Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 453: Human and insect combined skeleton soldiers

Of the more than 50,000 undead troops that Lu Xiaoming had just created, more than 90% were undead troops that were a mix of Zerg warriors and humans - [Skeleton Bug Cavalry].

For long-range attacks, there were human crossbows, and for close combat, there were Zerg forelimbs and mandibles, all of which were definitely level 3 or above. I think they were pretty good.

There were also more than 4,600 [Skeleton Tiger Bug Cavalry]. Their mounts, the tiger bug skeletons, were a powerful land combat unit of the Zerg.

The appearance and size of the tiger bugs were not much different from those of the warriors, but the color of their bodies was slightly different. Xiaoming thought that the tiger bugs were probably evolved from warriors.

As warriors, tiger bugs were more threatening than warriors, as they had thicker armor protection, moved faster and were more aggressive.

The only weakness should be that they were slightly less flexible and their turning was not very smooth.

However, the Zerg had always used the swarm tactics, and did not require much turning. Just keep rushing forward.

Xiao Ming also used them as offensive troops. The skeleton soldiers on his back were all elite melee skeleton soldiers of level 3, which continued to strengthen their melee capabilities.

The last three hundred or so remaining were [skeleton tank soldiers]. They were composed of tank worm skeleton soldiers and human skeleton soldiers.

The tank worms of the Zerg, which look like black beetles, are 7 meters high, 18 meters long, and move relatively slowly. They are not comparable to warriors and tiger worms.

But their defense and attack power are super strong. When they were Zerg, they could attack the enemy with high-temperature fire columns, which was considered a medium-range attack troop.

The super strong defense itself ensured its own safety, and ordinary human weapons could not hurt it at all.

After being transformed into a skeleton soldier, there were great changes.

First of all, because the internal soft tissues disappeared, the various organs related to the jet of fire columns were corrupted. Naturally, it could not jet fire columns.

But the magic ability of the undead can make up for this. What it can now spray is the death ripple with a strong offensive nature.

This is an offensive use of the breath of death, which has great damage to all living things.

This death ripple is just a weakened version of the strategic magic death ripple in the game, with a much smaller attack range. The power is also limited.

In fact, there is also the undead magic of death ripple on the adventure map. However, the dead teller himself has not learned this adventure magic. (The death ripple that the dead teller has learned is strategic magic)

However, Xiao Ming can use the skeleton to strengthen his subordinates to use this magic, which has to be said to be quite ironic. But it’s good to be able to use it, Xiao Ming is a pragmatist.

Secondly, because the body is completely undead, the durability (vitality) is greatly improved, but the defense is reduced.

There is no way to do this. The bodies of tank worms are basically full of holes and tattered. If they are not beaten like this, the human army can’t kill them.

So Xiao Ming went with the flow. The tank worm’s tattered exoskeleton was retained.

In its empty belly, a combat team of more than 20 skeleton soldiers was put in. There are both melee and long-range.

The tank worm's belly was originally filled with internal organs and various organs for spraying fire pillars. Now they are gone, just right for loading troops.

In addition to the 3rd-level human skeleton soldier squad, Xiao Ming also matched the tank worm with his own shadow clone.

The shadow clones all hold hacker energy weapons, which is equivalent to matching the skeleton tank soldiers with a secondary gun. And this secondary gun can attack in any direction.

Such a human-insect combination of skeleton rangers is naturally very powerful.

However, even so, under the siege of billions of Zergs, this small force cannot be the opponent.

What really makes the Zerg King's Undead Legion invincible and invincible is the powerful mental skills of the Chiyou Galaxy Zerg: [Wormhole] and [Scan Map].

Scanning the map not only allows Xiao Ming to know the location of all enemies, but also gives Xiao Ming the coordinates of using wormholes.

When the Zerg Overlord uses the wormhole skill, it can connect any two points within its scanning range.

Most of the time, Xiao Ming opens the wormhole in front of the small Zerg troops, letting them walk into his ambush circle in a daze, and then his undead army kills them.

Sometimes, the undead army is teleported to several different locations to surround and annihilate the Zerg troops.

This method of warfare consumes more mental power, and mental power cannot be replenished by source energy. So Xiao Ming also has to control the frequency of battles.

Other Zerg Overlords, in most cases, would rather sacrifice a large number of Zerg soldiers than waste their own mental power in this way.

They are facing large-scale wars of billions of people, and using wormholes at one time may teleport hundreds of millions of troops. This will consume half of the mental power. How can it not be economical? !

However, Xiao Ming is now involved in small-scale battles, and the consumption is far less. Therefore, Xiao Ming cares more about reducing his own losses. Fight to support the war.

And Xiao Ming has an ability that other Zerg Overlords do not have, that is, undead magic.

The enemy's corpses are used to make new skeleton soldiers. For the wounded Zerg soldiers who were not dead, Xiao Ming tried [Zerg Conquering].

The result was that they could be conquered, and they were conquered very smoothly.

The Zerg in this world had never experienced the strengthening of the spiritual sea, so the mental power of the Zerg was generally very weak. There was no resistance when conquering.

The brainworm probably had never experienced his subordinates being subjugated by the enemy. There was no corresponding measure at all. Xiao Ming could even feel the opponent's panic.

It was a pity that Xiao Ming himself did not have any "long-range attack type mental skills". Otherwise, he could have directly hit the opponent hard.

Soon, Green Xiao Ming pulled up a 200-man Zerg army. They were all warriors or tiger worms.

And he also used the Zerg Evolution Needle on them. Evolved them all into Zerg humans.

After becoming Zerg humans, their physical fitness was still limited, but their IQs soared exponentially.

Arrange them as middle-level commanders of the undead army. With them in charge of the detailed command, Xiao Ming's burden was much lighter.

Of course, it would be boring if there were only low-level bugs like the Warrior Tiger Bug. At least there should be a few tank bugs.

Xiao Ming thought about it and summoned the Fox Girl Mind Beast with Charm and the Colorful Butterfly Mind Beast with Hypnosis to participate in the battle.

If you encounter tank bugs, hypnotize or charm them from a distance.

The resistance of the Zerg in this world to mental magic is far inferior to that of the Chitauri dragon in the Avengers secret realm.

So Xiao Ming easily subdued many of them. And the Zerg humans evolved from the tank worms are even more awesome.

But the huge and ferocious body of the worm, with some human-like features on the face, looks a bit weird.

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