Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 566 Where is the reincarnation?

Peter's little ability is a piece of cake in front of the time and space ability of the nine-tailed fox.

Bai Xinmei can easily rescue Mary at any time. So she didn't take action at the beginning.

As expected, we enjoyed a good show of a person with superpowers (reincarnation) exorcising ghosts, and finally being wiped out by the ghosts.

Peter is a ghost that even the protagonist team has spent a lot of effort to defeat. How can a few C-level reincarnations deal with him?

Although they fought very excitingly. But they couldn't resist Peter's superpowers. In the end, they were wiped out.

After seeing the death of the reincarnations, Bai Xinmei rescued all the children and collected the mirror where Peter was hiding.

After the immigration is over, the people left in Hong Kong will not be good people.

Then take out the mirror and let Peter harm those people.

This kind of character that is afraid of chaos in the world is the real nine-tailed fox. If she wasn't so busy now, she would definitely fan the flames.

After this batch of reincarnations, it stands to reason that higher-level reincarnations should appear. But Bai Xinmei observed for a long time, but she didn't wait.

Xiao Ming was puzzled.

In fact, the reason is very simple, and Xiao Ming figured it out later. The higher the level of reincarnations, the fewer there are.

In the beginning, in order to meet the needs of low-level reincarnations, the reincarnation space will create many task worlds.

As the tasks of low-level reincarnations are completed, they leave one after another. With so many worlds, high-level reincarnations simply can't fill them.

So it is impossible for every task world to be assigned a whole string of reincarnations from low to high.

In the later stages of most worlds, there are only plot characters, but no reincarnations.

Therefore, in the world of Zombie 2 that Xiao Ming experienced this time, there will be no more high-level reincarnations.

Xiao Ming's worry that the world will be disturbed by high-level reincarnations will not happen this time.

In other words, this world has been messed up enough by Zhang Xiaoming. No one else is needed.

Since the biggest worry is that the reincarnationists will no longer appear, there is no suspense about the development of this world.

When all the top combat forces in a world reach a unified consensus. What other surprises can there be?

Eight years after the apocalypse, Chino and Levis returned to before the apocalypse.

At first, these two guys could still help with their physical strength. Later, there were more and more humans, and the development of the shelter was on the right track.

Instead, they had nothing to do. You know, they are second-generation zombies, and they still need to suck human blood frequently.

Of course, the new humans in the survival base cannot suck their blood. So everyone unanimously decided to send them to before the apocalypse.

It just so happened that there were no good people in Hong Kong at this time. Chino and his friends could do whatever they wanted.

In the ninth year after the apocalypse, all humans who met the immigration conditions, totaling about 3.5 million, have settled down and worked in the survival base.

The administrative, military, judicial and other systems established around the real court after the apocalypse are already operating normally.

Mother Earth and Jiang Chen have a strong interest in the future development of the new human beings.

You can't lie when encountering big things. Human civilization has been around for so long, but we haven't seen such interesting things.

Jiang Chen is full of curiosity about this, and Nuwa is full of hope. I really want to know whether this road is feasible.

If the new human beings can develop vigorously, they will live up to the earnest expectations of Mother Earth.

Xiao Ming also got the rewards of the two gods in advance. Let's talk about Nuwa first.

Xiao Ming once got a piece of fire source fragment and put it into the textbook for analysis.

Later, he gained the ability of [Soul Seed]. At that time, he used it in the game of Magic Planet. After that, he entered the cooling period of the ability.

I wanted to test this ability well. As a result, I suffered an unexpected disaster and was beaten to death by Sun Wukong.

At that time, I was stunned, and Xiao Ming forgot about the ability test.

After entering the world of Zombie Covenant 2, I didn't remember it quickly. The time when I really had a flash of inspiration was after the doomsday construction.

Xiao Ming realized his shortcomings. He was satisfied with his combat capability. But he was far from having enough manpower for construction.

He could create thousands of skeleton soldiers and mechanical puppets, but these things could only fight, not build. Xiao Ming had not had time to think about this problem for a long time.

Eight years after the apocalypse, the survival bases gradually got on track, and Xiao Ming had time to think. He finally thought of the ability of soul seeds.

If the skeleton soldiers or puppets were given souls, then could they learn how to build?

Instead of having only fixed combat intelligence like before.

He did it as soon as he thought of it. Considering the environment he was in, Xiao Ming first took the puppet to experiment.

The experimental results were not very good. The ability to use soul seeds in reality is not as smooth as in the game.

The quality of the souls obtained by the puppets is not very good. They are stupid and silly, and they learn things very slowly.

At the same time, Xiao Ming also found that the cooling period of this skill is about 7 days.

The puppet has a bad feature, its activity time is very limited.

Puppetry is a kind of magic, and the activity time of a puppet is determined by the amount of magic power it is endowed with.

Xiao Ming's puppetry is still at a relatively low level, and the puppets he created usually become exhausted after 3 or 5 days of activity. The souls given to them naturally disappear.

This life cycle is even shorter than that of insects. Xiao Ming felt a little bit reluctant. He turned his experimental target to Transformers.

There are many scrapped vehicles and household appliances in Hong Kong after the apocalypse.

Their activity time depends only on whether there is gasoline or batteries. And the decay speed of the body. They will definitely live longer than puppets.

So Xiao Ming gave a soul seed to a car in a pretty good condition.

Then he found the problem. He didn't learn the core ability of the fire source fragment.

Xiao Ming did light up the soul light of this car, but this car with soul has no ability to transform.

After a burst of cackles that Xiao Ming expected, the scene of the car turning into a humanoid robot and standing up did not appear.

This car can't speak either, it can only use the car horn to make a very noisy sound. It has no perception of sound and smell at all.

He only had some perception of light and shadow, which came from a driving recorder, a reversing camera, and several rearview mirrors.

He saw Xiao Ming in the recorder and immediately recognized that this person should be his "mother".

So he approached her like a little pet and acted coquettishly, but ended up knocking Xiao Ming over.

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