Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 389 A difficult girl to raise

Xiao Ming was not in a hurry at all about the explorer falling into a coma. This means that the explorer encountered a special plot. The longer the coma, the better.

The first time this special plot happened to the researcher, he was not in a coma, but time-space jumped to the sea and drifted idly for about 2 days.

What was the result? He actually jumped from the adventure map to the strategic map at that time. And he also encountered Li Huamei's fleet.

It can be said that among Xiao Ming's four characters now, the researcher has the best game progress. Xiao Ming suddenly became a "billionaire" because of this.

Even the dead who has been developing on the strategic map can't compare with him. This is the beauty of the special plot.

Of course, the player himself must have the ability to survive in the special plot.

The researcher was able to drift for 2 days because he used source energy to forcibly create a canoe so that he could survive on the sea.

Otherwise, with the physical strength of the player character, it would be impossible to swim for so long. It is hard to say what situation he would encounter at that time.

He might be rescued by another pirate group and become a handyman on the ship, or even sold as a slave.

Or he might drown in the sea. Resurrect in Wushan Town and start over. Then he would miss this opportunity.

Xiao Ming certainly has confidence in himself. With all the cheats he has now, he should be able to handle most situations.

Even if he can't handle it, it's nothing more than asking the hero to start over. Who's afraid of who?

The past few days of suing the dead have been quite boring. It's nothing more than digging and repairing on the strategic map. The combat troops are almost turned into engineering teams.

The two days when the Water God Shoes were worn by Han Dong, the subordinates worked in the swamp with one foot in the water and one foot in the mud. The efficiency was reduced several times. Fortunately, they were all undead, so there was no passive strike.

Later, the Water God Shoes were taken back, and this kind of thing stopped. It's still hard work.

The annoying thing is that this kind of excavation and repair work does not increase experience points. It's several times more difficult to upgrade.

Moreover, there are no wild monsters on the abandoned map, and almost no battles occur. There is no experience.

At most, there are occasional wild beasts to attack, which will not be counted as battles. Generally, they occur in the form of events.

The most common thing is that the skeleton soldiers under the command of the dead are suddenly attacked by some wild canines, and a rib or something is taken away.

The impact on the skeleton soldiers is minimal, so the system can only count this as an event, not a battle.

The bones of the skeleton soldiers contain a small amount of death breath and magical power, and the meat has long been lost. In fact, it is not delicious.

Most wild dogs will not come again after eating one. They will not come even if you pay them.

There are also a few mavericks who are addicted to this taste. They often come to steal two bones. The whole army of the dead is in tears.

If it were humans, everyone would probably make a bet on this matter to win a little money and add some fun to life.

Unfortunately, the whole army of the dead is made of undead, and they are dead all day long. Even generals with high intelligence do not know how to engage in high-level entertainment activities such as "betting".

After becoming a formal primary temple, the diver's temple immediately became rejuvenated. It can finally play a role.

Believers can add some blessing spells to themselves in the temple. Some spells are not available in the seabed. Even if there are, they are not affordable for the common people of the sea.

And the limestone town where the diver is located does not have the sea god's own temple. So the Temple of Light has become an option for everyone.

After this news was spread by the children, couriers, and naughty kids in the temple. The diver's temple gradually began to have new believers.

The diver has the divine skill [Divine Power Strike] and no longer avoids fighting.

In addition, with the confidence brought by the octopus slingers who can defeat 8 people, and the protection of David Diaosi. The diver finally dared to take on some combat tasks and no longer had to be wretched.

In fact, the intelligent program discovered this matter first. Xiao Ming himself did not change his mind so quickly.

Under the control of the intelligent program, Xiao Ming took on several tasks to help the sea tribe find lost children.

These sea tribe parents are really heartless. When their children are lost, they don't rush to find them, but instead send tasks to players.

This is because Xiao Ming doesn't know much about the sea tribe. The sea tribe usually disciplines their children in a free-range manner. Some children go out to play for a few days before returning home, and parents don't worry. In fact, sending tasks is a more serious situation.

Divers are quite familiar with the terrain near Graystone Town, and the sea tribe who send tasks will most likely provide players with a direction to find. The task is not difficult.

Even under the operation of the intelligent program, the divers can always find the target smoothly. Sometimes the intelligent program is more useful than people. At least they are more patient than humans.

Most of these children are forced into corners by seabed predators. Most of them are large fish such as sharks.

If the divers don't accept the task, these children will probably starve for a few days, and then the predators will leave. They also have to eat.

Of course, if they hadn't left, then the Graystone Town security forces might have patrolled here, so there would have been no danger.

Unless these naughty kids ran too far, there would have been no danger to their lives.

The intelligent program took on the task and set off with seven level 1 octopus slingers, and there were seven reserve troops in the tent.

7 slingers can throw 56 stones in one round of attack, and their attack power is 8 times higher than other level 1 ranged weapons. Even level 2 ranged weapons are not that powerful, right?

Basically, less than 3 rounds of slinging can handle such a small-scale battle.

Xiao Ming was very surprised that such a powerful army could not become a regular army of the sea tribe. Is it because the output is too low?

Only in one mission, a child's foot was clamped by a huge shellfish creature. It just wouldn't let go.

The attack power of the octopuses was not enough to throw stones at them, as if they were tickling them. Even David Diaosi, who was at the maximum level of level 3, could not cause any damage.

Therefore, the intelligent program used the faith value of the temple and sent out a divine power attack. 1,000 points of divine power damage, the enemy was killed instantly.

The child only had some injuries on his feet, and later went to the temple and healed it with healing magic.

Divine power attacks are different from magic attacks. The meat and shell of this big shell are all kept fresh. It is still a very good material.

Moreover, Xiao Ming dug out a large pearl from its body. The quality has reached the level of perfect 2nd order.

The intelligent program put the pearl into the backpack. After Xiao Ming logged in and saw it, he gave it directly to the mermaid girl Emily.

Emily's favorability towards divers is as high as 80. Ordinary jewelry needs to be given for a long time to increase the favorability.

However, pearls are a material suitable for jewelers, and the quality is so high. Emily reluctantly gave Xiao Ming 1 point of favorability. This girl is so difficult to raise!

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