Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 413 Monster Guild

'Monster Guild' is a well-known guild in the circle of professional players.

Although it is not the top game guild in the world, it is still ranked among the first-class guilds.

Players in the guild use the names of various monsters as their game IDs.

Monster IDs of different levels also represent the different levels of players. Of course, they represent more of the personal preferences of players.

The Monster Guild is strong and has the status of a lord in various games. Only they can bully others, and no one dares to provoke them.

But today the luck of the Monster Guild is not very good. Their authority has been seriously challenged.

First, Medusa, who was highly expected and led the 'army', was killed by an ordinary player on the strategic map.

Xiao Ming's Magic Dragon Aotian Guild was established less than two days ago and is still an amateur. People have never heard of the Monster Guild.

Then three consecutive guild players in the same map were cleared out of the map by this explorer.

This map is a level 5 underground map. Because it is a high-level map, it can accommodate more players.

That’s why the Monster Guild was able to gather four players together. This is a rare good luck. The first pot of gold is here.

The guild coordinated and spent a lot of money to combine the forces of the four players.

Medusa was given a relatively strong force. He was the main force to clear the map. More importantly, all other players were cleared. The Monster Guild planned to monopolize this map.

Because in the level 5 map, the important levels leading to other maps are also level 5. It is quite solid and cannot be broken by temporary players.

As long as the guild has a foothold, it can definitely develop with peace of mind for a period of time, and no one can break in.

Of course, they can only develop their own villages in this map, and the Monster Guild still has no shortage of [Village Building Stone]. What they can clear now are only low-level wild monsters.

They dare not touch the high-level monster groups and several system cities in the map in the short term.

Faced with the threat of the Monster Guild and the difficulty of high-level maps, other players also evacuated. There is no need to snatch food from the tiger's mouth.

Even if other guilds cannot gather an army, they cannot fight Medusa head-on. The real battle for hegemony will be in the future.

Fighting now will benefit other guilds. The fisherman benefits from the quarrel between the snipe and the clam.

Besides, don't take on porcelain work without diamond drills. It is not something that ordinary people dare to do to develop in the 5th level map.

If the Monster Guild had not gathered 4 players here, they would not dare to seek development in such a map.

But it was very unfortunate that the explorer randomly came to this map. And facing the explorer's active surrender, the professional player Medusa of the Monster Guild did not accept it.

So the most terrible thing happened. This explorer pretended to be a pig to eat the tiger, but he actually had a treasure. With a big move, Medusa's entire army was wiped out.

The other three players in the guild did not get any good either. This explorer was too elusive.

I don't know if he was too lucky or his game skills were really so superb. The other three players who had few troops were ambushed.

I didn't even see the front of the explorer. It was as if the explorer was fighting them with the map open the whole time.

Unexpectedly, they really guessed it right. Xiao Ming's scanning map is really buggy.

In addition, today is Monday, and they just happened to gather on the same route, and sent the collected troops to Medusa. As a result, Xiao Ming just happened to fight all the way there and took them all.

If it were any other day, everyone would be scouting everywhere, and it would take Xiao Ming some time to eliminate them.

Although the explorer only has 15 level 2 ascetics, the attack power after being equipped with a crossbow is not particularly high.

But there are only 2 or 3 kittens in the troops of these players, and they can be dealt with with only one or two rounds of volleys.

The Monster Guild deeply suspected that this was intentional by the game system. Seeing that they were developing too smoothly, they threw a pervert in to mess up. How can they reason with this.

Besides, in the early stage of the game, it would be too stupid to get angry with a player who is so strong that he is perverted.

The Monster Guild did not make a fuss, nor did it intend to retaliate immediately. There is a long way to go.

They just turned to other maps for development. At the same time, they secretly inquired about the situation of this explorer.

With the advantage of intelligence ability, Xiao Ming led his troops to attack three players of the Monster Guild in succession - vampires, werewolves, and zombies.

As you can see from the name, these people are basically in the same group as Medusa. Xiao Ming probably guessed that they might be from the same guild.

He couldn't help but be alert and be careful of the other party's revenge at any time.

However, an empty city is there. This empty city is the city built by the player Medusa - Medusa City.

The race of the city is also a branch of the orcs, the underground orcs, commonly known as the underground city forces.

In fact, these branches are divided from the perspective of humans. The underground city forces and the surface orcs are also hostile.

The cavemen, harpies, and evil eyes led by Medusa are all from this city.

The basic buildings of the city are basically good. It's just that there are no resources for Xiao Ming to use.

Today is Monday, and all the troops have been recruited; the tavern is empty; there is no shortage of crossbow explorers that can be made in the blacksmith shop; even the first-level magic in the first-level magic tower is the stone skin technique that explorers have learned long ago. There is really no extra benefit.

Xiao Ming thought about it and built a fourth-level barracks in the city-the Hall of Silence. Coincidentally, the fourth-level soldiers produced by the Hall of Silence are exactly Medusa.

Medusa is a fourth-level soldier that is good at both long-range and melee combat, but the number of arrows it carries is a bit small.

This soldier has the ability to petrify the enemy, just like the legendary Medusa. If used well, it will definitely be awesome on the battlefield.

However, in the game, it must not be the same as in the legend, where whoever sees will be petrified. That would be unsolvable.

The petrification effect in the game is random. Each attack has a certain chance to petrify the enemy. The higher the level of Medusa, the greater the probability of petrifying the enemy.

If the petrification skill is successful, a certain number of enemies with command power will turn into stone. (This command value is affected by the number and rank of your own Medusa.)

The petrified enemy is not dead, but just temporarily turned into stone and unable to fight. After a period of time, the petrification will be lifted.

At the same time, the damage received by the petrified troops will be halved. After all, they have already turned into stone.

The player named Medusa is probably a fan of this monster.

But he was defeated by Xiao Ming before he could recruit this monster. I guess he must be very upset now.

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