Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 439 Yacht, acquaintance, a small victory

Maybe it was the place where the Yin Qi came out from the center of the reservoir. It was still a bit far away, so Dou Qunfang could not sense the specific location. He only judged a general direction.

Now of course, he should find a boat to go there. When he was about to find the reservoir manager, a yacht came out from the 10 o'clock direction. It was heading to the place where the Yin Qi gathered.

Xiao Ming and the other four people were worried, fearing that a group of ignorant civilians were messing around. If they were attacked by the Yin Qi, wouldn't it be a mess? !

Zhao Yun of the Tang Dynasty was full of energy in his Dantian, and he shouted: "There is danger over there, don't go over there!"

This shout really stopped the yacht. At this time, Xiao Ming also saw the people on the yacht clearly. They were all acquaintances.

"Hey, Guangwen, Xiaonan, Xiaobei... It's me, Xiao Ming." It turned out that the people driving the yacht were his old classmate Tan Guangwen and his group.

Xiao Ming hurriedly called them over. Because Zhao Yun and others were present, Xiao Ming did not shout out the nickname "Beef Noodles".

"Brother Ming?! Why are you here?" Before Tan Guangwen could speak, Qiao Xiaonan had already spoken. The motorboat also turned around and headed over here.

"Light Bulb, you are a guy who values ​​women over friendship. It seems that besides Brother Tan, you only see Xiao Qiao and Xiao Qiao. Are we brothers just decorations?"

There were two other boys on the motorboat, Yang Yang and Situ Yuxuan. This joke came from Situ Yuxuan.

He is similar to Yang Yang. His family's business depends on the Tan family, so as a junior, he simply follows Tan Guangwen.

When everyone met, Xiao Ming naturally had to introduce both parties. Everyone was a reincarnation, so it was easier to talk to.

This group of people did not join the League of Heroes. Most of them did not receive an invitation. Only Tan Guangwen joined the Loose Cultivator Alliance.

But everyone was not an enemy. With Xiao Ming around, everyone calmly exchanged information about the [Haunted Incident at Yangliu Reservoir].

The Loose Cultivator Alliance did not have so many tasks to do. Tan Guangwen brought people here this time because he heard gossip.

According to their understanding, there may be some nocturnal monsters around here, which will attack humans near or on the water.

It is hard to say what kind it is. But they have heard rumors that monsters suck blood. Could it be that the haunted reservoir is a vampire?

Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao are both Cabanelli, and they are looking forward to being able to turn into vampire blood.

Although the chance is very slim, Tan Guangwen still decided to bring people to take a look.

Even if it is not, it is good to accumulate some combat experience; maybe you can get something that can be exchanged.

This is in the territory of the New Han Kingdom, not the reincarnation world. It is impossible for monsters that are too powerful to appear.

Tan Guangwen came quite well prepared. Not only did he bring a batch of powerful arms, but also got some low-level talismans.

What can I say about these talismans? They just have a little spiritual power in them. What Xiao Ming can draw now is stronger than these talismans.

Compared with them, Xiao Ming and his group are completely skilled and daring. Almost no special preparations were made. It is enough to have a barrier master.

Xiao Ming has too many things in Guangmingding, and basically can deal with everything. Besides, there is Zhang Zhong in Kunlun.

If a real fight breaks out, even Hongchao will be slightly inferior to Zhang Zhong.

Since there is a collision, everyone should discuss the distribution of spoils in advance to avoid conflicts in the future.

Zhao Yun and others don’t care about the spoils at all, and they just take the 1 point casually.

For Xiao Ming’s sake, if there is something that Tan Guangwen can use, they all expressed their willingness to give it up. Tan Guangwen can just show some respect.

Then everyone got on the yacht and drove to the center of the reservoir.

Halfway through the journey, the calm water surface suddenly began to ripple, and a group of things that could be seen with the naked eye surrounded the yacht from all directions.

And they rushed over without saying a word. They didn’t look too big. It shouldn’t be possible to crash the yacht at once.

Yang Yang, Situ Yuxuan, Xiao Qiao and Xiao Qiao quickly set up submachine guns. The others carefully observed what kind of monster was attacking.

A closer look revealed that there were all kinds of fish, shrimps and crabs. But their eyes were green, probably because they had mutated. There were hundreds of them, and they rushed over like crazy.

Judging from their speed, they should be able to rush onto the yacht and bite people. It is hard to judge their attack power.

As a low-level reincarnation, the most difficult thing to deal with is actually this kind of small monsters with a large number of them. It is often easy to lose sight of one thing while focusing on another.

Warriors like Zhao Yun are naturally not afraid; Cabanelli has steel-like skin, so Er Qiao is not afraid either;

Tan Guangwen is a special type of mind ability user, and his defense may be a little worse. So he, Yang Yang, and Situ Yuxuan all put on artificial armor.

Although it is a bit heavy, they are definitely not afraid of being bitten. They also took out spare armor for Xiao Ming and others, but no one wanted it.

Miss Jiu felt very safe and there was no danger when she was with Xiao Ming. So she resolutely refused to wear armor.

Xiao Ming guessed that the main reason was that these armors were too ugly. The armors made by Tan Guangwen were completely practical.

Without considering the aesthetics, the little girl certainly didn't like it.

Xiao Ming finally saw the battle mode of Dou Qunfang, the barrier master. It seemed very simple.

She mobilized her spiritual power and her fingers slid in the air. Square enclosure - fixed foundation - knot. In an instant, a cubic barrier rose up, protecting her.

This ability is quite interesting, Xiao Ming nodded slightly. Then he thought that he should show it.

Xiao Ming waved his hand, and nearly forty undead suddenly appeared. There are more than twenty zombies on the outside, forming a circle of walls;

There are more than a dozen skeleton soldiers holding weapons inside, waiting in full formation. All are elite undead troops.

Fortunately, all the girls have seen the world and didn't scream because of the undead. The little loli looked at the novelty and ran over to touch this and that...

As soon as this hand was revealed, everyone felt relieved instantly. He quickly hid inside the protective circle of the undead troops.

At this time, the school of strange fish was very close, and everyone could see their sharp teeth. They were clearly a group of 'piranhas'.

Several men with submachine guns immediately opened fire on the fish. The school of fish also jumped out of the water as if they were angered, but they all bumped into the surrounding zombies.

The attack is so weak, even an ordinary adult should be able to deal with a fish, but it is inevitable that he will be injured.

The huge number is the power of this mutant fish school.

Unfortunately, facing this group of people on the yacht, numbers are useless.

After only a cup of tea, all the mutated fish, turtles, shrimps and crabs had been eliminated by everyone.

Not even a single person on our side was slightly injured. However, the zombies responsible for protecting the outside were bitten off a lot of carrion.

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