Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 592 Bronze Lich

After becoming sworn brothers, the atmosphere between the three of them became more harmonious and easygoing.

Li Huamei and his wife no longer talked about the life-saving grace. Xiao Ming felt much better.

The three of them ate and chatted, and soon talked about the upcoming battle against the Kujima family.

The main reason for being able to conduct such a battle is that the researcher subdued the three brothers of Kujima Koichiro and obtained a lot of valuable information.

Since everyone is a brother, you can ask frankly.

"Third brother, how did you do it? How did you subdue Kujima Koichiro and his men? This group of Japanese pirates is the most stubborn. It is the first time that a Japanese pirate with the status of a squadron admiral has been subdued by an outsider."

Richard asked the point. Xiao Ming didn't mind answering truthfully. NPCs can still be trusted. Especially NPCs with a favorability of more than 90.

Xiao Ming showed the attributes of the strategic treasure [Yata Mirror]. The two suddenly realized. It turned out to be this kind of treasure with strong directional characteristics.

Thinking about the upcoming war with the Laidao family, this treasure can play a great role.

Li Huamei was tempted to ask the researcher for this treasure. It was nothing to be embarrassed about being a brother.

However, after seeing the attribute of zeroing out of hand, she sighed sadly.

Xiaoming observed her expression and knew that her elder sister was a little unhappy. So he planned to give her a gift to appease her.

"Eldest sister, second brother, I have learned a strange skill recently. Do you want to try it? It will definitely be beneficial."

"Since the third brother said so, of course I have to try it." Li Huamei is very confident in her magical brother.

"Yes, yes, yes, I'll go first." Richard also rushed to try.

Xiaoming knew that he was protecting his wife, so he went with the flow and planted the super seed in Richard, the lich.

The game world is full of magical power, and there are corresponding ways to improve the physical and mental attributes of NPCs. It is a more comprehensive power.

Xiaoming's super seed can only choose other powers. But what should I choose?

Xiao Ming doesn't plan to plant all his power. The more the better is only suitable for people like Meng Meng and Wang Zhenzhen who have no ambition.

If you are a person with a firm goal, it is best not to have too many abilities. It is easy to result in a lack of everything. This is especially true for the growing protagonist NPC.

Moreover, there are many NPCs who are in close contact with Xiao Ming, so it is completely possible to do experiments in a scattered manner.

Richard was given the seed of the microcosm. He is a lich with a strong spiritual will, and Xiao Ming estimates that the microcosm should be more suitable for him.

Sure enough, after obtaining the seed of the microcosm, Richard immediately burst out with amazing momentum, and soon restrained it, entering a wonderful state of practice.

Xiao Ming can feel that Richard actually obtained a microcosm that is no less than that of a bronze saint from the beginning, and it is still improving little by little.

"Wow! Third brother, what kind of power is this? Can you give others such a strong power? This momentum is almost catching up with me."

That's right, a formal bronze saint can generally reach the level of a C-level reincarnation, which is about the same as a 5th-level combat professional.

And Li Huamei happens to be a 5th-level great swordsman, which is also the first-class level among bronze saints.

Xiao Ming waved his hands hurriedly: "No, no, no, I just gave the second brother the seed of the small universe. It was not strong at the beginning, and it was completely because of the second brother's talent that he could be so powerful."

Looking at the table that was broken by Richard's momentum, and the food and dishes scattered all over the floor.

Xiao Ming said regretfully: "Wrong, we should go to the yard. It's a pity for these things."

At this time, the servants cannot be called to come and clean up. If Richard, who is in seclusion, is disturbed, it will be a big loss for a small one. But these garbage are very annoying.

Xiao Ming used the force to move objects through the air and moved all these things outside the house, piled them together, and the servants came to take them away.

At this time, the eldest sister must guard the gate for the second brother. There is no point for the researcher to waste time here. Xiao Ming said goodbye and left.

Xiao Ming does not need to worry about the safety of the second brother. However, the super seed of the eldest sister can only be discussed next time.

The researcher did not go to his mansion in Diaoyucheng, but returned to the second fleet.

The production of the second-level puppet will be completed by the shadow clones in an hour or so. It is necessary to supervise the finishing.

So Huang Xiaoming must stay with the researcher. Once the role is switched, I don’t know what will happen.

Theoretically, the shadow clone will continue to be produced, but Xiao Ming is afraid that there will be trouble if it leaves the control of the spiritual kingdom.

In addition, the researcher also needs to discuss the upcoming battle with the generals and leaders of the second fleet. Simply don’t switch roles.

At the same time, Lu Xiaoming is naturally in the Chiyou galaxy, leading his insect swarm to the nesting site.

Maomaoer and Xiaoxiaoer transformed into Iron Man and wandered around in the team. Playing with various insect humans or insect tribes.

The Zergs all knew that this was the child of the Overlord, so they naturally opened their bloody mouths and greeted him with smiles.

The smiles of the Zergs, alas, were really not flattering, and they could scare the children away from crying at night.

But then again, Xiao Xiaoer was a dragon, so why would he be afraid of this? On the contrary, he felt that the Zergs were very friendly. He was like a fish in water.

Yin Xiaoming's situation was more magical. When he logged into the game, he and Huang Xiaoming played in parallel.

Huang Xiaoming was responsible for the four characters in the main game. Yin Xiaoming was responsible for the various secret realms.

At this time, he was in the Marvel Secret Realm, eating barbecue with the members of the Avengers.

This plot was originally an Easter egg at the end of Avengers 1, Iron Man invited everyone to eat Arabic barbecue.

Players have the opportunity to participate in this plot, but they need to be qualified to be at the table.

Being able to participate in this plot will make the relationship with each Avenger more intimate. There is also a chance to come up with a task.

At present, there are no more than a handful of players who are qualified to trigger this plot. The only one who really triggered this plot is Xiao Ming.

In the Marvel Special Secret Realm, Xiao Ming's identity is Lance Jacob, a Protoss warrior from Asgard.

In the Battle of New York, he made great contributions. But the Battle of New York that Xiao Ming experienced was a test level.

When he arrived at the Marvel Special Secret Realm, he found that the Battle of New York in the history of this secret realm was not the same as what Xiao Ming experienced.

But the rewards and interpersonal relationships Xiao Ming received will not disappear. The Chitauri Dragon Battleship floated well in his Bright Summit. Everyone in the Avengers also recognized him.

Seeing Jacob, Iron Man started to nag again. He kept nagging about wanting a live dragon battleship to study.

Others were already too full to speak, but he was still talking.

This reminded Xiao Ming. Since he could transform the aliens into Transformers, could he also transform these dragon battleships into Transformers?

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