Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 478 Go back first

Today is Monday, July 4, 6666 in the Pangu calendar.

Before entering the reincarnation space several times before, in order to fully cope with the mission world, Xiao Ming did not place shadow clones or subdue the mind beasts in the real world.

Even this time, Xiao Ming went all out. But he'll have to think about it next time.

There are a few uniformed butlers left in Pangu and Yanhuang three star systems, and there is probably no problem with shadow clones.

With the benefit of 3 free resurrections, and increasing experience. The world of reincarnation also seems less scary. It seems that it is not impossible to keep the mind beast.

You can get it by yourself when you go back to Pangu Star. But here in the Qinglong branch, can I keep a butler for a long time? You can come more often from now on.

But if you do this, will you offend Qinglong? Offend the reincarnation space? Or even piss off Qianxinglou? No one can ask about this kind of thing.

Look at Qianxinglou's attitude of treating himself as a distinguished guest. Probably about the same... ok? Still need to consider carefully.

It was still early, so the indecisive Xiao Ming decided to leave this matter to himself in a few days to consider.

But the Insect King should go back quickly. On Pangu Planet, my group disappeared for a few days, which can be explained by the reincarnation space.

After all, this is the truth, and you can still make a small difference. Let all forces take a high look.

But for the Zerg subordinates in the Chiyou galaxy, although I don't have to explain to any Zerg, it doesn't seem good to leave them all there for a week.

So the Insect King went to the teleportation array and went back first to be the first experimental subject.

I thought that the two snake spirit administrators would question me, but they just waved their hands casually and motioned for him to stand in the center of the teleportation array.

After stepping on it, one of the snake spirits activated the teleportation array.

A three-dimensional projection instrument took shape out of thin air, with Lu Xiaoming standing right in the middle. A selection light screen appeared in front of him.

The voice of another snake spirit came over: "Choose your destination carefully. Only you can see that light screen. Others cannot."

As he spoke, he stuck out his tongue and sneered:

"Sister Xiaoqing said that you are traveling at public expense this time, and you should only have one destination to choose from. It's okay, there will be more next time."

So that’s it. At this time, Xiao Ming carefully observed the other party's life energy.

This level 3 snake spirit showed no negative emotions even when he was laughing, as if he was not laughing at himself. Probably there is another reason.

Later, Xiao Ming learned that monsters such as snake spirits and lizard spirits often stick out their tongues out of instinct. Especially when talking and laughing.

So he looked like he was making a human sneer expression, but in fact it was just a habitual action without any malice.

Among youkai, there are many kinds of habitual actions. Some are harmless, while others are very disturbing.

For example, the rooster spirit will crow loudly from time to time; the octopus spirit will spit out a lot of ink when excited; the skunk also likes to fart from time to time...

Therefore, they often suffer losses and offend others. Fortunately, Xiao Ming can distinguish the aura, otherwise he would have misunderstood again.

There are really not one teleportation destination option in front of the Insect King, but two. Both Pangu and Chiyou galaxies are available.

As for other options, I can't see them at all. It's not the kind of gray that you can see but can't choose; it's the kind of darkness that you can't see at all.

The space of reincarnation does not leave even a single gap for reincarnators.

0.7 seconds later, the figure of the Insect King had appeared in the Chiyou galaxy, among his insect swarm subordinates. It's so fast. Sure enough, the products produced by Space must be high-quality!

During the short time travel, Xiao Ming had many special feelings, but they passed by in a blink of an eye and he could not grasp them.

Next time, when Yin Xiaoming uses the teleportation array, he must turn on [Every Second Counts], take a long time, and feel it carefully.

Looking around at the hundreds of bug humans and bugs, Xiao Ming mentally issued the command to ‘go’.

This wandering force continued its journey in search of a nesting site.

At the same time, the Insect King has absorbed too much life essence in the two soul worlds this time, and now it is a little stretched.

As a last resort, he spit out nearly a hundred insect-human eggs in one breath and began to breed genuine insect-humans in the Chiyou galaxy.

Regrettably, even though the insect humans were born in the Chiyou galaxy, the spiritual power of the insect race did not treat them as favorably as it did Xiao Ming.

Maybe it's because the genetic relationship is a bit distant. The newly born insect-man only received a little spiritual blessing.

The Spiritual Sea is simply open to the Insects, allowing the Insects to use the Spiritual Sea to replenish their mental power, but the skills are not open to the Insects.

Qinglong Branch 179465 Town, in the house of Mingjing Team.

A group of wooden agency workers, under Xiao Ming's supervision, cleaned the house inside and out.

There used to be a lot of dead branches and leaves accumulated in the yard, and there were also insects, snakes, rats, and birds in and out. Just right for using Z-series puppet technique.

Transform a large pile of dead branches and leaves into level 0 puppet infantry. They are said to be soldiers, but in fact they have no combat effectiveness. They only have dead branches as weapons.

Although it is rough, it is enough for cleaning. When their mana is almost exhausted, they just lie down in the garbage pile and everything is solved.

After the Insect King returned to the Chiyou galaxy, Xiao Ming discovered that Kunlun could be used. Guangmingding can also be used, but there is a slight problem.

When there is only one mind beast steward, there is no difference. When there are mind beast stewards in Qinglong Town and Chiyou Galaxy at the same time, their mind power will be consumed very quickly.

Probably because maintaining two stewards so far apart at the same time is equivalent to maintaining a space transmission channel across a long distance. The energy consumption is of course very fast.

Similarly, in Guangmingding, when replenishing the mind power of the steward mind beast in the distance, the loss in the middle is also relatively large.

The principle of this is not clear to Xiao Ming at all. The reality is like this, just accept it.

Fortunately, this level of consumption has not exceeded Xiao Ming's limit. It can be supported as much as possible by consuming some energy.

Since it is a problem of distance, it is not only Xiao Ming who has this problem, but also Maomao. He is now too far away from the game console on Pangu Star.

After changing to a game server, although it can be contacted normally and everyone can play games normally. But the consumption of hacker energy blocks has increased dramatically.

Xiao Ming had to quickly produce a large amount of hacker ore, and Xiaolu controlled the machine to start producing energy blocks on a large scale. It can barely cope with it.

Seeing this consumption, Xiao Ming began to back out. He didn't have much money saved, and it wouldn't be appropriate to spend it all on long-distance energy transmission.

Forget about placing a housekeeper in the Qinglong branch, and we'll talk about it later.

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