Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 407: Friendship of Wine and Meat

After all, Xiao Ming is not a professional player, and he does not know how to get the most benefits.

In fact, in this situation, what Xiao Ming should do immediately is to log off. Let the intelligent program replace him. According to the game settings, the progress of the plot will be "paused".

The specific manifestation is that the explorer will be physically exhausted and enter a resting state. No matter what Liangshan's purpose is, they have to wait until the explorer's body gets better.

Of course, this "pause" time is also limited, and the game system cannot allow players to delay the plot indefinitely.

If the player delays too long, the next situation will definitely develop in a direction that is not conducive to the explorer.

The current "pause" gives Xiao Ming time to check the information. Carefully looking for clues about the Liangshan heroes in "Far Island Strange Man" should be able to obtain a lot of relevant information. There is also a basis for making the next judgment.

However, Xiao Ming has not thought about the means of these professional players. Even if he thought of it, he probably wouldn't bother to check it. Just choose everything according to your own wishes.

The "misunderstanding" between the explorer and the Liangshan heroes was resolved, and everyone was naturally happy. It is impossible for Xiao Ming not to forgive Tang Long, Lu Zhishen and others.

Let alone Lu Zhishen, a 6th-level master, even Tang Long, a blacksmith, is a 4th-level master. How dare he not forgive? Unless Xiao Ming intends to let the explorer die.

If he is killed, the life-saving magic on the explorer will be triggered, and he can indeed be teleported back to the headquarters of the ascetic monks, and then he will naturally escape from Liangshan. The rare special plot will also be broken halfway.

No matter how stupid Xiao Ming is, he will not choose this. Instead, he said a lot of good things to Song Jiang, Tang Long and others.

Song Jiang was overjoyed and announced a big banquet to calm the explorer. It is easy to get things done at the wine table.

Unfortunately, the explorer is an ascetic monk, who can't eat any big fish and meat, and can't drink all this good wine. The atmosphere at the banquet is indeed a bit awkward.

In fact, the ascetic monks have a very good reputation among the people of the Song Dynasty. There are also some similarities between Water Margin Liangshan and the ascetic monks in terms of philosophy. Everyone is seeking welfare for the poor.

The Liangshan heroes who believed that they were acting on behalf of heaven were always courteous to the ascetic monks who came from poor backgrounds.

Similarly, many ascetic monks from the folk also joined the ranks of Liangshan heroes because they agreed with the purpose of Liangshan.

This time, Song Jiang arrested the explorer on the pretext that the explorer violated the ascetic monks' precepts.

"How could a competent ascetic monk hold the parents of Brother Tang Long hostage?! He must be a traitor without a doubt."

Only with such an excuse can Lu Zhishen and others willingly take action against the explorer.

Seeing that he had spoiled everyone's fun, Xiao Ming felt bad and took out the ascetic monk barbecue strengthened by source energy.

Xiao Ming's source energy is now much stronger, and the taste of barbecue can be several times better than big fish and meat.

Li Kui and Lu Zhishen, who are good eaters, were immediately conquered by the taste. They ate heartily.

They all patted their chests and called the explorer brothers. In the future, they would find them without hesitation.

(lll¬ω¬) Xiao Ming was full of black lines. It was hard to say whether there would be any trouble in the future. They would definitely be the ones who would eat and drink for free.

In addition, the explorer had been engaged in international trade for such a long time. Although he did not drink, he still had a lot of good wines of various races on hand. Some of them were also strengthened with source energy.

Now was a good time to treat guests. At the beginning, several level 5 masters were worthy of the explorer to take out barbecue to win over, not to mention the current occasion.

Once the good wine came out, who could compete with it? The explorer immediately gained the collective favorability of the generals from top to bottom of Liangshan. The embarrassment at the beginning disappeared in an instant.

There were not many foodies among the Liangshan heroes, but almost everyone loved wine. At most, there were some differences in the degree of alcohol addiction.

It would be strange if the favorability did not increase after drinking the good wine of the foreign races strengthened by the explorer.

In fact, in the game, players spend money to buy good wine for NPCs to drink. This is one of the common routines to increase favorability.

Of course, if you want to invite an NPC of Liangshan level to drink, you must have the status of an explorer. Otherwise, you won't even be able to find the door to give gifts.

After three rounds of wine and five dishes, Song Jiang saw that the time was almost ripe, so he stood up and bowed deeply to the explorer. Then he said loudly:

"Brother Explorer, you are a monk, and you are a poor man like Brother Tang Long. I will speak frankly about some things.

In today's Song Dynasty, powerful enemies are everywhere, treacherous ministers are in power, corrupt officials are everywhere, and local tyrants and evil gentry are rampant. The people of the world have suffered for a long time.

We Liangshan heroes were harmed by these treacherous people, and we had no choice but to become bandits. We are not talented, but we care about the people of the world.

We are determined to kill all those who are corrupt and unjust, and those who are rich but unkind. We rob the rich to help the poor, eliminate violence and protect the good. We will give the people of the world a bright and clear world.

The four words "Taking Heaven's Justice" written on the big flag outside the door are our long-cherished wish."

Halfway through the words, all the generals in the hall were solemn, and some even had tears in their eyes, which was quite generous and tragic.

Then Song Jiang changed the subject and talked about the Explorer.

"Brother Explorer is now showing his strength, and will surely be coveted and plotted against by those treacherous officials and villains.

If you still work in the Huo's Chamber of Commerce, I think the Huo's Chamber of Commerce and your master will inevitably be implicated. You will definitely regret it.

In Song's humble opinion, brother Explorer should rest in the small camp and join us heroes in enforcing justice. It will not be too late to wait for the court to use you and accept the amnesty.

At that time, you can be loyal to the country and help your teacher. Isn't it wonderful. "After saying that, he stared at the explorer with a sincere face.

Most of the Liangshan generals also focused their eyes on the explorer, and most of them had eager expectations.

But Xiao Ming felt that except for Tang Long who was somewhat sincere, the others were probably looking forward to more barbecue and wine from the explorer.

Not to mention, these things are really unique on the magic planet. And the higher the level, the more you can feel the extraordinary wine and meat of the explorer.

But Xiao Ming was a little bit of a villain. The Liangshan heroes were not as low as he thought.

It is true that the heroes like his wine and meat, but the real reason for accepting him is his teacher. Master.

Bishop Guo Jinsong, a monk, has a very good reputation among the people and is deeply loved by the poor people. He and the Liangshan heroes also appreciate each other.

Since the explorer is a direct disciple of Mr. Guo, many heroes sincerely hope that he will join.

Of course, there are also cunning people like Song Jiang and Wu Yong who hope that the explorer will join because of his "value".

In general, everyone still sincerely hopes that the explorer will join, but their purposes are different.

I guess there is no one who does not want the explorer to join at all. Some of them hold an indifferent attitude, which is also human nature.

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