Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 535: Insect Man

The essence of human beings is true fragrance.

After sucking blood, Zhang Wen felt that this enhanced blood was actually better.

The food was just more formal. The taste was comparable to the blood specially enhanced by Xiao Ming.

But sucking blood has a great advantage - no need to go to the toilet. The blood can be completely absorbed by the zombie's body.

Food is different. There are always some waste materials that the zombie body does not need. Then you have to go to the toilet.

As a dead fat house, Zhang Wen certainly prefers not to go to the toilet.

After a casual test, the superpowers given to Zhang Wen by the zombie bloodline were also clarified. Zhang Wen called it [Fantasy Reality].

Simply put, fantasy reality is the same as his materialization telekinesis. What is consumed is his Yin Qi, and what is obtained is real objects.

Fantasy reality and materialization telekinesis complement each other, and the power is more outstanding.

One of the most special things is that the pupils of Brother Wen's eyes have turned yellow. With the three magatama patterns of the Sharingan, it seems like wearing beauty contact lenses.

It's just that the color and pattern are a little worse, not good-looking. Brother Wen looked left and right, up and down in the mirror, but he didn't know what he was looking at.

"Okay, stop looking, Brother Wen, you are not good-looking mainly because of your face, it has nothing to do with the contact lenses."

Xiao Ming couldn't bear it anymore, and said in a 'heartfelt' way.

"Go away, Xiao Ming, you are just jealous and envious, I am so handsome and suave..."

Five hundred words are omitted here, Xiao Ming ran to the side and vomited.

Hong Chao forgot to tell Xiao Ming about the color of the pupils. She didn't take it seriously, and Xiao Ming didn't care much. Later, he saw more and gradually understood.

The pupils of the first generation zombies were red. The second generation were green, but Xiao Ming couldn't even see Hong Chao's face, let alone the pupils of the eyes.

The third generation is like Zhang Wen with yellow pupils. The fourth generation is blue; the fifth generation is white.

The pupils of the sixth generation and below are all black. This is a second-rate zombie. The comprehensive evaluation is barely a first-level soldier. And it's barely.

There are also some strange mutant pupils, which we will talk about later.

As for the three-magatama Sharingan, the bloodline of the third-generation zombies can fully support it.

When it evolves to the Mangekyō Sharingan in the future, the zombie bloodline will have more advantages, because the zombie's physique is good enough and has the ability to regenerate.

The third-generation zombies are not the same concept as the inferior zombies. Most organs in the body can be regenerated.

The same is true for the eyes. This is not afraid of the consumption of the Mangekyō. It will definitely not become blind in the future.

If Zhang Wen is careful at this moment, he can feel that the three-magatama Sharingan has already shown a little bit of evolution under the stimulation of the third-generation zombie bloodline.

But what Brother Wen feels at this moment is another problem.

There is suppression between zombies. High-level zombies suppress low-level zombies a lot.

And there will be a certain induction between zombies with "blood relationship". High-level zombies can also give orders to low-level zombies transformed from their own essence and blood.

Of course, this order is not absolute. There is no strong subordinate relationship between Zerg.

As long as the low-level zombies have a strong will, they can also resist, refuse, and even rebel. Otherwise, "My Date with a Vampire" would not be filmed.

This layer of subordination is also the reason why many reincarnations are unwilling to choose to become zombies.

I am not sure if my willpower is strong enough. How unpleasant it would be if a master suddenly appeared on my head.

Xiao Ming thought about it carefully and told Zhang Wen about the [Insect Evolution Needle].

Instead of being managed by outsiders, it is better to be managed by our own people. Xiao Ming and Zhang Wen have such a close relationship, and the so-called subordination is just a joke.

So Zhang Wen volunteered to be injected by the Insect King in Kunlun.

This time it didn't take much time for him to evolve into an insect-human zombie. It's unique in the world. The short time is due to the strong body of the fourth level.

As a result, something very strange happened. The strength of the Red Tide is higher than Xiao Ming, but the control relationship of the insect-human is higher than that of the zombies.

Compared with the two bloodlines, they are evenly matched. It has created a true balance state-neither one cares.

One of the reasons is that when Lu Xiaoming was acupuncturing, he did not strengthen the subordinate relationship.

Brother Wen was not controlled by anything in terms of bloodline. He could ignore the orders of Hongchao and Xiaoming.

If he met Jiang Shizu, it was hard to say whether he could still ignore him.

Anyway, the guardian liked him very much in this state. Xiaoming was also very happy for him.

In addition, his mental power was improved by the insect evolution needle, and now it is already the primary level 3.

This is a new skill that the insect king learned not long ago. Improve the mental attributes of the target person. Each person can only improve once, and it is limited to level 3 or below.

Do you remember that Xiaoming experienced the world of Starship Troopers? There, Xiaoming got some brain fluid of brain worms. The insect king also absorbed some.

Based on the analysis of brain fluid of brain worms. Lu Xiaoming has this ability. The original life fluid also has some effect on mental power.

After testing it on several subordinates, it was used on Zhang Wen today. The result is also very gratifying.

While Zhang Wen was happily getting familiar with his new body, Xiao Jing'er also woke up slowly.

Her enhancement was not in her bloodline, so she did not have the earth-shaking changes that Brother Wen had. But her growth should not be underestimated.

With a Zanpakutō Hyorinmaru above Shikai, and the spiritual power of a 10th-level Qi Refiner, Xiao Jing'er is at least a 4th-level combat power. Enough to join the Gotei 13.

Zanpakuto is the connection between reality and spirit, and usually resides in the soul of the god of death.

It has a certain ability to strengthen the body of the god of death. How can a body that can use Zanpakuto have ordinary attributes? !

The large amount of spiritual energy absorbed during strengthening is for this reason, so at this moment, the physical attributes of sister Liu Xiaojing's body have soared to the 3rd level intermediate. It is equal to Xiao Ming's body in one fell swoop.

The combination of the Flower Flower Fruit and [Stretchable Love] is even more subversive. However, this aspect depends on Xiao Jing'er's own adaptability.

These two are definitely skill-based abilities. If you use them well, you will become the Supreme King, and if you use them poorly, you will become a stubborn bronze.

However, my sister is very smart, how can she be difficult to master in terms of skills. Xiao Ming firmly believes that my sister will definitely be the king in the future.

If he were in Qinglong Town at this moment, Xiao Ming could still accompany his sister to play a few moves happily and fully familiarize himself with the new ability.

Unfortunately, he is now in Pangu Star, and there is no practice ground at home. Xiao Ming can only take Xiao Jing'er to Kunlun to fight, and the movements cannot be too big.

Kunlun is not small, but not too big. Be careful not to hurt Queen 001 and Queen 001 when fighting.

Even if they can be sent to Chiyou Star System. It is not good to cut the Melon Tree. Melon Tree probably can't bear the coldness of Hyorinmaru.

So Xiao Jing'er didn't use her Zanpakutō, but only used the Flower-Flower Fruit and telekinesis to fight Xiao Ming...

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