Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 635 Blacksmith

The newly obtained Level 5 Barracks blueprint, the game system actually allows the intelligent program to make the decision, and directly build the Skeleton Mausoleum in the Funnel City.

It's true that it is Xiao Ming's first choice. Since the intelligent program is willing to make the decision, let it do it. It doesn't hurt for them to bear more burdens.

On the adventure map, the White Fang Chamber of Commerce branch in Gray Bone City is doing a booming business. Although the boss is often away, he provides a large number of products from other races.

These things are very popular in Gray Bone City. With the support of the city lord Bai Yulin and the control of the intelligent Gray Bone Youyi.

It made a lot of money as soon as it opened, and it was profitable in many ways. The products of Gray Bone City are also very popular with other races.

Xiao Ming suddenly thought of Xiao Shennong. Xiao Shennong was also an artificial intelligence. Xiao Ming's awakening spirit turned it into an independent existence.

It seems that he can do the same operation with the artificial intelligence Xiao Er'er and Xiao San'er.

Xiao Ming's awakening spirit has not yet produced a soul with a bad "character", and of course there is no particularly outstanding one. It can only be said that it's okay.

Thinking that Xiao Er'er was originally the original intelligent program of his own replica, and he had caused it to crash, he felt a little guilty.

So Xiao Er'er, as a pioneer, was given an independent soul by Xiao Ming.

Later, the response was quite good, and Xiao Ming successively awakened the souls of Xiao San'er, Xiao Si'er, and Xiao Wu'er.

Only Xiao Liu'er was still a broken intelligent program. He could not be awakened for the time being.

Xiao Er'er and his friends' main business was still playing games. After having souls, they had almost the same authority as players.

There were more things they could do. They were definitely a group of high-level substitutes.

In addition, they could also control some of Xiao Ming's replicas in the Yanhuang Three Star System and complete some military tasks for Xiao Ming. This was a plus.

They could even explore the secret realm. In fact, the secret realm was the favorite of the intelligent programs.

But Xiao Ming strictly restricted these side jobs to be done after the main game was suspended.

Otherwise, these naughty guys would really abandon the characters in the game. This was all learned from Xiao Ming.

Xiao Er and Xiao Wu were originally A-level intelligent programs, and they were very good at doing these things; Xiao San and Xiao Si were a little dumber, but not bad.

In fact, Xiao San and Xiao Si were good kids, much more obedient than the other two.

The diver delivered a hero mission to Naga Geralt, 300 weapons.

Recently, Xiao Ming has focused on other things. The quality of this mission did not reach the ideal level he had expected.

But he still got a good reward. The diver became a green elite hero. He got the racial talent: primary blacksmith.

He can provide equipment to the troops on the strategic map. The premise is that he has learned the blueprints. The number of equipment forged is limited to the range corresponding to the command power.

Initially, the diver has 100 points of command power, and the diver can forge as many sets of equipment as the number of arms that can be matched.

The strategic profession is Naga Blademaster, and the level is also the initial 0th level 0, which is quite standard.

However, as the leader of the underwater Temple of Light, the diver has the power to build a temple guard in the strategic map and the adventure map.

The guard in the adventure map is recruited and built by Geralt on behalf of the Naga clan.

On the strategic map, the diver directly obtained the [Primary Navy Admiral Skin]. He also gained the title of the first admiral of the temple guard.

The diver was lucky to have the admiral skin as soon as he appeared. Naturally, he triple-strengthened it without hesitation, level 0/40.

When he was transferred to the strategic map, the diver found that the agreement between the diver and the Naga headquarters also included the strategic map.

On the strategic map, the diver also obtained a temple guard supported by the Naga.

Unlike the adventure map, which is still under construction. The navy in the strategic map has been formed.

The fleet consists of 5 small sea clan ships, carrying 500 sea clan sailors of level 0. But there are no generals or navigators.

The diver himself brought 10 level 20 four-armed Naga swordsmen and 10 level 1 octopus slingers.

The level of the Naga swordsmen is very high, probably because the diver is a four-armed Naga and has received the blessing of the system.

But what about the 10 level 1 0 octopus slingers? It seems that these are not hired by himself on the adventure map.

And there is not even a system prompt. Xiao Ming guessed that this should be a benefit provided by the octopus boss.

These powerful long-ranges are of great help to the diver's strategic forces.

Seeing this, the audience will definitely be very strange. The sea people swim in the water all day long, what is the use of ships? What kind of fleet is formed?

This is a unique setting for the sea people in the game. It is mainly to get closer to the combat mode on land.

So the underwater map in the strategic map is actually just a map with water. It is divided into several layers such as sea surface, shallow sea, middle sea, and deep sea.

Although the soldiers of the sea tribe can swim, they cannot swim for a long time or long distance, and they will get tired. So they need vehicles.

The ships of the sea tribe are more like underwater vehicles. They are made from the skeletons of large sea beasts, such as the skeletons of dead whales.

Compared with the ships of land races, the ships of the sea tribe are submarines, which can sail in the deep sea and float on the surface.

It is poor in durability and long-range attack, but the price is very high.

It is almost never sold to land races, and ordinary land races can't play with the ships of the sea race.

In this regard, the sea race has no way to deal with the ships of the land race. They can only let them decay.

The main task of the ships of the sea race is not to fight with the land races on the sea surface; but to compete with other sea races in the underwater battlefield.

What makes the divers most frustrated is that there will be no wreckage of the sea race ships on the seabed, not even a place for shipwrecks.

Because the wreckage of the ships of the land races is useless to the sea race, they can leave the wreckage. But the wreckage of the ships of the sea races is useful.

Therefore, the wreckage of the sea race ships is almost invisible on the seabed, causing Xiao Ming to be unable to pick it up even if he wants to.

Not to mention repairing large sea race ships for his own use. There is no way, he can only use the 5 small ships given by the Naga clan.

The diver came to the strategic map and chose the place where the fleet of his subordinate Lao Xiedai appeared and met with them.

Although the divers are somewhat interested in the battle under the sea, they are indeed lacking in energy at the moment.

So Xiao Ming chose to let the divers' fleet and the old shoelaces' ships cooperate in the battle. The effect should be very good.

With the intelligent program with soul to take care of it, Xiao Ming feels that he can rest assured for the time being.

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