Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 522 Kurushima Koichiro

Just when Xiao Ming wanted to leave, he suddenly sensed something within the circle.

The researcher's eyes locked on a dwarf captive.

At first glance, there was no difference between him and other captives. There were many scars on his body, and he was also covered in dirt.

His rank was rank 2, and most captives were like this. It seemed nothing special.

However, his life energy was very strange. A normal rank 2 NPC did not have such life energy.

Rather than being injured, he was suppressed. This little injury actually had no effect on him.

Xiao Ming pointed at the man and ordered: "Take him to the captain's room, I want to interrogate him personally."

Several rank 2 puppets immediately rushed up, dragged the pirate captive out, and pressed him to the captain's room.

Xiao Ming thought about it, and transferred the strategic treasure of the deceased [Yata Mirror] to the researcher.

The first two source energy enhancements of this treasure increased the probability of surrender of specific types of NPCs. Specific NPCs naturally refer to NPCs from the Foot Basin Country.

This dwarf captive is a specific NPC, and the Eight-foot Mirror should be able to play a role.

"God's messenger! You are my master. I actually attacked the master's fleet, and I deserve death. Please allow me to commit seppuku..."

After seeing the researcher, this dwarf NPC captive suddenly became inexplicably excited.

He fell at the feet of the researcher. If his hands were not tied behind his back, he would have held Xiao Ming's feet and licked them, or drawn his sword to commit seppuku.

Oh my god, Xiao Ming felt a chill. The power of this enhanced Eight-foot Mirror is too great. It actually made such a scene.

The next thing is much simpler.

The real name of this captive is Koichiro Kujima. He is a marginal figure in the Kujima family.

He was originally a level 2 blank pirate hero with a level 4 adventure level, and his individual combat power is higher than that of a level 4 soldier.

This pirate who came to attack is actually a small branch of the Kujima family. It's just because it is too close to the Ming Dynasty. So there is no flag.

Koichiro is the commander-in-chief of this pirate. In order to save his life and not reveal his identity when he was defeated, he took the secret medicine of his family.

His general occupation was concealed, and his adventure level was suppressed to level 2. He intended to pretend to be a level 2 pirate to get away with it.

In the battle between pirates, prisoners were rarely captured. Of course, they were rarely killed. They were usually thrown into the sea to fend for themselves.

Unexpectedly, the second fleet of the Li family pirates actually captured prisoners, which was far beyond Xiao Yilang's expectations.

The researcher saw the clues and took them out of the pile of prisoners for interrogation. He was even more horrified.

If he hadn't been noticed, it would be easy to deal with. Once he was discovered, he would definitely not be able to withstand strict interrogation.

Xiao Yilang, who was stared at by several generals in the captain's room, was uneasy and ping-pong drums. He desperately weaved lies in his mind.

Who knew that when the fleet admiral researcher walked in, he actually brought a sacred glow. That was naturally the effect of the Eight-foot Mirror.

Kujima Koichiro couldn't help but kneel down at the feet of the researcher, crying and begging for shelter.

Xiao Ming finally enjoyed this kind of treatment: his body shook, and he exuded a kingly aura, and the NPC bowed down.

Even if the level 2 hero is a blank slate, it is worth taking in. So there is another navigator in the second fleet. (Heroes can serve as navigators.)

He was arranged by Xiao Ming as a deck officer, responsible for leading the sailors to clean the ship, mainly the deck.

The deck of a naval warship needs to be cleaned every day. It is just right for Koichiro to be responsible for this hard work.

This is also because Koichiro is just a blank slate hero, and he has no qualifications to take big, so he has no resistance to the power of the Eight-foot Mirror.

After he joined, all the other dwarf captives joined the researcher.

Among them is a level 2 blank slate pirate general named Kujima Kojiro, who is Koichiro's younger brother and deputy. He also took secret medicine to hide his strength.

Now he is naturally under Xiao Ming's command. Like his brother, he became a key member of the deck.

The reason why he hid it from Xiao Ming was that he was really seriously injured. Xiao Ming could not see the flaw. After he was subdued, he naturally used healing magic on him.

The initial favorability of the two brothers reached 50. This made the researcher feel more at ease.

As for the other dwarf pirates, they were all assigned to Xingyilang Zuobang to lead.

His troops increased to 75 first-level dwarves and 63 second-level dwarves. Those who survived and were captured were naturally mostly second-level.

Xingyilang had the ability to train the new dwarves into his own special army-hammer dwarves. Now he has something to do.

This sneak attack on the second fleet has nothing to do with the headquarters of the pirates of the island. It was Xiaoyilang's spontaneous action.

If it was the headquarters that took action, the scale would not be so small. The plan would not be so hasty. It would not fail so easily.

Facing the holder of the Eight-foot Mirror, the two brothers of the island decisively abandoned their original family and turned to the researchers.

Koichiro reported to the researcher with regret:

"It's a pity that my third brother was killed by General Kyoichiro while he was an undercover agent. Otherwise, he could have enjoyed the glory of his master.

But it was his blessing to be killed by his master's right-hand man. I believe he would be smiling in his grave if he knew about it after his death."

Kusaburo Kurushima is not an important person, and it is basically impossible for the Kurushima family to resurrect him.

Xiao Ming could feel that when Xiao Yilang said this, he was extremely sincere. Xiao Erlang, his younger brother, nodded in agreement.

He was convinced. Xiao Ming was drunk to be so obedient.

"Is that so, Xing Yilang, is Xiao Saburo's body still there?" Xiao Ming turned to ask his own charge captain.

"Yes, I know that the admiral is useful. The body is stored in the cabin below."

"Take me to see."


Sure enough, 5 dwarf bodies were displayed there, all of them were killed by a cut throat.

Xiao Ming brewed for a while and used his three heads and six arms. One of them was the deceased.

Then Xiao Ming used the source energy to launch the Death Harvest on Xiao Saburo's body.

As expected, the heavens granted the wishes of the people. Xiao Saburo was resurrected as a level 3 ghost soldier. Normal harvesting is more likely to turn into a skeleton soldier.

However, the skeleton soldier has no face, which is a bit worse. So Xiao Ming chose to resurrect it as a ghost.

Unfortunately, he didn't become a general, but only a 3rd-level soldier.

After he gets familiar with the identity of the undead for a while, he can be transferred to a general or hero with the death coin.

The three brothers are together, and it doesn't matter if the third brother becomes an undead. The favorability of the three brothers has increased by 20 points.

Xiao Ming threw the other corpses into Guangmingding for the dead to use.

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