Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 382 The Temple is officially established

Converting and equipping the ascetics is a very hard job. Even Xiao Ming, who is a 13, was exhausted.

Hundreds of arms and creatures cannot be converted all at once, they must be converted one by one.

Fortunately, they are all human beings, and they are grateful to the explorer and Han Dong. This transformation did not encounter much resistance.

After that, all arms must be equipped with spiritual pets one by one. The types of these spiritual pets are a mess, and Xiao Ming feels that they are almost randomly assigned.

Dogs, cats, pigs, and pigs are the most common, pigeons are much less, and eagles have even fewer spiritual pets. As for the spiritual ostrich, it only appeared 2 or 3 times.

Most of the spiritual pets obtained by the swordsmen are cat spirits and dog spirits. Several of the 4th-level swordsmen summoned spirit eagles;

The spiritual pets obtained by the archers are mostly cat spirits, followed by pigeon spirits;

The new general Tiezhu and the group of 1st-level crossbowmen who were transformed from villagers, the spiritual pets they summoned are mostly pig spirits.

At the same time, several other types also appeared. Eagles and ostriches are also mostly among these people. There is no way, the number base of this group of villagers is too large.

The phenomenon that there are the most pig spirits is probably due to their origin. As the saying goes, you can't have a family without pigs, and it is normal for farmers to have an obsession with pigs.

Although the farmers have all been transformed into ascetics and joined the army. The ability to pay taxes every day has disappeared.

However, ascetics are also one of the production arms. They are all poor people. Who can't do some work? The value created will be higher.

When summoning spiritual pets, Xiao Ming was looking forward to summoning a group of flying pets. In this way, Han Dong's troops will gain a great air advantage.

This point can only be said to be unsatisfactory. The total number of flying spirit pets is only about 60, and most of them are pigeons, so the combat power is still lacking.

Alas, eight out of ten things in the world are not as expected. This little regret is nothing. It's better than having none.

The equipment bag of the ascetic monk rarely has such a happy moment. Every ascetic monk's weapons, suits, and armor of the spirit pet are all money.

Poor Xiao Ming has to consume source energy one by one to strengthen the inherited equipment of these ascetic monks.

Suddenly Xiao Ming had an idea and used source energy to strengthen the armor of the spirit pet once. The results are gratifying.

I decide my source energy. Xiao Ming's current source energy has increased several times compared to before. When strengthening, Xiao Ming's wishes can be slightly reflected.

Of course, it is still wishful thinking to equip pet armor with wings to fly.

Xiao Ming had to settle for the second best and let the armor have the ability to float. You can float on the water with your pet and will not drown.

In addition, the Golden Statue of the God of Light can cast [Blessing of the Ocean]. The blessed ascetic will gain the ability to breathe underwater while believing in the God of the Sea.

At the beginning, Xiao Ming did not want to cast it on a large scale. Only the Explorer, Han Dong, Qiu Santong, and Tiezhu received this blessing.

After hesitating for a while, he also blessed the eight 4th-level swordsman ascetics. At this time, Xiao Ming did not know what changes had taken place.

But soon, when Xiao Ming switched to the diver, he immediately found that the number of believers in his Temple of Light had increased.

The Temple of Light of the Diver had some believers before, which were the children of the sea tribe headed by Emily.

They originally believed in the God of the Sea, and after playing in the temple for a long time, they believed in the God of Light by the way.

In this way, they met the conditions, and in the field of belief, they belonged to the divers' force.

Logically speaking, people like Explorers and Han Dong are not sea tribes, and even if they believe in the God of the Sea, they should not be classified as divers' forces.

But there are always exceptions. The Golden Statue of the God of Light was strengthened by the Sea God himself. The ability of Ocean Blessing comes from this.

Therefore, all the ascetics blessed by the statue, regardless of their race, are assumed to belong to the Divers in terms of faith.

This test temple can finally be developed. Xiao Ming experimented casually, and the temple can indeed be charged with source energy (faith) value like the statue.

Faith value can be charged, and Xiao Ming accidentally found a way to increase the number of believers. Upgrading is a matter of course.

It took the explorer 2 days to give all of Han Dong's human subordinates the blessing of the ocean.

Because they live on an island, everyone has nothing to reject about believing in one more Sea God. What's more, they can also gain the ability to breathe underwater, which is what they want!

The test Temple of Light in Gray Rock Town has finally been formalized!

Adventure map, the primary Temple of Light in Gray Rock Town of the Undersea Sea Clan: believe in both the Sea God and the God of Light. Manager: Diver

Faith value (8000+/100,000) Believers (449/1000). Daily maintenance requires 100 points of faith.

Function: 1. Accept the prayers of believers every day to increase faith value.

As a manager, the diver has the right to call 1/5 of it for his own use.

2. Strategic map transmission and reception. Heroes and generals who believe in the God of the Sea and the God of Light can lead their troops through this temple to transmit between the strategic map and the adventure map.

However, this function is temporarily unavailable because there is no corresponding transmission point on the strategic map. This function is still sealed.

This requires the diver to be randomly transmitted to the strategic map after he is promoted to a hero; then the diver will find a suitable place to build a temple; set it as the corresponding transmission point. Only then can the seal be lifted and the transmission function be opened.

Of course, heroes who are teleported to the strategic map through this temple for the first time can choose to teleport randomly in addition to fixed-point teleportation. The rules of all temples are the same in this regard.

3. Believers can consume their own faith value. Let the temple use low-level spells such as healing, blessing, and luck on believers.

4. Change to an ascetic. Believers who have reached level 0 and level 10 can voluntarily change to a level 1 ascetic in the temple.

After all, it is only a primary temple, and the functions open to believers stop here. There are also some functions that only managers can use.

5. The first guard of the temple. Divers are allowed to form a temple guard composed of believers on the adventure map and the strategic map.

After the formation is successful, the leader of the guard will receive special blessings from the temple. Xiao Ming is probably some kind of skin. It is similar to the admiral skin of the researcher.

But it must be formed successfully before it can be obtained, and all members of the first guard must be believers of the temple.

This is a pitfall. Now most of the believers are soldiers in Han Dong's army. This unit belongs to the explorers, and further to the Huo's Chamber of Commerce. The Huo's Chamber of Commerce is a branch of the Ascetic Monk. It is impossible for this unit to turn around and join the Diver.

Not to mention the price of betrayal is simply unaffordable. Even if you lean on a big tree for shade, the Ascetic Monk is a big tree that is ten thousand times stronger than the new force of the Diver.

The Diver still has to rely on himself to slowly accumulate strength.

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