Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 52 White Fang Chamber of Commerce

We also need to remotely inspect the tavern managed by Ito Hamon.

No heroes visited this tavern. The shopkeeper encountered several soldier creatures, all zombies.

He hired them all to run the tavern together.

Xiao Ming's focus returned to the Universal Temple.

It seems that this is the first time to carefully look at the functions of the temple.

Amazing. It turns out that the temple has a job transfer function.

Soldier can accept tasks and transfer to heroes or generals. Soldier must be a free NPC, and soldier creatures are not allowed to transfer.

Heroes and generals also have tasks to transfer to each other. Heroes and generals are just different choices. It is normal that they can transfer to each other.

At first, the dead did not see these functions in the Temple of the Dead.

The reason is also very simple. There is only one hero. It is not allowed to transfer to a general at all. If you transfer, you can't act.

The job transfer task does not have a 100% success rate.

The soldier's job transfer task will be very difficult.

The hero and general's job transfer task is much simpler.

Each task has only 3 chances. If you fail, the NPC will leave the player forever. (Dead or ran away.)

Among Xiao Ming's soldiers, there is no free NPC who can be transferred.

There are 3 generals, so it is worth considering whether to transfer one to a hero first.

After a half-hearted brainwork, Xiao Ming decided to go back to the adventure map of the accuser first.

Teleport to the adventure map Ash City. The troops should stay in the temple.

The accuser can adventure with 3 generals and a vampire follower.

Since he belongs to the White Fang Chamber of Commerce, of course he will go back to the Chamber of Commerce first.

Xiao Ming's main purpose is to buy some skeleton soldiers. The Chamber of Commerce is just the right target.

A group of five guys went to the White Fang Chamber of Commerce's store in Ash City together.

They were warmly received by the Chamber of Commerce's shopkeeper.

It turned out that the accuser had been in the strategic map for 2 days and his power expanded rapidly. Conquering a navy was the most rewarding item.

And the accuser was a hero hired by the White Fang Chamber of Commerce. Therefore, the White Fang Chamber of Commerce's status in the undead forces has also improved significantly.

The status of the deceased in the White Fang Chamber of Commerce also improved.

Regarding the deceased's desire to purchase skeleton soldiers.

The White Fang Chamber of Commerce stated that the deceased's adventure level is only level 1, and he cannot purchase level 2 soldiers.

(For this reason, the deceased cannot transfer the level 2 soldiers in the strategic map to the adventure map to help himself.)

The skeleton soldier specialization scroll is too advanced, and the White Fang Chamber of Commerce does not have it.

To get this, you must first go to the main city of the skeleton soldiers-Wan Gu City. Going to some high-level institutions there, it is estimated that there will be corresponding tasks.

The deceased does not have the authority to go to the main city level.

And there will be no such authority for a long time.

In the end, he still can't help at all. Xiao Ming is very depressed.

The shopkeeper finally gave a little surprise. Although selling high-level soldiers to the deceased is not allowed by the system.

But due to the outstanding performance of the deceased in the strategic map. The White Fang Chamber of Commerce decided to give the deceased two level 2 skeleton soldiers.

A skeleton swordsman and a skeleton shield warrior. Although the swordsman is already available, it would be a waste if it is free.

Xiao Ming felt a little better, and he also did some trade activities in the White Fang Chamber of Commerce.

He bought some blueprints and formulas, some special materials, and some equipment he had never seen before.

Of course, he also bought some unknown antiques and crafts.

It is not enough to just spend money, Xiao Ming was reluctant to do so. So he took out some seabed materials and products.

Because the deceased had subdued a pirate. It would not be abrupt to take out these things.

The purchase price given by the White Fang was higher than that of the Huo's Chamber of Commerce.

Humans can occasionally dive to the seabed near the coast to mine some resources. The human forces near the coast can get involved.

The undead are unlucky. Low-level undead are too light and cannot sink.

The most unlucky are zombies, who may be bitten into skeletons by ordinary fish.

And low-level undead generally have low IQs. Even if they go into the water with a load, they can stay at the bottom of the water, but they don't know how to remove the load and come up.

It would be a joke to let high-level soldiers exploit the seabed resources. It can be expected that the other party will definitely turn against them.

Therefore, the undead's exploitation of offshore seabed resources is very limited, and the resources of the sea clan are easier to sell to the undead forces.

Once international trade is opened, Xiao Ming's situation has changed a lot.

It took a lot of time to switch between the three roles of explorer, informant, and diver.

Investigate prices in three towns and adjust the commodity structure.

Human and undead commodities can be traded with each other.

The commodities of the sea clan can be sold to humans and undead to a certain extent.

It's just that divers don't have much status in the sea clan. They can only sell a little bit of things on behalf of Emily's jewelry store. They mainly purchase goods from the seabed.

Set the general principles, which goods to buy and which goods to sell in which place.

All the rules are formulated, so that there is no need to worry even when the intelligent program is hosted.

Buying things is purchased in the whole town, and selling things is only sold to Huo's Chamber of Commerce and White Fang Chamber of Commerce.

With Mr. Guo and the strategic map as a fig leaf, the two chambers of commerce would not pursue the matter even if they knew there was something fishy going on.

Making money is the most important thing. They dare not provoke Xiao Ming for the time being because of his identity.

Things are simpler for the sea tribe. It is common for things on the surface to fall into the sea.

When a ship is sunk, there will be a lot of things. How many ships have sunk in the seabed? Even the sea people can't count them.

The trade framework has been settled, and a big stone has fallen to the ground.

Xiao Ming switched to the researcher to have a look.

It's still floating there, almost a whole day.

Except for occasional fights with small fish schools, nothing happened.

It shouldn't be. System, you are doing this, aren't you afraid of being complained?

Although he was complaining in his heart, Xiao Ming understood a little that the researcher might have encountered a big thing. Let the intelligent program wait.

Xiao Ming led the team back to the temple and spent money to transfer the level 2 skeleton shield warrior to the strategic map.

The skeleton swordsman still stayed in the adventure map. Then the large army teleported back to the general temple on the strategic map.

After tossing for so long, Xiao Ming also thought it through. The first general to turn into a hero must be Han Dong.

Only Han Dong is directly under the explorer. After he is transferred to a hero, he can return to the explorer.

Explorers can use the hero Han Dong to extend their tentacles into the strategic map in advance.

Han Dong accepted the task of changing his job to a hero, according to the rules. The first time the task is done, the NPC will do it by himself. Players can only help after failure.

Although I don’t know what the task is, it is obvious that this task is not difficult.

Han Dong passed it easily. His job was changed to a hero.

Level 0, level 4 human hero. No talent skills. Basic attributes 2, 2, 1, 1.

The troops led are 4 level 2 swordsmen, 6 level 2 archers, and 13 level 1 infantrymen.

Xiao Ming transferred Han Dong’s relationship back to the explorer.

A blue light of time and space movement flashed. Han Dong and his troops disappeared in the universal temple.

Will he miss the undead who fought side by side? Xiao Ming is literary here to report the dead.

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