Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 668 The Storm Strikes

A team of reincarnators that was just formed less than two months ago, the price of framing them is ridiculously expensive.

This can only mean that there is something wrong with this team, and their potential may be very high.

With such a team of talents, the organization that framed Xiao Ming would certainly kill the Mingjing team in the cradle for its own purposes.

According to all the information obtained, the core of this team is the captain, Zhang Xiaoming, nicknamed the leader. They decided to capture the king first.

Of course, the reincarnation space will not tell the other party the specific price, but only tell the other party that their wealth is not enough and reject their application.

The space did not reveal the specific cost of framing the Mingjing team. If this information is given out casually, it will cause big problems.

The reincarnations can use this method to spy on other people's intelligence by testing the reincarnation space.

Of course, even if their wealth is enough, the space will only tell them that it is enough, and they need to confirm the action before deducting the corresponding resources.

Only then will the other party know how much money they have spent.

Even if the space shows that the money is enough, the other party can cancel the application. It is not necessary to do it to the end after applying.

In fact, when the other party fails to frame the Mingjing team, they will be fined by the space.

Similarly, if the application is temporarily cancelled, they will also be fined. There will always be some losses in doing such things.

Of course, if the other party thinks it is very important information, it is worth it for them to pay this price to spy.

Using this method to test each other's strength is a common method among high-level reincarnations.

This time, the other party felt it was worth it. Framing an E-level team is priced so high. This is important information in itself.

Because of this, the other party also listed Xiao Ming as one of the main attack targets of their organization.

So there was a plan to drag Xiao Ming into the water by framing Pang Si, an outsider.

This plan is now the best time to execute. It can't be too late, and it can't be too early.

If it is too late, Xiao Ming is likely to get relevant information. It will be more difficult to trick Xiao Ming into joining the game at that time.

Reincarnations in the reincarnation space, as long as they don't waste time, they generally won't die. Unless you encounter this kind of world of absolute killing.

When Xiao Ming didn't know this information, he felt safe and the possibility of being tricked was higher.

In addition, in this reincarnation mission, a certain force took the initiative to challenge the Mingjing team.

This organization also chose to launch at this time, firstly to confuse people.

Secondly, it can also make Xiao Ming relax his vigilance and think it is a normal battle mode. It's just a little different.

If it was done at an earlier time, it would be obvious that it was a trap, and Xiao Ming's chance of being fooled would naturally be lower.

This time it is not a 100% success rate. Xiao Ming may not care about Pang Si at all.

However, based on the organization's understanding of Xiao Ming, they believe that Xiao Ming is more likely to choose to save people.

Anyway, it is always worth a try. This organization wants to use the smallest price to exchange for the greatest results.

As they expected, Xiao Ming really fell into the trap. Seeing the message on the note. Xiao Ming was a little worried for the first time.

At this time, he hadn't figured out everything yet, he only knew that he was tricked.

But Xiao Ming didn't have a sense of crisis at all, and didn't think he would really die in this world.

Xiao Ming always bought all kinds of props in the rating mall. Among them, Xiao Ming had 2 gold-level exit scrolls worth 400 points. It was enough to get himself and Pang Si out together. There were also 6 silver-level exit scrolls, maybe that one would be enough. As for the dozen bronze-level ones, Xiao Ming didn't have much hope.

Besides, the mission world has boundaries. That boundary can trap the reincarnation, but Xiao Ming can pass through it unimpeded. At worst, we can jump into the water and swim all the way out of this world.

If these tricks don't work, and there is really no way out, Xiao Ming thinks that if he asks Qianxinglou for help, he still has a chance to escape.

Of course, these are all back-up plans. Now, he can try to crack this world first.

Xiao Ming continued to travel with the group without a sound. Aunt Wang was excited and started to talk nonsense.

The characters in the plot thought that she had some problems or a mental attack, so they gave her a sedative and let her sleep. She is also a pitiful person.

It was not her business, but she was dragged into it. The other temporary reincarnations were in the same situation.

The fire at the city gate affected the innocent people. It was inevitable that he felt a little guilty.

Xiao Ming really wanted to crack this world and save everyone.

Of course, if he couldn't do it, there was nothing he could do. Xiao Ming was not a saint. He could help, but he would not sacrifice himself for these people.

At this time, Xiao Ming only knew that this was an infinite loop world. But he didn't understand the details. The information was not very clear.

It was not a simple matter to send information to such a special world. So there would not be many words in the information. It was very general.

Who is the core figure of this world and the specific plot direction were not mentioned in the information. Xiao Ming needs to rely on his own strength to discover the truth.

In addition, the special situation in this world was caused by the god of death. Therefore, Xiao Ming, the golden VIP, was no exception.

All supernatural energies were suppressed, and Guangmingding and Kunlun were both in a closed state.

Huang Xiaoming and Lu Xiaoming, who were hiding inside, were in a normal state, but they could not come out to help.

In terms of soul, they could still maintain a common state with Yin Xiaoming outside. They could also help Xiaoming relieve his boredom.

Since they could not get out, Huang Xiaoming played the secret realm game, while Lu Xiaoming tried to use medical ninjutsu and earth resentment to help Zhang Zhong recover earlier.

In the Naruto world, there is a supernatural power like the Samsara Eye. If you get it, you should be able to save Zhang Zhong. Unfortunately, Xiaoming did not get the relevant information.

Soon, a storm suddenly hit and the yacht capsized. A woman named Heather and two reincarnations in the plot fell into the water and disappeared.

Among them was Aunt Wang, who fell asleep and could not respond in time; the other missing reincarnation was because he could not swim.

Others struggled to survive. After the storm passed, everyone climbed onto the upside-down yacht and waited for rescue.

Actually, two months ago, Xiao Ming was also a landlubber. He had no interest in swimming.

After becoming a superhuman, he had supernatural energy and abilities, so swimming came naturally to him.

Now, even though his strength has been suppressed, swimming has become his passive instinct. It saved his life, otherwise it would have been a bit troublesome.

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