Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 402 Fuxi Qin

Universe Treasure [Fuxi Qin]. Xiao Ming only knows this name, and the importance that the human race, the Protoss race, and the Zerg race attach to it.

But what exactly is this thing? What can it do? How powerful is it? Xiao Ming doesn't know.

He just saw some pictures and had some feelings from the perspective of a certain level of members of the three races. But he didn't know the history and specific details of the three races.

When Qianxinglou just started to help Xiao Ming fuse the source energy seeds, Xiao Ming fell into this illusion, or memory.

Xiao Ming would never believe that the new source energy seeds had nothing to do with the three races and the universe treasure Fuxi Qin.

If this fusion is successful, the source energy seeds he will get may be fragments of Fuxi Qin. As for getting the entire Fuxi Qin, it is purely wishful thinking.

But then, the memories of the various races became more scattered and chaotic. It was difficult for Xiao Ming to figure out the meaning of it.

Because the people of the three races have all died. There are no continuous pictures next.

There are only a few scattered images, which can't be put together at all, which is beyond Xiao Ming's understanding ability.

However, there are still some clues. Qianxinglou clearly mentioned 3 things, and fusion can get source energy seeds.

Recalling the Protoss seen in the picture, it seems to be similar to the aliens inside the Light Spirit. It feels that the Light Spirit is probably the ghost, ghost, or something else of the Protoss members.

I have a good relationship with the Light Spirit, and I have clearly felt that I have received their gifts recently. Is this considered a thing?

As for the Zerg in the Chiyou Galaxy, Xiao Ming has only seen squid worms, jellyfish worms, flying dragons and devourers with his own eyes.

The latter two did appear in the Zerg in the hallucination. Xiao Ming believes that the Zerg may have been reborn in some form in the Chiyou Galaxy.

In addition, he also occupies a dominant position in the Zerg, and it is likely that he has obtained some authority and something because of this.

As for the human race, Xiao Ming first thought of the [Nine-tailed Fox]. This powerful quantum optical brain was found on the human race's spaceship that crashed on Pangu Star.

Nature is closely related to the human race. It is very likely that the nine-tailed fox gave him something from the human race.

So Xiao Ming did get something from each of the three races, human, god, and insect. It is very likely that they are all related to the Fuxi Qin. Unfortunately, he has no ability to detect it.

Only a powerful person like Qianxinglou can easily detect it. So it offered to help Xiao Ming merge.

By chance, Xiao Ming felt that he might have obtained the true essence of the Fuxi Qin. Even the descendants of the three major races might not be as good as himself. Hahaha.

╮(╯▽╰)╭ Alas..., Xiao Ming is like this, if there is something good, he can't help but be happy.

Since he is just happy and doesn't show off in front of others, let's turn a blind eye.

After the scattered pictures ended, it fell into a long silence...

Just before the light seemed to shine. The fusion was successful. Xiao Ming woke up in an instant.

"Dear Gold-level VIP 007, fusion was perfectly successful. You have a new source energy seed.

At the same time, Qianxinglou also received the agreed reward. Thank you very much for your generosity. The mission world has ended, and now I will send you back to your personal space."

In a blink of an eye, Xiao Ming returned to the sunny and beautiful Huaguo Mountain.

The entire Huaguo Mountain is Xiao Ming's personal space. Xiao Ming is standing on the top of Huaguo Mountain at this moment.

As for Xiao Ming's use of the Water Curtain Cave as a private villa, Qianxinglou didn't know. So he didn't send him directly back to the Water Curtain Cave. ——The service is still not good enough. The evaluation can only be rated 4 stars.

Birdsong and flowers? No, Xiao Ming suddenly found something unusual. There were no living things on the Huaguo Mountain before, everything was an illusion. Where did the birdsong and flowers come from?

Xiao Ming leaned over and looked, and the scenery was no different at first glance. The same lush forest; the same birds and beasts all over the mountains.

If you savor them carefully, you will find that they are no longer background boards, but all of them are really alive.

If you observe more carefully, the scope of Huaguo Mountain has actually increased. According to the original pattern and layout, Huaguo Mountain has become more majestic and colorful.

This must be the work of space, and space also gives life to all creatures for free. It is no longer a simple image.

They are just ordinary beasts. There is still no rare beast described in Journey to the West.

This should be the treatment of gold-level VIPs. Xiao Ming nodded appreciatively and expressed his satisfaction. If it were me, I couldn't make such a beautiful scenery.

"Big brother, big brother, go out, go out." In Guangmingding, Xiao Xiaoer, who saw the scenery of Huaguo Mountain outside, couldn't help it.

He shouted loudly that he wanted to come out to play. Insect King Green Xiao Ming quickly released all the people in Guangmingding. At the same time, he didn't forget to release Zhang Zhong in Kunlun.

Like dumplings falling from the sky, the Insect King flew out first, holding Xiao Xiao'er and Maomao'er's heads; Zhang Zhong floated quietly behind him.

Then [Armored Bulletproof Car King Kong] jumped out.

He was nominally Xiao Ming's mind beast, but in fact, after the evolution of the Fire Seed Source, he had his own independent soul. He could even practice on his own.

Therefore, Xiao Ming did not regard him as an ordinary mind beast, and basically would not take him back. He let him stay outside all the time.

However, he also needs to pay for the telekinesis required to maintain his own existence.

So when he was on Mars, Bulletproof Car King Kong had already learned telekinesis. After practicing until now, he not only does not consume Xiao Ming's telekinesis, but can even feed back.

Telekinesis is originally difficult to transfer from one person to another. But because the source of Bulletproof Car King Kong is Xiao Ming, his telekinesis has the opportunity to feed back to Xiao Ming.

This also makes Xiao Ming feel very proud, as if his child has grown up and become sensible.

Besides, if the Transformers telekinesis beasts can be self-sufficient, wouldn't he have the opportunity to expand the number of Transformers telekinesis beasts? !

It is estimated that even Qu Dapao, who gave him the fragments of the fire source, did not know that there was such an operation.

Of course, Xiao Ming certainly does not need the telekinesis of Bulletproof Car King Kong. But like all parents, he saved these telekinesis and used them for his "son" to "marry a wife" in the future.

The next one to pop out was the Transformer-Xiaojia, which was transformed from the Rebel Mecha.

Probably because they can all be transformed into bulletproof cars, they feel familiar. So he has the best relationship with Bulletproof Car King Kong, and they always train (play) together.

Transformers are tall and strong, and even when they are playing, they look like they are fighting.

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