Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 501: Just fooling around

Xiaoming is now quite confident. It is almost impossible to link this matter to the real him.

Because it is well known that the Mingjing team is now in a base in the reincarnation space and has not returned to Pangu Star.

Since he has not returned, it is naturally impossible to control the various copies of Zhang Xiaoming.

This is consistent with the long-standing cognition of major forces-the operator is someone else.

Although Zhang Xiaoming himself has some talent and is doing well in the reincarnation space. But it obviously has nothing to do with attracting the light spirit.

All parties are thankful. It is best if there is no relationship. If there is a relationship, it will be difficult to deal with.

Zhang Xiaoming is now covered by Jiang Shizu, the S-level reincarnation person in charge of the New Han Kingdom of the League of Legends. There is no way to start.

In order to study the light spirit, which may not be rewarding, to provoke an S-level reincarnation person? Provoke the League of Legends? How much water must be in his head!

So Xiaoming now just needs to make up the story.

The explanation he gave was that the twin brothers operated Xiaoming② and Zhang Xiaoliang.

Their specific identities, families, abilities, etc. do not need to be explained. This is an anonymous cooperation.

They are not sure why they attracted the light spirit.

But they feel that they are releasing something around them, which may be some kind of energy.

It is probably this thing that attracted the light spirit. So if they want, they can summon the light spirit.

Will the military use this to trap the light spirit and imprison them? Xiao Ming is not very worried about this.

Because with his various supernatural abilities, he can't do anything about the light spirit.

The military should have no way to do it. If there is, it has been a long time since the first encounter with the light spirit, and one or two would have been captured long ago.

Xiao Ming's remarks seem to be nonsense. In fact, they also provide a lot of information. It's just that this information is half true and half false.

How the military and other forces distinguish is not Xiao Ming's concern.

The military is also difficult to decide for a while, and still needs to study. So after asking some questions, it said that everything will remain the same for the time being.

After hearing this conclusion, Xiao Ming didn't say much and walked out of the consciousness channel directly.

'Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh' This is the sound made by Xiao Ming's mental shield rubbing against the bamboo leaves when he was moving in the bamboo forest.

His figure flickered between different positions in the bamboo forest as if he was invisible, changing his position from time to time.

To be honest, it looks a bit like a whack-a-mole game. Xiao Ming is like the mole, always appearing in different places.

If it weren't for the sound of friction with the bamboo leaves when moving, it would be impossible to be sure whether Xiao Ming jumped over or moved over instantly.

Such a fast speed is naturally the credit of nearly a hundred pieces of 'telekinetic gum' connected to Xiao Ming's body.

[Stretchable Love] is really useful. Xiao Ming now seems to have engines installed in all parts of his body, and can borrow power from all directions at any time.

When moving, the speed is super fast, and the agility of turning is incredible. Looking at his posture, he can't turn like that anyway.

But with the elasticity and stickiness of the telekinetic gum. Xiao Ming can turn around. It's just that I feel a little dizzy from time to time.

For this reason, Xiao Ming often closes his eyes and only relies on the circle to feel the surroundings.

If the acceleration is too fast, the human body can't bear it. Therefore, Xiao Ming is still gradually familiar with this ability, and uses the enhanced mind-control ability to temper his body.

At this time, the benefits of dual souls in one body and super mental power are reflected. Xiao Ming will not lose one while focusing on the other.

One soul can be responsible for its own displacement, and the other can be responsible for attack and defense.

However, this is only temporary. Xiao Ming now has to be familiar with this ability until one soul can also use it.

After Xiao Ming withdrew from the Yanhuang Three Star System, he left the game cabin and Guangmingding and went to practice Xi Suo's mind power in reality.

The area of ​​the yard is too small, so Xiao Ming found a bamboo forest in the town of Qinglong 179465 to practice.

The weather in Qinglong Town is always the same, without the distinction between morning, noon and night. It always feels like spring.

However, the ripe fruits that can be seen occasionally will also make people mistakenly think it is autumn.

In the lush bamboo forest, Xiao Ming quickly mastered Hisoka's abilities.

After receiving training in the orthodox Xinyuan flow of telekinesis, Xiao Ming's telekinesis has made great progress in all aspects, especially the strengthening system.

To say that the formal training method is good, Xiao Ming plans to learn it for two more days and then pass on these training methods to his sister and brother Wen. Let them improve together.

Xiao Ming's total telekinesis is much higher than Hisoka's, and his mental power is also stronger than him. After this incident, the strength of his mental power is even higher.

Now he can control hundreds of telekinesis chewing gums at the same time. This is why he is so fast at the moment.

The disciple is better than the master. [Stretchable Love] This ability must be the most skillful when used by Hisoka. And when Xiao Ming uses it, it can exert the greatest power.

Hisoka's chewing gum can only be effective within a range of ten meters around him. He is a transformation system ability user, not a release system.

The farther the telekinesis is from the body, the worse the effect. Ten meters is the normal distance for Hisoka.

But Xiao Ming is a full-system psychic ability user, the legendary hexagonal warrior. Psychic power can be effective as long as it is within the range of the circle.

How big is the range of Xiao Ming's circle? A few kilometers is easy; more than ten kilometers is normal; dozens of kilometers is a bit difficult...

With such a large range, he can make telekinetic chewing gum anytime and anywhere, and control its viscosity and elasticity at will. This ability almost completely defeats opponents of the same level.

If he had learned this trick earlier, he would not have needed to use the legion-level ability to deal with Illumi and Hisoka.

Of course, if he met President Netero, these tricks would be useless. [Hundred-style Guanyin] can still kill Xiao Ming.

"Captain, look at the sword." A crisp voice sounded.

Then a sword light came with a cold wind and pointed directly at Xiao Ming's heart. The one who came was a sword light that coldly illuminated Jiuzhou.

He is really an upright dragon (man). He waited until Xiao Ming saw his figure before he attacked, and he didn't forget to shout a reminder first.

In an instant, Xiao Ming's figure disappeared before the sword light that illuminated Jiuzhou, and he was about to look for it. Xiao Ming had already chopped from the side with a knife.

This time, Xiao Ming just chopped, without using his three heads and six arms or Naga swordsmanship.

He just let the gum connected to the bamboo forest on the left side of his body pull a little, and his body was pulled over. Naturally, he disappeared from Zhao Jiuzhou.

In a flash, Xiao Ming changed the stickiness to elasticity, bounced himself back, and swung his sword to chop the dragon, the sword light pointed directly at the dragon's neck...

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