Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 4 It turns out it’s not rebirth!

Holy shit! Why am I back? Am I not reborn? !

As a guy who was ready to plunge into a new life after rebirth, he suddenly found himself back in his old days. Zhang Xiaoming's mind was filled with confusion.

Although confused, this time Xiao Ming's brain did not feel dizzy like before, nor did it add new memories.

Eh? This isn't your personal space. What's going on? Let me start with a thread... Zhang Xiaoming patted his forehead, frowned, and fell into deep thought.

(His physical body is still lying in the game warehouse, and the various activities in his personal space are actually just manifestations of Zhang Xiaoming’s mental activities. The same is true for the activities in the game.)

First of all, I should not have been reborn. I entered the arbitrary door in my personal space more than ten minutes ago, and then traveled to the young body on the spaceship.

There, he used his superpowers to strengthen his tactical glasses. After the glasses were strengthened, an icon that looked like an exit option appeared on the screen of the glasses, but in fact it was indeed an exit option.

I just focused on that icon. I really quit! No wonder the time points on both sides are actually the same. But I had no intention of quitting at that time.

Could it be that there is actually a game over there? But this feels too real. You can also use super powers, which has never happened in any game you played before.

If you have any questions, of course ask your assistant. "Maomao'er," Xiao Ming looked at the little fox in a daze: "Do you know what happened just now?"


After waiting for a while, but seeing no follow-up, Xiao Ming had no choice but to continue asking: "Maomao'er, what exactly happened after I entered that door just now?"

"You don't have enough authority."

"Is there a game over there too?"

"You don't have enough authority."

It seems to be still confidential. Xiao Ming silently analyzed: If what he saw after time travel was just a game, there should be no need to keep it secret.

If it's kept secret, it means that everything over there is very likely to be true. The gate of time and space, the space program, Yanhuang Chiyou, these really have to be kept secret.

The motherland is so powerful, Xiao Ming is proud of it. But what’s going on with that 18-year-old’s body over there? Why can I control myself? Remote control robot? Replicant? Cyborg? Thinking of various possibilities, Xiao Ming tentatively asked Mao Maoer:

"If I enter this door again, will I still control the body I controlled the last time I entered?"


"Who controls that body while I'm here?"

"You don't have enough authority."

"Is it controlled by the body's original consciousness?"

"You don't have enough authority."

"Is it controlled by a computer program?"

"You don't have enough authority."

"Is this all you can say?" Xiao Ming was depressed.

"No." Looking at Mao Maoer's blank expression, Xiao Ming retreated.

It seems that I can't ask anything for the time being. My body there has always been normal before I went there. It is estimated that it is more likely to continue normal operations.

Now and then, there is no comparison. It's better to go there after a while, and you should be able to figure out some things.

Xiao Ming collected his thoughts and looked at the time: 6:10. The game has just started. That’s right, isn’t it just to play the online game Magic Planet when you buy a game warehouse?

Although it seems that life has suddenly changed. But the game still needs to be played, otherwise it will be wasted.

The vast new world is in front of him, and it cannot delay him from playing games. I have to say: Xiao Ming's otaku attribute is really strong.

"Maomao'er, I want to log in to the game."

"Please select a race when logging in for the first time. The races you can choose from are humans, orcs, elves, and undead." The little fox was finally able to answer his own questions, and his voice seemed to sound better.

"There are other races, forget it, let's choose randomly." Zhang Xiaoming almost forgot his original plan. When he plays online games, he always chooses races randomly.

"The player is randomly assigned to the human race, please give yourself a name?"

"Explorer." According to habit, Xiao Ming should have been random, but suddenly he thought of the huge planet in front of the window and the boundless space. I just picked this name casually.

"Human player Explorer, the character has been created. Please log in to the game and step onto the game character platform. About..."

Following Mao Maoer's words, a human shadow appeared on the character platform in the space.

Xiao Ming didn't waste any time and stood up in one step. Maomao'er hasn't finished speaking yet.

In the blink of an eye, personal space turned into a thatched hut. Xiao Ming sat up from the bed automatically. A kind-hearted old man walked in outside the door, with the word village chief on his head, and said:

"Explorer, you have grown up and are almost an adult. It is time to support yourself. Go to the career hall to choose a career and study."

After saying that, Xiao Ming's character automatically walked out of the thatched house and came to the central square of the village. The thatched hut disappeared.

Xiao Ming moved his hands and feet. It felt a lot worse than on a warship, but it was also quite real.

This is my first time playing a Qin-type game, and I can’t compare it side by side. It feels pretty good. But isn’t there a wonderful animation at the beginning? Bad review!

Looking around, I saw that the circular square was not very big, after all, it was just a village-level building. The square is surrounded by some functional buildings and roads leading to all directions. At the center of the circular square is a small circular building - the Professional Hall.

There are many players in the square, but there is no congestion. It seems that the players here have no entities and can pass through each other.

It seems that I also saw someone playing a prank, deliberately overlapping with others and not leaving, and was bounced out again after a few seconds. Some players think this is quite fun, and there are figures bouncing around the square.

"Operation interface." Zhang Xiaoming issued a command. A screen that only the player can see appeared in front of him.

"Personal panel." The player's personal panel appeared on the screen. Display all the player's information. You can flip pages or scroll up and down to browse.

First is a photo of Zhang Xiaoming wearing a cloth shirt. There is no modification option, it seems that the real face is shown.

Fortunately, my face looks about 10 years younger than my real age.

But my height of 170 cm with shoes is a bit short, and my appearance can only be said to match my height. I have gained a little weight recently. Alas, it turns out that being a loser is a natural choice.

Player name: Explorer

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Combat Occupation: None

Personal template:

Life: 10 (body × 10)

Strength: 5 ((strength + body) × 2.5)

Mana: 5 (essence × 5)

Strength: 1

Constitution: 1

Agility: 1

Intelligence: 1

Spirit: 1

Backpack: 20 slots (empty)

Life template: Not enabled

Combat template: Not enabled

Strategy template: Not enabled

Simple and empty personal panel, it seems that everyone starts at the same level. Templates for other races are probably similar. Character data is not linked to the player's physical data.

I have never seen a pig run, but I have eaten pork. Xiao Ming has also heard of several immersive games on the market before. Game characters are linked to the player's body, which is said to be conducive to enhancing the gaming experience.

The starting data of the player is aligned. Is "Magic Planet" going to take a non-mainstream route? I like it!

My body is indeed too weak. It would be great if the height and appearance could be aligned. Xiao Ming is making reasonable YY.

This book is not a data flow. The author is not capable of designing a complete, large, self-consistent game data system. Data is not very important in this article. Of course, it has to be mentioned appropriately.

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