Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 421 Turning Point of the New York Battle

According to Murphy's Law, the less you want something to happen, the more likely it is to happen. It is commonly known as the crow's mouth.

Thor's worries really became a reality, and Xiao Ming really met Loki.

However, many things happened before the two met. Changed the situation of the entire battle.

Xiao Ming's [Scan Map] includes New York City and even a large area around it. He knows the situation on the battlefield very well.

It's a pity that the skill of scanning the map cannot pass through the space gate, otherwise he can go to see what is on the other side of the space-time gate.

In terms of ninjutsu, once the shadow clone is made, he has no spiritual communication with the original body before he dies.

However, as long as the uniformed mind beasts are still within the range of the circle, they are still under Xiao Ming's control. They are semi-automatic mind beasts.

With the help of uniformed mind beasts to communicate, Xiao Ming can adjust the deployment of the orc girl army at any time according to the situation he has mastered.

In this way, fighting is really like being assisted by God.

The mind beasts play the essence of guerrilla warfare, avoid the real and attack the virtual, concentrate their strength, and eliminate the enemy's weak forces. Besides, they would be surrounded by the enemy army.

If they were surrounded, they would self-destruct. The self-destruction of the shadow clone is several times stronger than the previous telekinetic bomb.

o(≧口≦)o The explosion made the Chitauri almost doubt their lives.

Ordinary Chitauri warriors did not know telekinetic beasts, and they just felt that there were too many enemies who were so desperate that they would self-destruct at the slightest disagreement.

Damn, how could such a race be conquered? I heard that there are billions of people on the earth, and the population of the Chitauri is not enough for them to explode!

Morale inevitably fell.

Once there is one, there will be two. Another blow comes from high-end combat power.

The originally powerful dragon battleships, for some reason, lay down in a daze. They were all sleeping there, almost snot bubbles.

Not only did they not play their combat effectiveness, but they also forced the Chitauri soldiers to concentrate their forces to protect these dragons. It's really a cry without tears.

But the bad luck of the Chitauri people has not ended. During the fight, the sleeping dragon turned over and woke up.

Isn't it a good thing to wake up? But this dragon was too angry when it woke up. After waking up, it launched a fierce attack on the Chitauri soldiers. A roll on the spot, dozens of soldiers were crushed into meat paste.

What kind of play is this? ! Both sides of the war were a little confused. Then the Earth side was jubilant and surprised.

We have been bullied by the Chitauri dragon, and now we have a dragon. No matter why it rebelled, we can finally retaliate now.

Why is this so? In fact, it is also very simple. The place where a dragon is sleeping happens to be relatively close to Xiao Ming's body. It feels clearer.

The feeling of the dragon to Xiao Ming, eh? Why is it so much like the Zerg! The physical attributes of the dragon's body are basically around level 5.

But its weakness is too obvious. Its mental power is not even level 2. No wonder it was defeated by a few spells.

This level of mental power should not be able to resist the skill [Zerg Conquer].

This skill was named by Xiao Ming himself. This skill is effective for conquering Zerg, and it can actually be used for other races. It's just a little more difficult.

The lower the opponent's soul strength and mental power, the higher the chance of success in conquering. Of course, sleeping or enchanted objects are more likely to be hit.

The mental power consumed by Xiao Ming to conquer a Chitauri dragon is about the same as conquering three Zerg flying dragons.

After conquering, Xiao Ming and the dragon have a mental connection. No spells are needed. It wakes up with a "shout" in the mind. Turn around and start to attack the Chitauri frantically.

This is of course not the first dragon battleship that Xiao Ming has conquered. Seeing such an advantage, Xiao Ming can't hide.

Putting on the invisible suit and mental shield, Xiao Ming wandered around the battlefield and conquered one Chitauri dragon after another.

He also subdued two Chitauri soldiers, but found that they were too exhausted and not strong in combat. Later, he stopped targeting them.

The situation on the battlefield also changed dramatically. The Mind Beasts and the Avengers turned to rely on the protection of the dragons and launched attacks on the Chitauri warriors.

This can be said to be the turning point of the entire New York battle. When the first dragon battleship defected, the Chitauri did not take timely countermeasures.

After a total of 7 or 8 dragons rebelled, Xiao Ming and the Avengers had the advantage in high-end combat power.

If the Chitauri want to deal with the dragons, they must dispatch an equal force, that is, another dragon battleship.

But we have two dragons, each hiding a group of fox girls and butterfly girls. If you are unlucky enough to encounter their dragons, you will fall asleep immediately.

Don't worry if you haven't encountered them, just fight first, and these two dragons will take the initiative to help.

The sleeping dragon will undoubtedly be subdued by Xiao Ming and join the battlefield. When 16 of our dragon warships were wandering in the sky, the situation was irreversible.

After all, the space gate was only so big, and at most 3 dragon warships could come at a time.

And they had to line up to pass through the space gate, otherwise they would easily collide with each other. If the flight was not standardized, the relatives would cry.

There was no need for the orc girl's magic. Seven or eight dragons took turns to hit him, and the newcomer fell into a coma due to concussion.

However, the position of this space door is too high, and the dragons that fell down after falling unconscious were basically killed. So they could not be subdued.

However, Xiao Ming did not let go of these corpses and directly put them into the Bright Summit.

This is not the real world, but the secret realm of high magic. Xiao Ming's Bright Summit is not more than 400 cubic meters in reality, but 400,000 cubic meters. It is enough to accommodate many dragons.

Loki saw that things were not going well and wanted to use his scepter to subdue the dragon again.

But he couldn't get close to the flying dragon. Besides, the dragon was covered in armor, and Loki couldn't find a place to attack during the battle.

At the same time, the other Avengers were not freeloaders. Seeing Loki's actions, they would naturally come to stop him.

Loki had no choice but to use the help of the phantom to divert the attention of the Avengers. He hurried back to the Stark Building and prepared to take the space gem and run away.

It was here that he met Xiao Ming. To be precise, he met the Asgardian possessed by Xiao Ming.

How did Xiao Ming get here? In the previous scan map, Xiao Ming had already discovered the abnormality of Stark Tower.

The location of the Space Gem and the scepter in Loki's hand were two bright light bulbs in the scan.

It was super clear, so of course Xiao Ming had to come and take a look.

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