Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 595 Magician Jane

With Daisy's example and her boyfriend's guarantee, Dr. Jane Foster no longer hesitated and drank Jacob's life essence directly.

The protagonist is different. Her physique has reached the advanced level 2, which is a little stronger than Daisy. And Xiao Ming also gave her the seeds of magic.

Asgard's magic civilization is quite powerful. Thor's adoptive mother Frigga and adopted brother Loki are both masters of magic.

As a daughter-in-law, Jane should have the opportunity to systematically learn Asgard's magic.

Xiao Ming's arrangement is kind, but he doesn't understand the plot or Jane's personality.

Jane is a firm scientist. She may not be willing to learn magic. It is also unknown whether Asgard is willing to teach magic.

Of course, Xiao Ming's intervention will inevitably change the plot. It is too early to say how it will develop in the future.

Even Daisy has been strengthened, so it is not easy to ignore Dr. Eric, an acquaintance. So he also drank the life essence and upgraded to the advanced level 2.

If they encounter a petty thief or a local hooligan in the future, they can easily deal with him.

Several people are very enthusiastic to retain Lance Jacob. In addition to thanking him for his help, they are probably more interested in the body structure of the Aesir.

Thor is often stared at by them with a researching look, which is very embarrassing. He feels like an animal on display.

He is still willing to be watched by only Jane with passion. Forget about the other two.

It is also good to have Lance to share the pressure with him now. Therefore, Thor also uses public power for personal gain. On the surface, he asks Xiao Ming to protect these people, but in fact he is passing the buck.

Xiao Ming certainly can't stay in the secret realm all the time. Leaving a shadow clone can handle it. These three mortals can't tell the difference between the shadow clone and the original body.

Thor can see it, and can't help but regret a little. Why didn't he learn magic well in the beginning? How useful it is.

After exiting the game, Xiao Ming's original body entered the state of cultivating spiritual energy at Guangmingding. The insect king is still playing with Xiao Xiaoer.

Xiao Ming returned to his daily life, family, games and cultivation.

July 12, Tuesday. Silver Xiao Ming logged into the role of a diver; Huang Xiao Ming logged into the role of a dead person.

It was time to go to the shipwreck site once a week to move the wreckage of the ship. The two roles needed to coordinate and cooperate.

This time, Emily did not come because she had to learn magic from the four-armed Naga wizard Jerry.

Octopus boy Bobby was kind-hearted. Seeing that the diver brother was a little pitiful, he took the initiative to accompany his brother to play.

In fact, after going to the shipwreck site many times in a row, Xiao Ming was still full of energy because he could get a lot of good things every time.

But Emily and Bobby were still children. After the novelty, their interest had gradually weakened.

Going to the same playground every week would get boring after a long time.

If Emily didn't go, the time the divers stayed in the shipwreck site would be reduced by 1/3. It was a pity.

But Xiao Ming would never force Emily to go with him. It would be a big waste to reduce the favorability for such a thing.

Nearly a hundred shadow clones were left to do the task, which was the hero inauguration task that required the production of 300 weapons. The main body set out to find treasure.

As soon as the diver left, a large group of sea children in the temple followed him. They just happened to take advantage of the diver's ride.

Of course, they couldn't go to the shipwreck, but the octopus boss's place was also very fun, like an underwater zoo.

Recently, the diver has become famous in Graystone Town. Many sea children admire the diver brother, especially after he grew four arms.

Many sea children have fixed themselves on the diver and refused to get off.

Some rode on the Naga's tail, some coiled on the diver's back, and each of the four arms held 2 or 3, which was fine.

One of the little squids was so naughty that he blocked the diver's entire face. He also giggled non-stop.

No matter how strong Xiao Ming was, he didn't dare to use it on them. Converted to human age, they were all 3 or 4 children.

The oldest is only 6 years old, and they are very delicate. If you use a little force, you will be afraid of hurting them.

Fortunately, Xiao Ming does not need to see the road with his eyes, and he can see more clearly with his circle than with his eyes.

Of course, we can't let these troublemakers off easily. Xiao Ming turned Iron Blood Nezha into dozens of mechanical arms and tickled all the little guys.

"Hehe, hahaha, ah..." How can a child bear this, especially a mollusk like a squid.

After laughing a few times, he fell off the diver. Xiao Ming stopped tickling those who fell off.

Unfortunately, no little guy was willing to learn a lesson. He fell off, laughed for a while, and breathed evenly. He immediately pounced on them again.

Xiao Ming was not polite either. He continued to tickle those who pounced on him, and the cycle repeated... A group of sea creatures came to the territory of the octopus boss with laughter.

Seeing that there were other things to play with, the little guys scattered. Only Little Bobby and the little squid sister stayed.

She was still coiled on the diver's head, but she finally changed her position and exposed the diver's mouth and one eye.

A huge tentacle reached out and communicated with the diver's mind for a few words.

She learned that the mermaid girl Emily was learning magic and couldn't come. The squid girl refused to get off the diver's head again.

The octopus boss was very reasonable and gave Emily's chance to the squid sister. The diver can still get the longest exploration time.

Xiao Ming was overjoyed and rushed into the shipwreck with the two little guys.

Seeing such a big "treasure", the squid sister also jumped off the diver's head and swam over to a pile of shiny things.

Xiao Ming quickly split into two shadow clones, each following a little guy to hunt for treasure. The main body hurried to move the wreckage of the ship.

At this time, the researcher cooperated with the diver. The wreckage of the ship that was moved out was piled up in the fishing city of the Li family.

Why did the role change? The situation is like this.

Huang Xiaoming logged into the informant, intending to cooperate with the diver to move things.

Before this, the informant was under the control of the intelligent program and was gradually clearing the map where Zhennan City was located.

During this period, Huang Xiaoming suddenly remembered that Xiao Ming had placed a pile of ship wreckage between Pingnan City and Zhennan City.

I don't know what's going on now, so I use the mental scan to check it out.

I was surprised to find that the pile of ships was occupied by a wild monster force, and it seems that the force is very strong.

It's a bit interesting. It may be a plot arranged by the system for the dead, so Xiao Ming set the dead to lead the troops to check.

It is estimated that it will take a day to reach the location. It's not good to throw ships all over the ground during the march.

Xiao Ming thought about it and decided that the business of moving the ship wreckage this time would be completed by the researcher.

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