Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 611 Skill Harvest

Wednesday, July 13th, this is a harvest day.

Zerg King Lu Xiaoming obtained the fifth skill in the Zerg Spiritual Sea - [Zerg Mist].

This skill has strict limitations, and can only be learned by Zerg at least at the Overlord level. After learning it, you can release Zerg Mist to the outside world with your body as the center.

Wow! After knowing this limitation, look at the Chiyou Galaxy, the volume of mist at least spreads across several planetary orbits.

Xiaoming was convinced, it seems that these are all released by the Overlords of the Zerg in the past generations.

How many Zerg Overlords can spray out so much Zerg Mist. The Zerg has been drifting to the Chiyou Galaxy for 1.5 million years.

If the Overlords in the early stage were not dead, they might have released it for more than a million years. It took a long time of accumulation to reach the current scale.

Zerg Mist has 3 main functions:

1. Mist can absorb various radiation energies and dissolve corpses. This is how the mist obtains energy.

Since the fog can absorb all kinds of radiation, that is, it absorbs all kinds of electromagnetic waves, most of the reconnaissance methods on the technological side will fail.

Even gamma rays cannot spread too far in the Zerg fog. This depends on the concentration of the fog. Anyway, the fog in the Chiyou galaxy is definitely thick enough.

2. Zerg in the fog can obtain energy and mental power replenishment. Zerg born in the fog will also get the initial mental power bonus.

3. Wherever there is Zerg fog, there will be a corresponding degree of Zerg mental sea. Fog in different regions does not belong to the same mental sea.

The strength of the mental sea and the speed at which the fog replenishes Zerg energy and mental power are related to the size of the fog.

In fact, there are some hidden settings in the Zerg fog, which can only be understood after Xiao Ming releases a large enough fog.

For example, when the fog reaches a considerable scale, the mental sea will be strong enough to communicate with other mental seas. It is not really forever on the other side.

And the more fog a Zerg Overlord spews out, the greater the consumption of itself. But the more feedback the spiritual sea gives him, the more feedback he will get.

Xiao Ming guessed this from the beginning. So the Zerg King also began to release Zerg mist at a very low speed to contribute to the Zerg.

Of course, Xiao Ming hopes to open up a world of his own. This ideal needs to be considered in the long run.

Xiao Ming didn't feel sorry that he didn't learn the skills to deal with the big centipede in the spiritual sea.

Because today Huang Xiaoming logged into the diver and connected to the Protoss domain.

After the connection, it was discovered that the Protoss domain is actually also a spiritual domain. There is no real form.

Here are the various knowledge and insights accumulated by one of the three major races, the Protoss. It is very similar to the spiritual sea of ​​the Zerg.

It's just that here, Huang Xiaoming's mental power did not improve rapidly, but felt a slow warming.

It's a pity that it's only half an hour a week, and the effect is probably not very good. But no matter how small the mosquito leg is, it's still meat, and Xiao Ming is not picky.

In addition, the Protoss domain does not seem to have too many restrictions. How much you can learn depends entirely on your individual ability.

Unlike the Zerg Spiritual Sea, which limits the number of skills that each individual can learn.

Both sides can be said to have their own strengths. I don’t know who is imitating whom, but there must be a sequence.

In the game, I encountered something closely related to reality. Xiao Ming is no longer surprised.

It is normal to think that the basis of the Magic Planet game is the Fuxi Qin.

Maybe, in the process of making the game, not only the Terran optical brain, but also the remnants of the Zerg and the Protoss may have intervened.

This Protoss Domain is likely the result of Protoss interference.

The last time was to obtain the qualification, and this time is Xiao Ming’s first time to enter the domain.

The game is really very face-saving. The first skill learned is very good. Xiao Ming named this skill [Feedback].

[Feedback] is a skill used against the enemy, which can detonate the opponent’s mental power and cause great damage to the opponent’s vitality.

Of course, the higher the opponent’s mental power, the greater the mental power consumed by the party to perform the skill.

With Xiao Ming’s current level 6 mental power, it is estimated that it is enough to face most enemies.

This is probably the skill used by the Protoss against the Zerg and Terrans. It is specially used to deal with individuals with extremely high mental power.

Xiao Ming feels that this ability is not only effective for mental power, but also for magic power.

However, it is ineffective for the Force, spiritual power, telekinesis, chakra, microcosm, etc. It is estimated that it is definitely ineffective for domineering.

Why is this so? Xiao Ming has not yet reached that level and has no idea of ​​the principle.

In fact, Xiao Ming completely misunderstood this skill. He is using his own energy system as a reference.

In fact, this skill is effective for any supernatural energy, but it can also be said to be ineffective.

This mainly depends on how closely the opponent combines the supernatural energy with himself; at the same time, it also depends on the level of understanding of the supernatural energy of the person performing the skill.

In addition, this skill is particularly effective for mental power and magic power because it is developed by the Protoss.

Xiao Ming's supernatural energy has been combined into an energy network, which can be said to be quite tight.

If this skill is used on Xiao Ming, it will not be very effective even against mental power and magic power.

That’s why Xiao Ming thought that this skill was only effective for mental power and magic power. And the effect was not particularly strong.

However, this misunderstanding was soon resolved. After learning the skill, all souls also learned it together.

The Insect King looked around and felt that all the Zergs could be hurt by the Feedback skill.

Especially the Zerg humans, they all have small universes, spiritual power, and telekinesis. Xiao Ming felt that they could all be detonated together.

Even the supernatural energy of the B-level Zerg humans under his command can be detonated.

However, a major feature of the Zerg humans is that their health bars are long (strong vitality), and detonating them will only cause injuries, and they cannot be killed at all.

Moreover, the main reason why Xiao Ming can easily use the Feedback skill on Zerg humans is that Zerg humans are all his own descendants.

Zerg humans have almost no resistance to Xiao Ming’s will. If it were a normal opponent. It would definitely not be so easy.

It is estimated that A-level masters can probably resist his feedback. If it is B-level, it is estimated that it can resist part of it; C-level ones probably can’t resist it.

The giant centipede lying in the asteroid field in front of me, although it has strong mental power, has no ability to resist the feedback because its brain is broken.

But with such a huge body, it may not die if it really explodes, right?

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