility.

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