Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 49: Insect Eggs and 33.9 Billion Years

"Brother Ming, two pieces of news, one big and one small. Which one do you want to hear first?"

"Maomaoer, this is such an old joke, not many people play it now."

"Oh, is that so." Maomaoer seemed to understand, "Then which one do you want to hear first?"

... Unconsciously scolding people, artificial intelligence is still the best.

"Let's talk about the big one first."

"According to the collected data, the farthest star that can be detected here is 33.9 billion light years away."

"What?" Xiao Ming was shocked.

You should know that on Pangu Star, the Big Bang occurred about 13.8 billion years ago.

The farthest celestial body that can be seen will not exceed this distance.

33.9 billion years ago, the universe of Pangu Star did not exist.

In other words, the Yanhuang Tri-Star system is not in the universe where Pangu Star is.

The space-time gate outside the solar system does not connect two different locations in the same universe, but two different universes.

This is a major discovery in astrophysics.

The New Han Kingdom must have known it a long time ago, but it just didn't announce it.

After being shocked, Xiao Ming realized that this discovery had nothing to do with him.

Moreover, scientists have long predicted the existence of multiple universes. It's not surprising.

Xiao Ming took a breath: "Maomao, tell me more about that little news."

"A probe I sent out found an insect egg on an asteroid 300 kilometers away and brought it back.

As he spoke, a storage device popped out from the wall of the probe.

Inside was a frozen cylindrical sealed reinforced plastic box with a football-sized ball in it.

At first glance, it was obvious that it was an egg of some creature.

Given that there were only Zerg here, it was reasonable to preliminarily speculate that it was an insect egg.

After the probe sent out got it, Maomao immediately froze it and isolated it from external signals. Then it flew back to the asteroid.

This may not actually have any effect. Considering that the egg was placed so casually, Maomao didn't think the Zerg attached much importance to this egg.

The egg is probably just an ordinary member of the Zerg.

"What should I do with this thing? Send a probe to the troops here?" Xiao Ming expressed his doubts.

"No, Brother Ming. "Maomaoer had an idea, "I think you can try to use your superpowers on it and try to infiltrate your consciousness into it."

"What will happen then?"

"I don't know, I just think it's worth a try."

Xiao Ming thought about it and thought that it would have no effect at most, so he just handed in the eggs.

This time it was a good try. Xiao Ming's consciousness followed his superpowers and easily integrated into the eggs. And completely occupied the eggs.

The Zerg embryos that had not yet hatched in the eggs did not even resist at all.

Some of the Zerg's instinctive genetic consciousness was also accepted by Xiao Ming.

This instinctive consciousness is very simple, all actions are under command, and the command will be directly transmitted to the Zerg's brain.

This race seems to have telepathy and other abilities. It does not rely on smell, movement, etc., but only on the mind to transmit consciousness.

It feels so powerful! I am going to master new skills again.

Then immediately joy turns to sorrow, because Xiao Ming found that he couldn't get out.

In the past, he relied on quantum communication to control the detector, which was still at the technological level.

Now that he occupied the insect egg, it was equivalent to having his own body in the Chiyou galaxy.

In terms of compatibility or priority, this insect egg surpassed the detector. Naturally, he couldn't go back.

There was no sound or light around the egg. It was pitch black and silent.

In this situation, which normal person could stand it?

Xiao Ming also quickly estimated his general situation.

In his mind, he tried hard to think about quitting, quitting...

Suddenly, his eyes lit up and he had returned to his personal space.

Maomaoer was of course there, and he had no problem doing eight things at the same time. The two brothers understood after a conversation.

Maomaoer was indeed It was estimated that Xiao Ming had the ability to occupy the bodies of the Zerg and assimilate their consciousness.

However, it was not estimated that the environment that artificial intelligence could withstand might not be tolerated by humans.

Humans do not like the silent and colorless world in the insect eggs. They will go crazy if they stay there for a long time.

Fortunately, Xiao Ming did not encounter any difficulty in exiting. As long as he thought about exiting, he would be fine. Otherwise, I really don’t know what to do.

Back in the personal space, Xiao Ming and Maomaoer discussed and decided to send the insect eggs back to their original location.

It’s useless to put them in the detector. When Xiao Ming logs in here again, he can only be in the insect eggs. He can’t do anything. He must wait until the eggs hatch.

Then send them back. Maomaoer knows the location and can monitor them remotely.

No need to move other Hands and feet, after hatching.

Xiao Ming's consciousness can log in and have a Zerg body. Infiltrate the "enemy".

In other words, not only Xiao Ming did not regard the Zerg as an enemy, but also the New Han military. Just as a sparring partner for mutual practice.

This insect egg inspired Xiao Ming. The game is fun, and there are many interesting things in the new galaxy.

The Yan Emperor galaxy here seems to be making trouble.

The login platform lights up and then goes out, and then goes out and lights up again.

That is, there are constantly soldiers and creatures being activated, dying, reactivated, and dying again... .

This shows that the battle over there is fierce.

For this kind of passionate battle that makes people sacrifice their lives, Xiao Ming is not interested and does not want to participate at all.

Specifically to experience death? No need.

Logged in Xiao Ming② and came to Huangdi Galaxy.

Leave the game room and put on the military uniform over the hero suit. Xiao Ming wants to know if there is anything interesting here.

This was the third day after everyone woke up from hibernation, and many team members had the same idea.

Among the team members I saw along the way, 2 or 3 were carrying electronic pets. Young people are quick to keep up with the times.

After asking around, Xiao Ming also bought a random electronic pet bracelet. The pets inside were naturally replaced by Fluffy.

The space fleet is different from the large population of Pangea. If an electronic pet appears out of thin air, it will definitely be discovered.

Occasionally, when you meet friends, just chat for a while and let the electronic pets make noise together.

Contacted the team leader Zhou Bin, and the two met in the observation room.

There is also another team member in the observation room looking at the scenery. It is not a secret thing for Xiao Ming, so there is no need to hide from people.

Xiao Ming asked the captain if there were any activities or tasks on the transport ship that could be carried out.

I really want to go outside and have a look. The team members have all learned how to operate a general small single-person spacecraft.

Captain Zhou was a little surprised and told Xiao Ming. There are currently no tasks. Even if there is, I would not dare to let novices do it.

But if you want to go out, you can apply. You can fly the lowest-level spacecraft with safety protection procedures, and go out and move around the transport ship.

Everyone has to fly a spaceship sooner or later. Even if Xiao Ming does not ask, the fleet will be organized after a while.

Xiao Ming immediately applied with enthusiasm and was immediately approved by the captain.

It is the first time to manually drive a spaceship, which is more realistic.

When we were in the Chiyou galaxy, we all relied on conscious operation. It feels more like playing a game.

In order to prevent accidents, Captain Zhou also came out with him this time.

Both of them were driving the most common manned space probes.

A glass egg-like cockpit equipped with thrusters and two mechanical arms. That's about all.

He couldn't walk far away, he just simply walked around the transport ship.

After returning, Captain Zhou said that Xiao Ming's operation was very good and he would not need to escort him next time.

Manual operation of the spacecraft will also be assisted by a computer. Not the completely manual kind.

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