Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 47 The drunkard's house leaks

The pirates raised the white flag and waved their hands desperately.

Xiao Ming didn't dare to believe this, but the system prompted: A pirate army succumbed to your force and announced its surrender to you. Please choose whether to accept.

The system prompt should not be wrong, right? The informant chose to accept.

If it were not for such a special situation, this army would have almost no chance of surrendering. More importantly, this is a plot in the game.

After the informant accepted the surrender of the pirates, there was another choice.

First, conquer the pirates as direct subordinates. Players will get 83 first-level pirate sailors, 30 first-level pirate swordsmen, 44 second-level pirate crossbowmen, and 1 pirate general.

The enemy hero will commit suicide to defend his honor. 1 general and 79 pirates will commit suicide.

Second, conquer the pirates as a subordinate force. The loyalty of the pirate force is temporarily 70.

The pirate force has: 1 pirate hero, 2 pirate generals, and 236 1-4 pirate arms.

However, players are not allowed to split the pirate forces, and all pirate generals and troops are commanded by the pirate hero.

Players can only specify the development direction for their pirate forces. And collect a certain percentage of tribute money. The current ratio is 50% of the pirates' monthly income.

It's okay to die in the war, but it's not good to die like this. Let's just keep the forces under your command, Xiao Ming thinks it's acceptable.

System prompt: Congratulations to the player hero for reporting the dead, and you have obtained a naval force under your command - "Drunkard Navy".

Navy Commander: Second-level purple hero "Drunkard's Home Leak".

Navy generals: "Real Pot Boiled Horses", first-level blue generals; "A Box of Dates", first-level green generals.

Naval forces: 236 pirates. (Details omitted)

(Pirates and the navy are actually not much different. The dead are organized, and the final boss is the undead force. So the pirates belonging to him will naturally become the navy.)

No wonder he would rather commit suicide than surrender, this is the system that doesn't allow it. Now if the player has a second-level purple hero, what's the matter?

Xiao Ming secretly thought that he was lucky. If he had a strong desire for control, he would probably only have one level 1 green general. That would be a pity.

Xiao Ming had no time to be happy after conquering a naval force. He was faced with problems.

The pirate's ship was damaged by himself and is now sinking. If it cannot be saved, only a few naval high-ranking officers can be saved. The system is constantly digging holes.

Under normal circumstances, the player needs to bring several ships of troops to conquer this pirate, and then some battle damage, so that at least most of the pirates can be taken away.

Xiao Ming swallowed an elephant with a snake, and the problem came. Those pirates all looked tragic. There was no time to return to the city and come back.

But how could Xiao Ming be stumped by this situation!

Xiao Ming came to the pirate's ship, took out the wood resources from the cabin, and used his superpowers to repair it.

This ship is a medium-sized Chinese sailing ship, which is a bit large. Xiao Ming cannot repair it all at once, and has to repair it one place at a time.

In this process, Nezha's type 6 auxiliary mechanical arm really helped a lot. It greatly improved Xiao Ming's efficiency.

When the sailboat was presented to the drunkard navy again, the deck dropped its jaw. The loyalty of the drunkard navy was directly +10.

The navy must look up to people who can play with boats.

The crisis was resolved, and the drunkard invited the deceased, Han Dong and Katagiri to the captain's room of the sailboat. Two generals of the navy also accompanied them.

First of all, 50% of the property must be donated. This pirate group has saved a lot of money. They actually donated 5,000 gold coins. It is equivalent to the task reward.

Xiao Ming didn't think about the money when he saw it. For a pirate group, it is very embarrassing to have only this little money left.

Brother Jiugui first reported the situation of the navy to the deceased:

The drunkard pirate group was originally very strong. Due to a sudden attack by an unknown maritime force, it was almost wiped out. Only this little military force was preserved.

Driving the last warship and taking the family's property along the river to this lake, he fled. Prepare to make a comeback.

Who knew that there would be a strong wind, and the boat was not in good condition to begin with, and now it was completely broken, which led to this situation.

The most valuable thing in the drunkard's hand is a cornerstone for the construction of a pirate city.

As long as you find an island to build a city. You can build the pirate force again.

Some people in the original force who were scattered all over the place (mostly auxiliary personnel) will slowly come to the city. The strength is expected to recover.

Xiao Ming said that you are really unlucky. In fact, there is a small island in the south-the island in the lake.

Although it is a bit far, you can dismantle the boat and swim over with the plank. It's a pity that you don't know.

——The system wants to say: Nonsense, if they know, what's your business? In the script, they will know in the future, isn't this intercepted by you?

The three naval commanders sighed and said that it is a blessing in disguise. Only in this way can they encounter the main announcement of the dead.

This is all arranged by God. Well, the NPC's flattery skills are not weak.

The drunkard couldn't wait a moment and immediately went to the island in the lake. The ship of the deceased also came with him.

The drunkard navy arrived much earlier than the deceased. On the one hand, the medium-sized sailboats were faster, and on the other hand, Xiao Ming also had to pick up resources on the water.

When the deceased landed on the island in the middle of the lake, the drunkard city had been built. While building the city, the loyalty of the drunkard navy increased by 5.

Of course, although it is a city, it was just a village when it was first built. There was only one meeting hall on the first day. But there is not much money left.

Xiao Ming's 5,000 gold coins are not warm in his pocket yet. Seeing this situation, he took them out again.

Xiao Ming knew that this was not the time to be stingy. He took out a total of 10,000 gold coins and half of the various resources, and gave them to the drunkard's family.

The construction of the pirate city is now much more important than his own funnel village.

Although both have 1 hero with 2 generals and some soldiers. The drunkard city is not directly under the dead report.

But the drunkard navy has experience. The purple hero of the commander-in-chief is more worth looking forward to.

In the game, investment will basically pay off. The loyalty of the navy is +5 again.

So on the first day that the drunkard navy joined the dead report, the loyalty of the navy was as high as 90.

In addition, the drunkard's family also took out his private collection and asked the dead report to choose half of them at will.

Most of the pirate leader's collections are treasures and crafts, and there are also many good things.

Xiao Ming picked some antiques and some unique looking crafts. He took about half of them.

He picked ten pieces of general equipment. About 1/3 of the total.

He picked thirty pieces of soldier equipment. About 1/4 of the total.

He took one of each of the blueprints and recipes. There were also some shipbuilding blueprints.

One blueprint each of small, medium and large Chinese sailing ships. One blueprint of a medium-sized Spanish square sailing ship. One blueprint of a small Arab ship.

The drunkard didn't feel bad, he had several of each shipbuilding blueprint. The real good stuff was still behind:

A scroll of pirate troop specialization. I didn't expect pirates to have such things.

I found out after asking: ordinary pirates build cities. They still build ordinary cities of various races. They use ordinary troops to do pirate things.

Only big pirates of his level would have a scroll of pirate troop specialization and build a city with all pirate troops.

The drunkard used one when he built the city, and the deceased took another one, so there were still 3 left in his hand.

Xiao Ming really hopes that this is the scroll specializing in the skeleton army!

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