Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 615 The past of the seven young generals

The force of the Seven Generals of Jianyue was defeated by the Undead Tribe, and the Seven Generals and their subordinates had actually all died in the battle.

Later, for some reason, the Seven Generals and some of their subordinates turned into undead and reborn. After rebirth, they were still wandering ghosts without a home.

Moreover, they had lost too much memory, and many old things could no longer be remembered.

At first, they even forgot each other, and each of them led their subordinates to wander around the main island of Japan.

Later, they gradually remembered each other unconsciously.

Under the inspiration of the brotherhood in the dark, they reunited and formed two teams on the way of wandering.

They were led by Fudao Zhengzheng and Katang Qingzheng respectively. They should have fought for the world after the reunion.

Katang Qingzheng led Katagiri Qiyuaner, Pingye Taichang, Zaowu Wuzhe and others, and even built a city and checkpoints on Guibei Mountain. Waiting for the arrival of Fudao Zhengzheng's troops.

However, at this moment, things changed. This unit of Jiatang Qingzheng was spotted by a lich prophet of the Undead.

They were sent to the territory of the human race Daming through a portal, and were given the task of expanding the territory for the Undead.

There is no doubt that this lich prophet was the prophet who later issued the task chain [Invasion of the Undead] to the dead.

As a result, Jiatang Qingzheng's Undead unit encountered a bandit soon after entering the territory of Daming, which was Luo Rucai's unit.

Luo Rucai, in line with the righteousness of the race, ignored Jiatang Qingzheng's temptation and directly confronted him.

Luo Rucai was a purple commander-level hero, and Jiatang Qingzheng, a blue leader-level hero, was indeed no match for him.

He fled back to the main island of Japan through the portal in a panic, preparing to recuperate.

He never expected that Luo Rucai would be so brave that in order to get rid of the trouble, he actually took his troops through the portal. A thousand-mile chase!

Another big battle. Jiatang Qingzheng's small force was completely wiped out.

Katang Qingzheng and Katagiri Qiyuan fled separately, Zaoya Wuzhe and Pingye Taichang were captured by Luo Rucai and imprisoned in the prison of Guibei Mountain City.

What happened later was the personal experience of the deceased.

On the map of Funnel Village, Xiao Ming repaired an abandoned tavern.

He happened to meet Katagiri Qiyuan who was escaping and recruited him to his team. Later, he fought with Luo Rucai's forces.

As a result, Xiao Ming took away both the checkpoint and Guibei Mountain City by mistake. Luo Rucai fled back to Daming with one general.

His hero Dongshanhu and general Wang Yilong, as well as the two undead generals in prison, joined the deceased.

Not long after, the deceased led his troops through the portal and came to Daming. At this time, Luo Rucai had long disappeared.

The deceased met the lich prophet, took on the quest chain [Invasion of the Undead], and was teleported to the southwest of Daming by the prophet.

After a period of development, three cities, Pingnan City, Zhennan City, and Dingnan City, were built. After completing the initial tasks, the undead forces under his command developed vigorously.

Let's talk about Jiatang Qingzheng who escaped alone. Of course, he went to his good brother Fudao Zhengzhi.

Fudao Zhengzhi not only took him in, but also gave him half of his subordinates. He is worthy of being a good brother.

When the two heroes returned with their troops, they found that the checkpoints and cities had changed hands.

Several undead weighed their own strength. They could not withstand the catapults left by Xiao Ming at the checkpoint.

So they broke up into small pieces and passed the checkpoints and portals as refugees.

Xiao Ming once discovered that the hero who was missed in the tavern of Guibei Mountain City was one of them.

After passing the portal, he saw the Lich Prophet. Jiatang Qingzheng then knew the true whereabouts of several brothers.

However, the mission he had taken on before had failed, and the Lich Prophet would not provide him with teleportation services.

So these two undead troops sneaked over from the heart of the Ming Dynasty, hiding during the day and coming out at night. That's why it took so long.

Moreover, the undead are not welcome in the Ming Dynasty, and even the bandits will beat them.

Last time, they were too ostentatious, and were beaten by a bandit. Jia Tang Qingzheng learned a lesson, and this time he was super cowardly and basically didn't dare to show up.

This also led to their troops lacking supplies, so they had such a miserable life along the way. The troops gradually declined.

Several cities of the deceased had been formed, and Jia Tang Qingzheng didn't dare to touch them at all.

Later, when he saw the pile of ship wreckage, Jia Tang Qingzheng finally found an opportunity to show his skills.

So he built a simple water fort with these broken ships. He is worthy of being an expert in architecture.

They rested in the water fort, preparing to find an opportunity to sneak attack the main force of the deceased and snatch their brothers back.

The undead speak directly. The skeleton cavalryman didn't care that the accuser was standing next to him. He said these words directly.

The undead generals didn't feel embarrassed. It was normal for their brothers to want to snatch them back.

However, they lived quite well under the accuser. They also felt the huge development potential of the accuser in the future. They definitely didn't want to leave the accuser.

In the same mission, Jia Tangqing led a stronger force than the accuser, but was beaten.

On the other hand, the accuser was able to expand the territory easily. The difference between the two was obvious.

If possible, they also hoped that other brothers would join the accuser.

After a while, the whole army of undeads came out of the water fort, and four undead heroes/generals came with the army.

The seven brothers finally met, and naturally they talked about the past, leaving the informant aside.

Xiao Ming didn't mind, anyway, these will be our own people in the future. I'll use you to death.

Soon the plot developed to the stage of how to subdue the seven young generals of Jianyue.

Such a force, in the early stage of the game, must not be easily subdued by the player.

Xiao Ming came to the southwest again through the portal. He delayed the time to meet with Jia Tang Qingzheng's troops. Otherwise, they would have met long ago.

If they met early, the ending would definitely not be good. The strength of the informant was not strong enough, and the favorability between him and the three generals was not enough.

Jia Tang Qingzheng was also a wise general. Maybe he would use the relationship between the three brothers and the informant to cooperate with each other.

The informant would probably be skinned alive if he didn't die.

However, these plots did not happen. Because Xiao Ming accidentally pulled away the time. He accumulated strength and favorability.

The reason why there was no battle on the spot at this moment was that the favorability between the accuser and the three generals was high enough.

Because of the function of the Eight-foot Mirror. Jiatang Qingzheng and Fudao Zhengzhi decided to give the accuser a chance to conquer him.

The accuser needs to pass three levels in a row.

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